Military 4-H End of the Year Report
For 4-H clubs doing projects in the Healthy Living Focus Area
Name of Club: ______
Name of Club Leader(s): ______Ph. #: ______
Name of Person Completing this report: ______
Title of 4-H Healthy Living Curriculumused: ______
Source: __ check if National or list which State if using materials from a State:______
No. of “volunteers” who assisted you with this 4-H club? __
Total number of hours these volunteers spent on this club? __
List the 4-H trainings/conference calls and webinars that club leaders for this project participated in:
Project Activities:
No. of project activities taught (from curriculum) ______
# of members who participated in this activity
Activity 1 (List) ______
Activity 2 (List) ______
Activity 3 (List) ______
Activity 4 (List) ______
Activity 5 (List) ______
Activity 6 (List) ______
Activity 7 (List) ______
Activity 8 (List) ______
Activity 9 (List) ______
Activity 10 (List) ______
If you have other activities from the project curriculum, please list them on a separate sheet of paper
No. of club members who gave a demonstration or presentation in this project area: ______
No. of club members who completed 4-H record books in this project area: ______
No. of youth in this project that recite the 4-H pledge: ______
Please list the 4-H community service project(s) that your 4-H members participated in this year:
What project skills did the youth use in these service projects? (i.e. meal planning, food preparation, etc)
Club Member (Youth) Responses:
After all project activities have been completed, in a group setting, please ask members to raise their hands to answer the following statements. Enter number of responses in each box.
Question / StronglyAgree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly
Disagree / Did Not Respond
I know how to make healthy food choices
I learned why it is important for me to eat a healthy diet
I get 60 minutes of physical activity each day
I do moderate physical activities like walking, helping around the house, raking leaves, or using the stairs
1) Quotes from your 4-H members about their participation in your 4-H Club.
Club Leader Responses:
2) What did you enjoy about this 4-H project curriculum?
3) What was the most difficult part about using this 4-H curriculum as the basis for your club’s project activities?
4) What would you consider to be your club’s most significant accomplishments in doing 4-H project work this year?
5) What have your 4-H club members learned through their 4-H project experiences this year?
6.) Please include photos of club meetings and projects.