PLVN Executive Committee Meeting
Minutes of PLVN Executive Committee Meeting held on 5 July 2010 at the Municipal Association of Victoria.
Present: John Murrell (West Gippsland), Chair, Anne Holmes (Boroondara)), Carolyn Macvean(Goldfields) Karen Ward Smith (Greater Dandenong),), Chris Payne (Mitchell) Katrina Knox (Darebin) Elisabeth Jackson (Exec Officer)
Apologies Karyn Siegmann (Bayside) Michael Scholtes (Melton) Joseph Cullen (ERL)
Item / Minutes / Action By1. Attendance & Apologies / The Chair welcomed all to the Executive meeting.
2. Confirmation of Minutes. / Minutes of the Executive Committee meetings held on 3 May and 8 June were circulated.
Moved CM Seconded KWS That the minutes be accepted. Carried
3. Business Arising / We need to advise State Library of change in membership of ACPL
Farewell function is now confirmed for 5.00pm on Monday 13 September in the Red Rotunda Room, State Library of Victoria.
Exec members to send suggestions for dinner venue. / EJ
4. Correspondence / A list of correspondence was circulated with the Agenda. The following items were discussed:
10/214 Volunteers - Information on volunteer policies and positions descriptions will be collated
10/202 National Year of Reading Scoping Document. Document was discussed and it was agreed it needs to be clearer on the purposes and strategies for the year and how various levels of government will be involved.
10/219 Advertising on website. Agreed we will not pursue this offer.
10/226 Milbur report on LLV. This will be distributed to libraries by DPCD. It will be tabled with comments from libraries at the September MAC meeting. / EJ
EJ to send comments to Sue Hutley with copy to Sue McKerracher
5. PLVN Strategic Plan
5.1 KRA 1 Leadership
5.1.1 ACPL / Library Managers Retreat. The planning committee – John Murrell, Karen Ward-Smith, Jenny Mustey, Debra Rosenfeldt, Cathy Milward-Bason and Ian Phillips are finalizing the program. The agenda is now settled and the speakers confirmed. Friday morning will be spent starting to develop ideas for the next Statewide Projects. The following have been suggested:
RFID tagging – Peter Carter has developed this proposal
Continuation of scholarships
Digitisation – continuation of newspaper project – Anne Holmes to follow up on this
e-books - development of a website from which e-books could be borrowed – Anne to develop proposal
Continuation of Shared Leadership program
Continuation of Building Knowledge program
Reader Development
Statewide licence for online databases
Development of AskNow
City of Literature projects – Anne Holmes to investigate
Detailed proposals will be requested again to be received by 16 July.
MAC chart and Lancemore Projects will be re-visited for more ideas.
State Library will need to save $200,000 on current projects due to budget cuts. It is anticipated that there will be savings in a number of projects which will fund this and also the contribution to National Year of Reading. Recommendations will go to the August meeting of ACPL.
Funding for the next triennium is not year clear. / AH and EJ
5.1.2 MAC / .Last meeting was at Bendigo and discussed the Milbur Report on LLV and the collections/resources project.
It was resolved to write to the Minister for Local Government (with a copy to Joanne Duncan), Ted Baillieu and the appropriate Greens MP (later determined to be Sue Pennicuik) requesting them to send a copy of their libraries policy and asking about their commitment to increase funding to at least the national per capita average. They will also be invited to attend our meeting on 14 September. / EJ
5.12 KRA 2 Collaboration
5.2.1 Statewide Projects / Being the Best We Can – Christine Mackenzie
Building Knowledge for Library Advocacy – Katrina Knox
Shared Leadership – Carolyn Macvean.
.Digitising Victorian Newspapers – Anne Holmes
Travelling Exhibition – Trish Smyth.
Think Tank
5.2.2 State Library of Victoria / See ACPL above
5.2.3 PLVN Projects / Collaborative Procurement – Joseph Cullen
There are still a lot of problems with Bennetts. Members were asked to send comments to Cameron Spence with copies to EJ.
Procurement Australia LOTE tender is in the process of evaluation.
ICT Disability – Katrina Knox
Katrina reported on the Roundtable on Disability Conference where she presented a paper on PLEASED. The suggestion was made that we join the Roundtable. She also spoke about a new program for text to speech which is free and easier to use than JAWS. Information will be put on the PLEASED website.
5.2.4 Department of Planning and Community Development / - Annual Survey Working Group – Trish Smyth
The group has met recently and a revised survey adopted.
- DX Courier Working Group – Joseph Cullen
.- Library Link Victoria
- ERC bid process –.
5.2.5 SWIFT
5.2.6 Subcommittees / .
5.6.1 Community Access / Michael Scholtes – Convenor
ORSIG is considering merging with Information Services SIG as there is a lot of overlap in interests and membership. Workshop on marketing online resources will be held on 22 July. Community Engagement / Carolyn Macvean, Convenor.
Detailed proposal from Home Library Services SIG for their September workshop was tabled and approved. Customer Service / Katrina Knox, Convenor
5.2.7 Public Libraries Advisory Committee-KWS / Karen reported on recent PLAC meetings. Matters discussed included:
Draft national standards
Summer reading Club – contributions requested from members
Internet Access survey will take place in Sept.-October
FrankMcGuire is interested in involvement in National Year of Reading
Tasmanian libraries are now part of the Community Knowledge Network
One card/one library system is planned for Sth Australia
Increase in funding for State Library in WA
Move to get NLA and ALIA involved in the National Book Strategy group
5.3 KRA 3 Innovation
6. Finance and Management
6.1 Financial Report / Financial report to 30 June not yet completed. Sent with minutes
6.2 Budget 2010-11 / Draft as circulated was discussed.
Moved AH, seconded KWS – That the draft be approved with the amendment that the Executive Officer salary line be increased to $50,000. Carried
New version to be discussed at a short Executive meeting at Kalarama.
6.3 Accounts for Payment / Accounts for Payment
Date / Creditor / Details / Amount
31/05/10 / MAV / Exec Officer and Admin for May / $3,936.47.00
16/06/10 / Splash Theatre Co. / Performance at Childrens Workshop / $110.00
16/06/10 / Gowrie Victoria / Presentation at Childrens Workshop / $850.00
16/06/10 / ProQuest / Ancestry Subscription / $US 147,000.00
22/06/10 / ALIA / Contributions to National Standards Project and Summer Reading Club / $7,590.00
22/06/10 / State Library of Victoria / Retreat attendance for E. Jackson / $99.00
28/06/10 / State Library of Victoria / Hosting and web storage for Picture Victoria / $3,850.00
23/06/10 / East Gippsland Shire Council / Refund of payment made in error / $66.00
21/05/10 / Elizabeth Sannen / Replacement cheque for Libmark seminar / $2,750.00
Aust Tax Office / GST for June Quarter / To be determined when BAS statement is completed.
Moved KK, seconded KWS That the accounts be approved for payment with the exception of ALIA and Retreat attendance for which further information will be sought. Carried
6.4 MAV Contract / Still to arrange meeting with MAV
7. Executive Officer report / Noted that Exec Officer is on leave from 29 July- 16 August.
7.1 Other business / AGM Arrangements.
Noted that 21 days notice is required for the AGM
3 new Executive members are required to replace MS, KWS and CP. Nominations will be called at the time the notice of meeting is sent out.
New CEO at Corangamite
EJ to send Members information kit to Roslyn Cousins
JM to ring her to welcome. / EJ
7.3 Future General Meeting Dates / September 14 (AGM) Room 1101, MAV
December 7 - Inverloch
2010 Executive Committee meetings:
29 July at Kalorama – during lunch break
6 September
4 October (Prov)
8 November
Meetings to start at 2.00pm.
The meeting ended at 5.00pm.