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Legal qualifications

  • Barrister-at-Law of Lincoln’s Inn, London (2003)
  • Advocate, Supreme Court of Bangladesh
  • Associate Member, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London(ACIArb)
  • Associate Member, Singapore Institute of Arbitrators, Singapore (ASIArb)
  • Associate Member, Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators, Hong Kong (AHKIArb)
  • Panel Mediator, Bangladesh International Arbitration Center(BIAC)
  • CEDR Accredited Mediator, London, UK


  • Bar Vocation Course, the College of Law, London, UK
  • Bachelor of Laws (Hons), University of London, UK(2002)
  • HigherSecondaryCertificate (HSC), Dhaka College, Dhaka.
  • Secondary School Certificate (SSC), DhakaResidentialModel College, Dhaka.


  • Member, International Bar Association
  • Member, Bangladesh Supreme Court Bar Association
  • Member, Dhaka Bar Association
  • Member, Barristers' Association of Bangladesh

Employment History

  • Head of Chambers (2006-today) of Rahman’s Chambers
  • Ex Legal Consultant, Power Cell, Power Division,Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources, Dhaka (2007-2008)
  • Ex Associate, A. Hossain & Associates, Dhaka Office (The chambers of Mr. Ajmalul Hossain QC) &Support Lawyer, Legal Counsel, Central Bank Strengthening Project, Bangladesh Bank for A Hossain & Associates ( 2004-2006)
  • Ex trainee, Lee, Khan & Partners (2004).

Reported (in law reports) Cases Successfully Conducted

  • LC Fraud(Hallmark case)Alvi Spinning Mills Ltd and others vs Govt of Bangladesh19MLR(HCD)277
  • Institutional Reorganisation:Md Shamsuddin and 256 others vs Bangladesh2CLR(HCD)(2014) 523
  • International Trade:Freight Management vs. Bangladesh Bank2 CLR(HCD)(2014)586
  • Admiralty and Maritime claim:Marodi Services vs MV Swift Cro. in2 CLR(HCD) (2014) 456
  • Arbitration(power plant):BPDB vs. Summit Industrialin19 BLC(2014)284; 2 CLR(HCD) (2014)73
  • CIB report(guarantor):Anwar Cement Limited vs. Bangladesh Bank reported in65 DLR (2013) 97;40CLC(HCD) 2011
  • Natural justice:Amjad Hossain vs. Bangladesh Bank reported in17 BLC (HC) 188;41CLC(HCD)2012
  • Tenancy:Dr. Moosa Bin Shamsher vs. Ayub Ali & Others reported in2 LNJ (2013) 18

Position Held (Past/Present)

  • Member, Election Appellate Board, Leather-goods Footwear & Manufacturer’s Association of Bangladesh
  • Member, Election Appellate Board,Bangladesh German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BGCCI)
  • Chairman, Election Appellate Board, Leather-goods Footwear & Manufacturer’s Association of Bangladesh
  • Legal Adviser, Primary Dealers of Bangladesh Limited
  • Retainer, Data Path Ltd
  • Retainer, Saturn Textiles Ltd.
  • Retainer, UAE-Bangladesh Investment Company Ltd.(UBICO)
  • Panel lawyer, several banks and financial institutions and others.
  • Regional contributor, World Bank Group, various project

Area of Practice

  • Counsel in Commercial litigation before High court, District/magistrate court &tribunals.
  • Counsel or arbitrator/mediator in arbitration, mediation and other ADR.
  • Commercial transactions,International Trade, Trade fraud
  • Commercial banking, finance and insurance and related fraud
  • Maritime, Shipping, shipbuilding
  • Power, energy and other infrastructure projects
  • Merger/Amalgamation, Corporate restructuring and related fraud

Other important litigation appeared

  • LC Payment:Rahul Computex vs. Fahami Apparels Ltd;
  • LC fraud:How are You Ltd vs. Taqwa fabrics; Saturn Textiles Ltd vs. Showzing
  • VAT:Crown Melamine Ind. Ltd vs. VAT Appellate Tribunal
  • Customs: Energy Prima vs BPDB.
  • Shipbuilding:Hyldebrand Singapore Pte Ltd vs Ananda Shipward

Arbitration, Mediation and ADR

  • Power: Summit Power Limited vs. BPDB
  • Power: Smith Co-generation (BD) Ltd. vs. BPDB and GOB
  • Power: Quantum Power vs BPDB
  • IT:Infotech Pte Ltd vs Bangladesh Bank
  • Shipbuilding: Ananda Shipyard and Slipways Ltd vs. Komrowski Maritim GMBH, Germany
  • VAT:Grameen Danone Foods Ltd vs. Customs, Excise and VAT Authorities (ADR from Appellate Tribunal)


  • VAT:Grameen Danone Foods Ltd vs. Commissioner, Customs, Excise and VAT commissionerate
  • Labour:BPDB vs. Mozammel Hoque


  • Takeover of Rancon Sweaters Ltd from Saturn Textiles by A K Khan and MU Union, Kong Kong
  • Merger and Amalgamation of New Gen Graphics Ltd and BD Internet Exchange Ltd.
  • Power project due diligence and tender documentation for YTL Power International Behard.
  • Takeover of Sunshine garments by Fakir Knitwear Ltd
  • Syndication/club lending documentation a/c: Bangladesh Biman
  • Financing documentation for power project participant Meiya Power Co. Ltd and others.

Involvement with Legislation/Guideline drafting/vetting

  • Bangladesh Bank Order ( amendment) 2009, Bank Company Ain (amendment) Draft 2009, Financial Institutions Act (Draft) (amendment) 2009 and its translation.
  • Money Laundering and Terrorist Finance Act (Draft)
  • secured Transaction Act (Draft)
  • Guideline on Islamic Banking
  • Guideline on Debt and Equity Participation
  • Guideline on Public Private Partnership (power sector)


  • Crisis time drafting of commercial contracts published in the Daily Star
  • Judicial Intervention in Administrative Action: Bangladesh Bank Perspective. The Daily Star
  • Preventing Money Laundering: What should be the mechanism?The Daily Star

Certificate Course Attended

  • Labor Mediation: Technique and Approaches byFederal Mediation & Conciliation Service, USAand BIAC
  • Project Finance Training CoursebyInfrastructure Development Company Ltd.
  • Executive Course on VAT at BDjobs training centre

Major Seminars Attended

  • CIArb (East Asia Branch) Centenary Celebration atJW Marriott Hotel, Hong Kong in 2015.


  • Bengali
  • English
  • Hindi


  • travelling
  • Sports.

Contact Details (Direct)
Phone:(+8802)58815415, 9852821, Ext:101

Banani Main Chambers
Rangs Shawpnil
Flat No. 2A, 2nd Floor
House No. 02, Road No.2/3,
Banani, P.O.: Gulshan,
Dhaka.1212, Bangladesh.
Phone: (+8802) 9852821,58815415
Fax:(+8802)8835936, 9362673 / GeneralEnquiry:.
Phone:(+8802)58815415, 9852821
Fax:(+8802)8835936, 9362673.
For appointment with
Head of Chambers:
Ph: (+8802)58815415, 9852821-Ext: 105/103.
Usual appointment time:
Between 5 pm to 7 pm-Banani;
Between 1 pm to 2 pm-Kakrail.