Section 1

  1. Open the presentation The Night Sky. Save the presentation as Sky-yourname.
  2. Go to slide 5 and move the image to slide 1.
    Position the image on the bottom right of slide 1 and increase the size of the image so it is approximately double in size. Make sure the image does not cover any text.
  3. Go to slide2. Move the image to the right of the slide - do NOT resize the image.
    Change the line spacing of the bulleted text to 18ptafter
    Resize the text placeholder so that it is similar to the image below:
  4. This presentation is about the Plough constellation – so you will need to draw in the stars and the lines to make the slides more interesting.
    Go to slide 3. Delete the moon image that is placed on the bottom left of the slide.
    Draw a star using any of the star shapes. Format the star as follows:
    Shape Fill = yellow
    Outline = thickness 1pt, colour blue
    Effect =shadow (any shadow)
  5. Copy and paste the star six times so you have seven identical stars and then move each star over a blue dot.
  6. The name beside the last star is missing. Add a text box and enter the text Dubhe.
    Format the text toArial, 18pt and colour white. Move the text to the right of the star.
    You may need to move some of the other text placeholders to ensure that the stars are not covering any text.
  1. Select all the stars and text placeholders (for the stars) on slide 3by clicking on the first image and holding down the shift key whilst selecting all the other objects.
    Copy the selected objects and paste onto slide 4.
  1. On slide 4 draw lines as shown below to create the shape of a plough.
    Format the line as follows:
    Line colour = bright yellow
    Outline = round dotted line, thickness 3pt
  2. Group all the shapes, images and text boxes (NOT including the title) on this slide. Do not move or re-size the group.
  3. Go to slide5. An image needs to be inserted on the bottom of this slide. The image is located on anotherpresentation. Delete any placeholders that are not required on this slide.
    Open the presentation Telescope and copy the image from slide 2 and paste it into the Sky-yourname presentation at the bottom of slide 5. (For exam purposes it is best practice to use the Switch Windows command on the View tab when switching between open presentations.)
    Reduce the size of the image so that it fits appropriately beneath the text.
  4. Save Sky-yourname and close the presentation. Make sure you do not close any other presentations and the PowerPoint application is still open.
  5. The presentation Telescope should still be open on your screen. Go to slide 3. Insert the image Mt Pleasant on this slide. Increase the size of the image so that it is in keeping with the other images on this presentation.
    Save the presentation as Telescope-yourname and close.

Section 2

  1. Open the presentation Food Pyramid.
  2. Go to slide 2. Enter the text Pasta & Rice in the empty shape on the bottom right of the slide.
    The arrow for Meat, Fish, Eggs & Pulses is pointing in the wrong direction. Use the FormatShape command to change the direction of the arrow – do NOT rotate the arrow.
    The arrow for Fresh Vegetables has moved to the top of the slide near the title. Resize and move the arrow to the correct position.
  3. Go to slide 3. The purple shape is difficult to read.
    Ungroup the shapes.
    Use the Arrange command to bring the purple shape to the front (Bring to Front).
    Use the Arrange command to send the green shape to the back (Send to Back).
  4. Go to slide 4. The image has hidden the contents of this slide.
    Use the Send to Back command to send the image to the background.
    Format the shape containing the text If physical activity is high…as follows:
    Shape Fill = darker shade of blue similar to the other shapes on the slide
    Shape Outline = white, thickness of 1½pt
    Change the vertical alignment of the text to Middle.
  5. Go to slide 5. Select all 4 images of vegetables on the slide use the Align command to AlignBottom.
    Select the 4 images and Group.
    Change the indent of the bulleted list to 1 cm.
  6. Go to slide 6. Increase the linespacing of the bulleted text to 12pt After.
    Resize the text placeholder so you have enough space on the right of the slide for an image. As a guide, reduce the width of the placeholder by half.
    Select a different style of bullet for the bulleted text.
    Search the Clip Art for an image ofmilk. Once you have found a suitable image, insert this onto slide 6. Move the image to the right of the slide – you may need to resize the image to fit within the space.
  7. Go to slide 7. Select the image of the children watching television. Flip the image horizontally.
    Click on the paperscroll image. How can you tell if this image is inserted as a drawn object or a picture?
    Draw a perfect square anywhere below the ‘children watching tv’ image – ensuring that you are not covering any other shapes. Fill the shape with purple (any shade), and change the shape outline as follows:
    Thickness = 3pt
    Line colour = black
    Line style = dashed line
    Draw a block arrow shape facing to the right above the ‘paper scroll’ image. Fill this shape with the colour red and apply a shadow (any style). Rotate this shape as if it is pointing to the top right corner of the slide.
  8. Save this presentation as Nutrition-yourname. View the slide show.
  9. Close the presentation. Exit the application.
  10. When you have finished all the above, save this existing document (ECDL PP task 3) as
    PP Task 3-yourname.
  11. You have now completed this task. Please ensure you have the following files ready to email to Lynn Marsh for checking
    PP Task 3-yourname.docx (this document completed)

L:\MOLU\MOLU common folder\ECDL taught sessions\PowerPoint\ECDL PP task 3.docx1