January, 2012


NAME: Dolph Lee Hatfield

Place of Birth: El Paso, Texas

Citizenship: United States

Marital Status: Married


Jan, 1955Graduated from High School

June, 1958B.A. (Biology), University of Texas at Austin

June 1960M.A. (Biology), University of Texas at Austin

Jan., 1962Ph.D. (Biology), University of Texas at Austin (Thesis: Part I: Uric

acid riboside; Part II: New naturally occurring pteridines)

Brief Chronology of Employment:

Jan. 1958-Sept. 1958Research Assistant, University of Texas at Austin

Sept. 1958-Jan. 1962Welch Foundation Scholarship

Feb. 1960-July 1960Teaching Assistant, Department of Zoology,

University of Texas at Austin

Feb. 1961-July 1961Teaching Assistant, Department of Zoology,

University of Texas at Austin

Jan. 1961-July 1962Postdoctoral Fellow, Genetics Foundation,

University of Texas at Austin

(Above positions in the laboratory of Dr. H.

S. Forrest)

July 1962-July 1964PHS Fellow, Department of Biochemistry,


(Laboratory of Dr. James B. Wyngarden)

July 1964-July 1966American Cancer Society Postdoctoral

Fellow, National Heart Institute, NIH

(Laboratory of Dr. Marshall W. Nirenberg)

July 1966-Nov. 1966Research Staff, National Heart Institute

Dec. 1966-Dec. 1967PHS Postdoctoral Fellow, NCI, NIH, Institut

Pasteur, Paris, France

(Laboratory of Dr. Jacques Monod)

Curriculum Vitae – Dolph L. Hatfield – Page 2

Dec. 1967-Feb. 1986Research Biologist, Laboratory of Molecular

Carcinogenesis, DCE, National Cancer


Feb. 1986-July 1996Research Biologist, Laboratory of

Experimental Carcinogenesis, DCE,

National Cancer Institute

July 1996-Dec. 2003Chief, Section of the Molecular Biology of

Selenium, Basic Research Laboratory

Center for Cancer Research

Division of Basic Sciences

National Cancer Institute

(Laboratory of Dr. Douglas Lowy)

Dec. 2003-Present Chief, Section of the Molecular Biology of

Selenium, Laboratory of Cancer Prevention

Center for Cancer Research

Division of Basic Sciences

National Cancer Institute

(Laboratory of Dr. Nancy Colburn)

Research Interests:

Role of selenium in health, specifically in the ability of this unique element to prevent cancer and heart disease and to delay the aging process; the mechanism whereby selenium becomes covalently bound in protein which involves selenocysteine tRNA and the biosynthesis of selenocysteine; and the development of mouse models to examine the molecular role of selenium and selenoproteins in health.

Awards(1993 to present)

1993National Institutes of Health Award of Merit for Expanding the Genetic Code to Include Selenocysteine, the 21st Naturally Occurring Amino Acid in Protein.

2006 National Institutes of HealthGraduateSchool Student Community Outstanding Mentor Award.

2006 National Cancer Institute Mentor of Merit Award for Excellence in Mentoring and Guiding the Careers of Trainees in Cancer Research.

Klaus Schwartz Commemorative Medal, Awarded by the International Association of Bioinorganic Scientists for the year of 2006. San Diego, CA, February 23, 2007.

Elected to the rank of AAAS Fellow "for distinguished contributions to (the) translation and selenium fields, especially expanding the genetic code and determining the biosynthetic pathway of selenocysteine in eukaryotes." November 11, 2011.

Editorial Board of Molecules and Cells

Business Address: Chief, Section of the Molecular Biology of Selenium

Laboratory of Cancer Prevention

Center for Cancer Research

Division of Basic Sciences

National Cancer Institute

National Institutes of Health

Building 37, Room 5016A

Bethesda, MD20892

Tel: (301) 496-2797

Fax: (301) 435-4957
