Panel Data Methodology and Empirical Analysis

This two-day workshop will provide advanced training on Panel Data Methodology.

Dates:17-18th May 2017

Times: 10.00-17.00 (both days)

Venue:Leeds Institute for Data Analytics (LIDA), Worsley Building, Level 11, Room 11.06 (University of Leeds)

Panel data methods refer to econometric tools used to estimate parameters, compute partial effects of interest in nonlinear models, quantify dynamic linkages, and perform valid inference when data are available on repeated cross sections. The aim of the workshop is to:

  • Identify and discuss how violation of assumptions affect the validity of the statistical inference;
  • Develop estimators with good properties under reasonable assumptions and ensure that statistical inference is valid.
  • Provide practical skills in conducting Econometric analysis by using statistical software tools such as STATA;
  • Establish a network of quantitative researchers that will share best econometric practices.

Participants are not expected to bring laptops with software installed as the room has computers with pre-installed STATA software.

Jeffrey M. Wooldridge is University Distinguished Professor of Economics at Michigan State University, US. His areas of expertise include Econometrics, Panel Data Methods, Control Function Methods and Economics of Education. His books ‘Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data’ The MIT Press, 2nd Edition and ‘Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach’, South-Western Cengage Learning, 4th Edition have been extensively used worldwide by students and researchers in the Disciplines of Economics, Business and Management. He has published in various academic journals including American Economic Review, Journal of Economic Literature, Journals of Econometrics, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Economics Letters, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Journal of Human Resources, Education Finance and Policy, Econometric Theory, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Economic Perspectives.

Effie Kesidou is Lecturer in Applied Economics and Director of Postgraduate Research in the Economics Division at Leeds University Business School, UK. Her research focuses on the application of quantitative techniques in the field of the economics of innovation. Her research has received funding by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), and by the Universities of Nottingham and Leeds. She has published her work in Research Policy, Ecological Economics, Journal of Business Ethics, World Development, European Journal of Development Research, and Industry and Innovation.

Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki is Professor of International Business and acting Director of the Graduate School at Leeds University Business School, UK. Her main research interests focus on philosophy of science, qualitative research in international business/marketing, linguistics and equivalence in cross-language contexts. She is also interested in exploring the interface of art and business phenomena. She has published in various academic journals including the Academy of Management Review, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of World Business, Industrial Marketing Management, International Business Review and International Journal of Management Reviews.


Day 1 / Linear Panel Data Models Under Exogeneity
09.45-10.00 / Registration and refreshments
10.00-12.00 / OLS, Random Effects, Fixed Effects, and First Differencing
12.00-12.30 / Lunch
12.30-14.00 / Practical Work
14:00-14:15 / Coffee
14.15-15:30 / Random Trends and Random Coefficients
15:30-17:00 / Practical Work
Day 2 / Instrumental Variables and Unbalanced Panels
09.45-10.00 / Registration and refreshments
10.00-12.00 / Instrumental Variables Methods
12.00-12.30 / Lunch
12.30-14.00 / Practical Work
14:00-14:15 / Coffee
14.15-15:30 / Unbalanced Panels
15:30-17:00 / Practical Work

Directions to the University of Leeds


The Worsley Building is number 95 on the downloadable map. The training suite is located on the 11th floor in this building.

To register your interest, click on the orange button on the event page:

Please include details of why you wish to be considered for a place in the ‘Additional Information’ section of the online form. You will receive notification if a place is allocated to you. Please do not make any travel arrangements until you have received confirmation of a place. We have a limited number of places available on NARTI events and if at any time you need to withdraw your registration or cancel your place please inform us immediately so that we can offer the place to someone else.

It is expected that you participate for the full duration of the event and allow sufficient time for travelling to the venue.

NARTI and the host institution will cover the full cost of the event and participants are asked to cover the cost of any travel and accommodation as required.

For further details about this or any other NARTI event, please contact Jo Garrick at