a, an = without, not
ab= away, off
abilis = able to
acceler = hasten
ad, af = near, toward
aero = air
alb = white
ameb, amoeb = change
amphi = on both sides
ana = away, onward
andro = male
angio = case, capsule
antho, anth = flower
anthropo = man, human
anti = against
aqua = water
arachna = spider
archae = ancient
arterio = dealing with arteries
arthro = joint
asco = bag, sac
ase = enzyme
aster = star
atmo = breath, vapor
auri = ear
auto = self
avi = bird
bi = two, twice, double
bin = two, two at a time
bio, be, ba = life
blast = embryo
bov = cow
brachi = arm
bry = grow
calcan = heel
calor = heat
cani = dog
capilli = hair
cardi = heart
carni = flesh
carpo = wrist
caryo = nucleus of cell
cat = down, break down
caud= tail
centi = one-hundredth; 100
centro = center
cephalo = head
cera = horn
cerebro = brain
cervi = neck
cet = whale
chemo = chemical
chloro = green
chromo = color
chrono = time
cide = kill
cili = small hair
co, col, com, con, cum =
with, together
cocco = berry, grain
coel = hollow cavity
coron = crown
corpus = body
cranio = skull
crist = crown
cumul = heap, mass
cuti = skin
cyano = dark blue
cyclo = round
cyst = bladder, pouch
cyto, cyte = cell
dactyl = finger or toe
de = down, away from
deca = ten
deci = one-tenth
decid = falling off
dens = thick
dent, dont = tooth
demo = people
derm = skin, layer
di = two, twice, double
dia = across, separate, apart
dicho = twofold
diplo = double
dis = separate, double
dissect = cut
dorm = sleep
dorso = back
duct = lead
dys = ill, bad
e, ex, ec = out, out of
echino = spiny, bristle
eco = house
ecto = outside
electro = referring to
emia = blood
en = in
ence = action, process of
endo = within, inside
entomo = insect
epi = on, over
equi = equal; horse
ergo = work
erythro = red
eu = true, good, well
exo = outside, without
extra = outside, beyond
feli = cat
femur = thigh
fer = to carry, to bear
fibr = a fiber
fiss = cleft, spilt
flagell = whip
foli = leaf
folli = bag
fuge = something that
drives away
ganglio = knot
gastro = stomach
geno, gen = created, born
geny = production
geo = earth
gest = to carry
glob = ball, sphere
gluco, glyco = pertaining to
gono = seed
graph = write or draw
gymno = naked
gyn = woman
habit = live, dwell
haplo = single
helic = a spiral, coil
helminth = worm
hemi = one-half
hemo = blood
hepato = liver
herbi = grass, pertaining to plants
herpet = reptile
hetero = other, different
hexa = six
hiberna = winter
histo = tissue
homo, homeo = similar
hormono = excite
hydro = water
hyper = over, above, excessive
hypo = under, below, less than
ic = characterized by
ichthyo = fish
icle = little
ign = fire
im = not, in, into
in = not, without, in
infra = below
inter = between, among
intra = within, inside of
ism = process of; condition
iso = equal
ist = person skilled in
ite = stone, fossil
itis = inflamed condition
ity = condition, state
ject = throw
juven = youth, young
kary = nucleus
kilo = one thousand
kin = motion
lact = milk
latero = side
leuco = white
libra = balance
lipo = fat
loco = place
logy = study of
lumin = light
lun, luna = moon
lute = yellowish
lyso, lysis = dissolve, loosen,
maci = leanness
macro = long, large
magni = great
maniple = handful
mars = bag, pouch
maxill = jaw
maxim = largest
mega = large, one million
mei = less
meri, mere = part
meso = middle
meta = after, change
metall = mine, metal
meteor = high in air; heavenly
body; weather
meter = a measure
micro = small, one-millionth
milli = one-thousandth; 1000
mono = single, one
morph = form
multi = many
muta = change
myco = pertaining to fungi
myo = muscle
nata = birth, be born
neo = new
nephro = kidney
neuro = nerve
neutr = neither, neutral
nocti = night
nomy = law, the science of
non = not
noto = back
nucleo = nut
octo = eight
oculo = relating to eyes, vision
oid = like, form
oligo = few
oma = tumor, swelling
omni = all
opti = relating to vision or sight
oral = mouth
orni, ornitho = bird
ortho = straight, upright
osis = act, condition
osteo = bone
otido, oto = ear
ous = full of
oto, otio = ear
ovi, oo = egg
paleo = old
para = beside
patho = disease
ped, pod = foot
penta = five
peri = around
period = regularly occurring event
phage = devour, eating
phob = fear, dread
phono = sound
phoresis = transmission, carrying
photo = light
phragm = barrier
phyll = leaf
physic = physical, natural
phyto = plant
pino = to drink
plasm = fluid; something molded
plast = body, particle
platy = flat, broad
poly = many
poro = passage
post = behind, after
pre, pro = before, in front
proto = first
pseudo = false
pteron = wing or feather
pulmo = lung
pyr = fire
quadri = four
radi = spoke, ray
re = back, again
renal = kidney
rhino = nose
rhizo = root
rostrum = beak
sal = salt
schizo = split
sclero = hard
scope = instrument for
seeing or observing
sect = cut
seismo = shaky, earthquake
semi = half
seta, seti = bristle
sis = the act of
sol = sun
somo, somato = body
speci = type
sperm = seed
spira = breath
sporo = seed
stasis = stoppage, balance
stell = a star
stereo = solid, firm, three-
stolo = twig, shoot
stoma = mouth
super = above , over
sub = under, less
sui, sus = pig
sym, syn = binding with, together
synthesis = putting together
sys = with, together
tars = ankle
tax, taxis, taxo = arrangement
telo = end
tendo = stretching
terrestr = on land
tetra = four
therapia = nurse, care
therm = warm, heat
tic = relate to
tion = action, process of
trans = across, beyond
tri = three
trich = hair
tropho = nourishment, feeder
tropism = turning
thoracic = chest
ultra = beyond, excessive
uni = one
vacci = cow
vacu = empty
vaso = vessel
vect = carried
ventral = belly
vert, vort = turn
vertebr = a vertebra
vis, vid = see
viva = alive, living
vore = eat
xantho = yellow
xeros = dry
zoo = animal
zygo = yoke, pair