245th Coast Artillery Regiment

Fort Hancock, NJ

2200 1 Oct 1943 (2010)

FO: 43-10-10-245 (Reference FO 43-1 of HD New York)

Maps: See attached map of Main Post, Fort Hancock


a. Enemy – Enemy vessels disguised as friendly merchant vessels may attempt to penetrate the harbor with the intention of attacking friendly shipping in the harbor or scuttling of enemy vessel(s) in Ambrose Channel to block the harbor entrance. Gun strikes by enemy capital ships against US coastal cities and facilities are considered a possibility to relieve pressure on Axis forces fighting in the Mediterranean theater. The submarine landing of saboteurs and spies as well as submarine deck gun bombardment in periods of low visibility is possible. Expect unrestricted submarine warfare and mining operations to continue. For further information refer to recent intelligence summaries (see the Btry XO).

b. Friendly Forces – Ambrose Groupment (2/245th CA): Tactical #1 Class A (Btry 219), #2 not ready (Btry Lewis), #3 class B status (Btry Mills), #4 class B status (Btry Kingman), #5 class A status (Btry New Peck/Gunnison). Batteries Richardson and Bloomfield are manned in class B status and are assigned to Ambrose Group until tactical #2 is completed. All other groups in HDNY will provide mutual support as the tactical situation dictates via orders of Group Commanders. Covering forces or elements are controlled via HDCP and will be directed to support actions of the command in contact as required; support provided by other units as directed by the commander NY-Phila Sector, Navy and Coast Guard commanders in coordination with Commander, HDCP.

2. MISSION: 245th CA will man assigned sectors and armament against potential enemy attack on 22-24 Oct 1943, IAW HDNY Memorandum 43-6, 1 Oct 1943.


a. 1st and 2nd Battalions (minus K Battery at Exam Battery) – conduct operations as identified in Policy Memorandum 4-25, dated 1 Oct 1943.

b. The following units will be attached to K/245th during their assignment manning exam battery armament at Btry Gunnison/New Peck.

1) Motor Section detachment, HHB 245th CA Regiment (on order)

2) 2nd Service Command Medical Detachment, Ft. Hancock.

c. K Btry, 4th Battalion, 245th CA Exam Battery Assignment is Tactical Battery #5, the exam battery for Advance HECP #1, HDNY. Battery #5 will assume Condition II at 1900 hrs on 23 Oct 1943. K/245th CA will provide local security and local reaction force for battery vicinity. Battery organization is as follows:

1) Sections will be organized to man the #1 Gun, magazine, plotting room of Btry New Peck/Gunnison.

A) #1 Station (Gun #1)

B) #2 Station (Magazine)

C) #3 Station (Range Section – Plotting Room)

D) #4 Station (Interior Guard Mount)

E) #5 Station (Medical)

F) #6 Station (Battery Commander’s Station) (on order)

2) Personnel manning all stations will be determined not later than the morning of 23 and 24 October respectively. Adjustments to assignments will be made by the 1st Sgt and Battery Commander as required. Intent is to set assignment by section (gun platform and plotting room) for each day and provide adequate training to support drill and demonstration operations throughout the weekend. The magazine will be manned at all times by a minimum of one soldier.

3) Gun Drills will be performed for the public approximately four to eight times each afternoon of 23 and 24 October.

A) The Gun Drills will require a minimum of 8 personnel on the gun platform. Concept of the operation is for each drill to last 5 minutes for demonstration, then 10 minutes of public hands on participation. Each cycle lasts no more than 15 minutes. Upon completion, members return to previous stations.

B) Times for Gun Drills below are approximate. Public presence of 10-15 people is appropriate to initiate a gun drill. On Saturday 23 October, Gun drills will be initiated frequently for training.

(1) 1230-1245

(2) 1330-1345

(3) 1430-1445

(4) 1530-1545

4) Plotting room drills will be conducted at the same time as gun drills pending personnel availability. A minimum of five personnel is required to conduct plotting room drills.

A) Plotting board (5) – two azimuth arm setters, plotter and two azimuth readers to send .

B) Range Percentage Corrector operator (public talks to range display board operator)

C) Deflection Board operator (public – talk to gun pointer)

5) 151st Station Hospital will establish aid station using the hospital ambulance on the Battery Gunnison/New Peck parade from 1800-2100 on 22 Oct, 1200-1600 on 23 October and 1200-1630 on 24 Oct.

A) Hospital Ambulance. 151st Station Hospital personnel will operate the post ambulance – a fully operational 1940 ambulance.

B) Ambulance pickup - 2LT Lutkenhouse and PVT Fletcher will coordinate with NPS Ranger Dan Meharg for ambulance pickup, operational training and management.

7) The Check Point for entry into the battery will be operational from 1200-1600 on 23 and 24 Oct. Station may be manned on order of the 1st Sgt on 22 ct. Manning detail will consist of one-two soldiers detailed and will rotate as directed by the 1st Sgt.

A) Check point will consist of one field table, Donation Powder Can, security badges and EE-8 for communication.

B) Duties of the manning detail consist of:

(1) Greeting visitors and providing an overview of battery location and security posture (local threat of saboteurs).

(2) Issue Ft. Hancock security badge to each visitor.

(3) Orient visitors to living history and explaining “hats on” (member is in 1943 time period) and “hats off” (member is in 2010 time period). Explain when an AGFA member takes off his/her hat or helmet and holds it under their right arm, member is speaking in 2010 and not 1943. In order to speak to a member about the relationship of 1943 to 2010, the visitor must ask the historian to “take his hat/helmet off”.

(3) Send visitors to Station 1 (Medical).

(4) Receive visitors from Station 5.

(5) Collect security badges and issue business cards.

(6) Point out Donation Powder Can.

8) The Battery Commander’s station will be manned pending availability of Battery officers. The station can be used as an orientation for visitors with the officer introducing the overall battery physical structure, the battery’s overall mission and pointing out the stations the public will visit. The station will consist of one M1910A1 Azimuth Instrument, two EE-91 telephones and one TI Bell.

d. Training.

1) Training on gun drills (1st Sgt Murray) and plotting board operations (CPT Prostak) will be conducted on order with the time period 0930-1200 Saturday 23 Oct. Intent is to train the entire complement to improve knowledge retention and prepare for public demonstration drills on Saturday and Sunday. Training is intended to focus on individual soldier desires yet maintain the ability to run (in priority order) the gun platform and the plotting room.

2) Why we Fight/HDNY Orientation training will be conducted by LTC Welch and 1st Sgt Murray on Saturday morning prior to movement to Battery Gunnison/New Peck.

e. Maintenance at Battery Gunnison/new Peck will be limited to general site maintenance and cleanup.

f. Unit Operating Schedule

Friday, 23 Oct

1200-2400 ~ Barracks Opens, personnel arrival

1200-1600 – Battery Maintenance

1200-1400 – Sign for Ambulance & Jeep (2LT Lutkenhouse/SSG Weaver)

1600-1700 - Evening meal (at Btry Gunnison/New Peck)

1730-1800 - Stand To (preparation), quick review HDNY Orientation

1800-2100 – Lantern Tour of defenses

2100-2130 – Close battery and move to barracks

2130-2300 – Personal time

2300 - Taps

Saturday, 24 Oct

0600-0730 - First Call, hygiene, Breakfast,

0815-0830 - Uniform inspection

0830-0930 – Intelligence Summary and Exam Battery Orientation

0930-1000 - Movement to Battery Gunnison/New Peck

1000-1200 – Battery maintenance, gun/plotting room drills and setup

1200-1300 – Lunch (at Battery Gunnison/New Peck)

1200-1600 - Ready-Alert Status Condition I (Public Tours)

1600-1630 – Secure Battery Gunnison/New Peck

1630-1700 - Movement to barracks and prepare for evening meal

1800-2200 – Evening Meal and ANNUAL MEETING (Class As)

2200-2400 - Conduct moral support operations

2400 - Taps

Sunday, 25 Oct

0600-0800 - First Call, hygiene, preparation, Breakfast

0800-1100 – Battery and Fortifications Tours

1100-1130 – Movement to Battery Gunnison/New Peck and setup

1120-1600 - Ready-Alert Status Condition I (Public Tours)

1600-1730 - Secure Battery, prepare both guns for winter

1600-1700 – Return Tactical vehicles to NPS.

1730-UTC - Departures


a. Reception Operations: Starting at Friday at 1800 (or on order), all members not already present will sign in to the CQ (CPL Minton). CQ sign in desk will be located in the entrance to Barracks (Bldg 119) or see CQ at Btry Gunnison/New Peck. The following occur at sign in:

1) Pay Open Mess Fee - $25 to cover the entire weekend.

2) Receive Room Assignment and keys

b. Battery Mess Officer is 2LT Taylor and Mess Sergeant is SSG Weaver. Morning and evening meals will be supplied in barracks mess hall under open mess conditions. Section Sergeants are to provide KP details for all meals served in mess hall as requested by the 1st Sergeant.

1) The following meals will be provided via the Battery Mess to support 8-14 personnel:

A) Friday Dinner – Tomato Soup and grilled cheese sandwiches

B) Saturday Breakfast – eggs, sausage, bacon and toast

C) Saturday Lunch – Chicken Soup, fried SPAM, Corned Beef

D) Saturday Dinner – Catered by Sal’s Original

E) Sunday Breakfast – eggs, sausage, bacon and toast

F) Sunday Lunch – chicken noodle soup and bread

2) All other meals are the individual soldier’s responsibility.

3) The following personnel will provide mess materials:

A) SSG Weaver – both breakfasts and Friday evening meal

1) Four dozen eggs

2) Fifty sausage links

3) Bread for French toast

4) eight sticks butter

5) breakfast meats as desired

6) Tomato soup fixings, cheese

7) large skillet

B) LTC Welch – Lunch soup Fri/Sat/Sun; Lunch SPAM/Corned beef Sat/Sun; coffee, sugar and creamer all meals and at battery

C) 1LT Taylor – Eleven loafs bread for all meals (3 each Friday evening, two each Sat/Sun lunch, two for breakfast Sat/Sun)

c. Equipment required for event: The personnel listed below are responsible to bring the following equipment:

1) LTC Welch:

a) 1 - EE-70

b) 2 - 220 Coleman lanterns

c) 1 – M1910A1 Azimuth instrument (on-order)

d) 1 - M1904 3-inch telescopic sight

e) 1 - Field desk with manuals

f) 1 - Mess chest with M1941 stove, coffee pot, coffee fixings

g) 2 - Gas Mask for loan

g) 3 - M1903 Springfield Rifles (SGT Bennett, SGT Lacy, PVT Malone)

i) 2 - M1905 bayonets for loan

j) 1 - M1917 marmite soup container

k) 1 – Round Merrmite and 3 inserts

l) 1 - M1923 dismounted belt, haversack (Recruit Rosamillia)

2) 2LT Taylor:

a) 2 – 242 Coleman Lanterns

b) 1 – gallon Coleman fuel

c) 2 – Coleman 500 stoves

3) 2LT Lutkenhouse:

a) 1 – M1942 stove

b) Medical Equipment

4) SSG Weaver:

a) Food: 3 dozen eggs, Bacon and Sausage

5) CPL Minton:

a) Dummy .30 caliber rounds

b) Food: Eight loaves of bread

d. Administrative (personal) vehicles:

1) Park behind administrative building (concession stand) at battery.

2) Park in parking lot at barracks.

e. TACTICAL vehicles:

1) Park on battery parade.

2) Park in parking lot at barracks.

3) The Ambulance will be driven by 2LT Lutkenhouse and personnel as designated by 1st Sgt Murray and LTC Welch.

4) The jeep will be driven by SSG Weaver and personnel as designated by 1st Sgt Murray and LTC Welch.

e. Uniform in Garrison (barracks).

1) Garrison cap, HBT patrol cap or Daisy Mae (HBT or Blue Denim)

2) Order of preference of uniforms is 1st Pattern HBT, blue denim, OD Wool.

3) M1938 leggings (optional in cantonment) and ankle boots.

f. Uniform at Battery – IAW HDNY, Ft Hancock Uniform Policy. The following additional uniform policies apply:

1) Campaign Hats will NOT be worn.

2) Enlisted collar brass will not be worn on wool uniforms at the battery.

3) M1 helmets will be worn at duty stations during Condition One periods.


a. Orders for Employment standing operating procedure. Specific EE-91 and EE-8/EE-5 telephones will be designated as part of unit intercom network for coordination of public interpretation. These phones will be identified on the station list at the BD-95 switchboard location.

b. Command posts and annexes of signal communication – Initial location for K/245th CA is the barracks (Bldg 119 and 120); opening of admin telephone net will be upon arrival at Btry Gunnison/New Peck, subsequent Btry Cmd Post is Btry Gunnison/New Peck.

c. Adjustments to this order will be issued by FRAGO as required.







A: Map of Main Post, Ft. Hancock, NJ

B: Attendance status of AGFA members

C: HECP/Battery Gunnison/New Peck lantern tour



1st Bn, 245th CA

4th Bn, 245th CA

Annex A: Map of Main Post, Fort Hancock, New Jersey, to FO 43-10-1-245

Annex B: List of Personnel to FO: 43-10-1-245

(Confirmed dates as of 19 Sept 1943)

HQ, 2nd Bn, 245th Coast Artillery Regiment:

LTC Welch (Fri - Sun)

K Btry,4th Bn, 245th Coast Artillery Regiment:

CPT Prostak (pending availability)

2LT Taylor (Fri - Sun)

1SG Murray (Fri - Sun)

SSG Weaver (Fri AM - Sun)

SGT Bennett (Fri – Mon)

SGT Welch (Fri – Sun)

SGT Mike Malone (TBD)

SGT Lacy (TBD)

CPL Minton (Thurs - Sun)

CPL V. Turner (PM Fri – Sat mid morning)

PFC Ramos (TBD)

PVT Hill (Sat AM – Sun POM)

PVT Meiselman (Fri - Sun)

PVT Rosamilia (PM Fri - Sun)

PVT Gutch (PM Sat – Sun)

151st Station Hospital, Ft. Hancock

2LT Lutkenhouse (Fri AM - Sun)

PVT Fletcher (TBD – pending transportation)

1225th Station Unit

Mr. Joe Janesic - Artillery Engineer (Fri-Sun)
ANNEX C - “Harbor Defense Lantern Tour” to FO: 43-10-10-245

I. INFORMATION: See basic Field Order

II. MISSION: 22 Oct, 1943 from 1800-2100 hours, selected personnel from HDNY will provide a tour of selected fortifications and facilities to eligible civilian personnel cleared to receive non-classified command information.


a. Detail Composition (Personnel):

(1) Tour Detail: 1st SGT Murray (NCOIC), SGT Welch, CPL Minton and additional personnel as detailed by 1st Sgt Murray.

(2) Advance HECP #1 Detail: LTC Welch and SSG Houck will greet visitors at Post Guard House (museum), then immediately move to Battery Potter/Advance HECP #1 and establish the M1910A1 azimuth instrument.

(3) Battery Gunnison/New Peck main body: 2LT Taylor (OIC), SSG Weaver (NCOIC) and the remainder of the personnel will be at Btry Gunnison/New Peck manning the checkpoint and prepared to great authorized visitors.

b. Route: Post Guardhouse, Hudson Drive, pass HDCP, pass Battery Granger, to Btry Potter (HECP #1). Then down South Bragg Drive to Atlantic Drive, pass 9-Gun battery; pass Proving Grounds, pass AMTB No. 7, to Battery Gunnison/New Peck (Exam Battery – K/2/245). Return to Guard House (museum) via Gunnison, Magruder and Hudson Roads.

c. Detailed Schedule and description of events:

1) Civilians will rendezvous at the Post Guardhouse (Bldg. 28) at 1900 hours. LTC Welch welcomes the tour members on behalf of BG P.S. Gage, Sr. and his staff. (Advance HEPC #1 detail departs). SGT Welch, CPL Minton and other detail personnel issue Security Badges for entrance to the security area. The tour will commence promptly at the conclusion of the greeting and issuing of Security Badges. (5 Min)

2) Tour will proceed down Hudson Drive on foot to the NY Harbor Defense Command Post (ex-Battery McCook/Reynolds) and Battery Granger. Significant main post structures will be identified such as the Officer’s Club, and a 5-minute description of 10-inch disappearing gun armament conducted at Battery Granger. (20 min)

3) Tour group is greeted by HECP #1 Detail upon arrival at top of Battery Potter by LTC Welch. After a short introduction, 1st Sgt Murray will break the tour into small groups and rotate them to stations. The stations are:

(A) LTG Welch will describe the defenses overall pointing out the locations and details of Forts Hamilton, Tilden, Wadsworth and the Highlands Military Reservation. The role of the HECP, HDCP, controlled minefield, the examination vessel and the batteries will be outlined. LTC Welch will discuss the threat the HECP was in operation to address – Nazi submarine infiltration and deck gun attack and/or a Nazi raider infiltration and attack amongst moored ships.

(B) 1st Sgt Murray will describe the operations of the Advanced HECP #1 to include the challenge procedure and the role of the exam vessel and exam battery.

(C) SSG Houck and CPL Minton will describe the operation of M1910A1. The open and unrestricted view of the defensive sea area will allow the public to view ships in the channel. SGT Welch will describe the duties of junior NCO’s and soldiers.

(D) When tour departs, LTC Welch and SSG Houck disassemble the M1910A1 and return to Btry Gunnison/New Peck. (Total time 20 Min)

4) Tour will continue on foot down South Bragg Drive to Atlantic Drive, and in passing, identify 9-Gun Battery and the Proving Grounds and AMTB #7, and arrive at Battery New Peck (ex Gunnison) (15 min-20 min)

5) Tour group will receive a series of briefings and demonstrations on the relationship of the Advance HECP relationship to and functioning of the Examination Battery, HDNY. (60 Min total)

a) Tour group will be challenged at the checkpoint on Atlantic Drive (PVT Rosamilia and PVT Meiselman) before arriving on the Battery Parade. (2 min)

b) Battery 2LT Taylor will meet the tour party at the entrance to the Battery New Peck/Gunnison parade and provide an overview of the battery proper. (3 min)

c) Tour will proceed into the Battery parade and the post ambulance. 2LT Lutkenhouse presents introduction on medical management and treatment from the view of the Coast Artillery (treating wounds and general medical conditions).

d) The tour will then move to the Plotting Room via the outside airtight door, and a discussion of the HECP directed fire control functions of the Examination Battery will follow, given by Battery OIC/NCOIC. A discussion and demonstration of Fire Control operations and procedures, given by selected personnel, under Battery OIC/NCOIC supervision, will conclude the tour in the Plotting Room. (15 min)