Minutes of the October 19th, 2010, MRHS Board of Directors Meeting
President Steve Bowyer, Presiding
The Oct. 19th, 2010 Board Meeting of the Muskegon Railroad Historical Society was called to order by Vice - President Tom Anderson at 7:00 P.M.
Roll Call
Present: Tom Anderson, Mark Kelley, Dave Vryhof, Jason Bach, Steve Shick
Absent: Steve Bowyer
Guests: Jim Funnell, Tim Suckow, Joe Vandersteldt
Presentation of Minutes
Ø Vice President Tom Anderson, noted minutes available on web
President’s Report:
Ø Steve Bowyer None
Secretary’s Report:
Ø None to Report
Treasurer’s Report:
Ø Andy had no report
Ø None to report
Committee Reports:
Layout Committees:
O Gauge:
Ø Still Running fine, All the loops run good.
HO Gauge:
Ø Has done some track work, DCC is working on HO.
Ø Jason Bach made motion to appoint Tim Suckow as HO Co - Chairman due to John T's in ability to attend meetings and care for layout. Steve Shick 2nded the motion. Tim Requested immediate delivery of keys to building to allow access to layouts.
N Scale:
Ø N Scale Chairman Mark Kelley reported that all four lines are operating.
Building Committee:
Ø Nothing new to report
Library Committee:
Ø Library Committee Chairman Jim Funnell reported: We have two new books in the collection.
Train Shows:
Ø We owe the arena for another table.
Program Committee:
Ø Programs are set through March of 2011.
Publicity Committee:
Ø Tom Anderson says there is nothing to report.
Donations Committee:
Ø A small stack of magazines donated by Andy's Busard's father.
Editorial / Website Committee:
Ø Steve Shick - presented Monthly newsletter format for mailing first class postal rates.
He included the membership application on the inside.
Ø Joe Vandersteldt bought forward the issue to the board of a request by Dave Strobe's for permission to post photos of his personal layout as a sub domain to the clubs website. Steve Bowyer made a motion and Jason Bach 2nded the motion. Discussion ensued as to standards for the photos, etc. Motion called, Motion carried.by majority vote.
Special Committee Reports:
Long Term Planning:
Ø None
Business and Project Updates:
Tri Cities Museum:
Ø We need to set a new evening to work on the layout at the museum due to the fact that Mark has to attend classes on Wednesday evenings through December of this year.
News and Views:
Ø Steve Shick says CSX has two intermodal trains from Chicago to Detroit through Grand Rapids. They are making Detroit to Chicago in seven hours.
Ø Coopersville and Marne is Loco is Broken. They need to get some loco's working. The Kent Division is now wholly owned by the C & M.
Ø The NMRA National Convention is coming to Grand Rapids in 2012.
Unfinished Business:
Ø None.
New Business:
Ø The Layouts will be open for the public on Dec. 4-5, 11-12, 18-19, 2010.
Planning on layout's open from 10 - 3 p.m. We need to publish flyers for the Holiday Event.
Ø Steve Bowyer needs help removing layout from Bob Freschette's home.
Ø There will be a special closed meeting of the board on Nov. 9, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of reviewing complaints regarding the conduct of a club member.
Ø Tom Anderson has a merit badge training for a boy scout troop on Tuesday the 26th of October 2010. and he would like members to assisting the Scouts in gaining their merit badges.
Ø Steve Bowyer asked if we are doing ok with the pop. It was reported we are ok.
Ø None
Adjournment of Meeting:
Ø Tom Anderson, Vice - President, adjourned the October 19th, 2010 MRHS Board Meeting at 7:56 P.M.
Minutes Submitted by:
Mark Kelley, Secretary, MRHS