AP US History
Mr. Greer
Unit 6 Review Presentation Project 40 Points
Overview: Students will choose, research, and create a review for Unit 6. Each group will execute a 10 minute presentation using power point the class before the Unit 6 exam is given. Also each group will create a review sheet for each member of the class. The presentation is 15 points and the review sheet is 15 points.
1. Working in groups of two each group will research and present one of the following topics:
Progressive Reforms – federal, state, local reforms; areas of reform (business, government, etc)
World War 1 – impact on domestic policies; treatment of different groups of U.S. citizens during the war
1920s – focus on domestic developments, how different groups faired, compare to Industrialization era
Great Depression – causes, reactions by Hoover, effectiveness of New Deal (1st and 2nd) responses
World War 2 – life on the homefront (domestic) impact; how different groups were impacted, results for US
2. Create a 5-6 slide power point presentation on your topic. (15 Points)
A. Title slide – names, topic
B. Definition slide – define the period of the topic including the relative starting and ending dates
C. Causes slide – what were the 3-5 main causes of this period/event?
D. Course slides (1-2 slides) – highlight findings from your research focus areas outside of causes and effects
E. Results slide – what were the 3-5 main results of this period?
F. Email a copy of your group’s PPT to Mr. Greer by 10pm the night before the project is due and to be
presented in class.
3. Review Sheet (15 Points)
A. Create this on A4 size regular paper – neatly typed and clearly organized, easy to read
B. It should contain much more information than what is contained on your group’s ppt.
C. It should contain the major causes, results, and or other topic specific information as identified in #1.
D. If there was a major Supreme Court case(s) in your topic’s era, make sure to include it along with a brief description
of what it was, the result, and effect(s) on the US. (if there are multiple ones they all don’t need to be contained on
your group ppt – just include them in the review sheet)
E. Email a copy of your groups review sheet to Mr. Greer by the project due date: if you would like Mr. Greer to
make enough copies for the class, it must be received by Mr. Greer by 8pm TWO DAYS BEFORE the project
is due and presented in class.
4. Annotated Bibliography (10 Points)
A. Each group will attach a MLA formatted annotated bibliography separately to their copy of the review sheet they
submit to Mr. Greer on the due date.
1. Needs a minimum of three (3) separate sources, none of which may be from an encyclopedia or the course
B. If no annotated bibliography is submitted with the project then the project will be returned and late consequences will
5. Late Consequences
1. One calendar day late – 15% of earned project mark
2. Two calendar days late – 25% of earned project mark
3. Three or more calendar days late – 50% of earned project mark
4. Not brining enough copies for all in the class + Mr. Greer OR having to go during the class in which projects are to be
presented to have to make enough copies of the review sheet – 10% of project mark.
Follow the project due date as identified on your course Unit 6 assignment calendar. See the project assessment rubric for more specifics. All project pieces must be submitted at the same time, together on the due date.
AP US Unit 6 Project Review Sheet 15 Points
Content / o Era is not defined as required
o Multiple simplistic, incomplete and or irrelevant statements
o Greatly lacking in overall development
o The chart contains less information than the group PPT / o Era has a basic definition
o Basic coverage of the requirements for the chart
o Mostly relevant information with some example support
o Lacking in development a few areas
o Chart contains roughly the same information as the PPT. / o Clearly defined era including dates
o Effective coverage of all requirements
o Contains a good mix of relevant generalizations and examples to support these
o Clearly identifies relevant causes and effects for the researched topic
o Chart is clearly more detailed than the PPT
Review Sheet Format / o Not in required format
o Group names and topic are missing from the sheet (or were handwritten at the last moment)
o More than 3 issues with text, formatting of sheet
o More than 4 conventions errors / o Generally good organization of the chart
o Group names and or topic are contained on sheet
o Text mostly organized and readable
o May be issues with formatting where some parts are cut off when printing or copying
o 1-3 conventions errors / o Overall exceptional organization
o Group names and topic are clearly identified at top of sheet
o No conventions errors
PowerPoint Rubric 15 Points
Criteria / Needs Improvement / Adequate / EffectiveFormat / o Font and other ways of highlighting text not consistent from slide to slide
o Did not contain a title slide
o One or more slides presented information in paragraphs rather than by bulletpoint / o Text/images were mostly visible and clear
o Contained a title slide to start the presentation
o Most slides used the same font, font size, bulletpoints to present the information / o Text/images were clearly visible
o Neat title slide containing all the title information included
o Each slide consistently used the same formatting, font, size, and presented information using bulletpoints only
Slides / o Two or more slides were too “busy” in that they had simply too much text even if they were done in bullet format
o Two or more slides had background issues with text and or images
o Animations (if used) were not consistent and or sounds used distracted
o 4 or more conventions errors / o One slide was too “busy” in that it had too much text; others were adequate but not as busy
o Only one issues with reading the text or images
o Animations (if used) were mostly uniform in their application
o 1-3 conventions errors / o All slides contained the right amount of text and or images
o Animations or transitions were consistent throughout
o No conventions errors
Annotated Bibliography 10 Points
Annotated Bibliography / o Fewer than three sources were usedo One or more annotations are missing
o 4 or more conventions errors
o More than 2 MLA convention errors / o Three sources were used in the completion of this project
o Each entry is complete and may contain annotations but one or more may not be as detailed as needed
o 1 MLA convention error
o 1-3 conventions errors / o Four or more sources were used in the completion of the project
o Each entry is complete and contains a detailed annotation specifically noting where information came from
o No conventions errors
o No MLA formatting errors