Kennedy High School

Garageband 2 Syllabus

Mrs. Dechert

Trimester 2

Course Description

In this one-trimester course, students will create, perform and record their own music using the digital music program, Garageband. Students will develop computer skills and combine these with musical improvisation skills as they work with Garageband music software. They will learn what Garageband is, how to incorporate it into their music creation process and how to use it to record their own compositions. Students will also present a powerpoint on a group or style of music that is recognized on a national level. Students will describe, interpret and evaluate their musical compositions and the compositions of other students. As a final project, students will create a podcast displaying and describing their musical compositions throughout the term.

In this one-term course, students will expand upon the knowledge they have from Garageband I. Garageband II students will select from the following 4 areas of composition.

National Music Standards that will be addressed in this course are:

3. Improvising melodies, variations and accompaniments

4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines

6. Listening to, analyzing and describing music

7. Evaluating music and musical performances

Garageband Assignments- 20% of overall grade

Student Bio Paper

Signed Syllabus

Garageband Projects-60% of overall grade

1Composing the Blues / Original Composition

Using the 12 Bar Blues as our basis, we’ll learn how to start a new project and use loops to construct a blues bass line. Discover how to transpose and edit audio and create a fade-in and fade-out. Learn how to record your own MIDI drum part and save it to the loop library for future use in other projects. Extend your song by adding new sections. Learn how to add an audio track so you can record voice, guitar or another live instrument. Save your project and share/export the final product.

GarageBand skills covered include the following:

Starting a new project, changing project settings, navigating the loop browser, creating your own original loops and adding them to your content library, adding new tracks, changing instrument sounds, recording from a MIDI keyboard or the Musical Typing window, editing MIDI parts, sharing your music in Itunes.

2Remixing (Tracks / Loops etc.)

This session will begin by looking at arranging techniques and compare multiple versions of a single song. Remixing is a great way to teach students arranging techniques – such as layering, changing key, altering tempo, incorporating different musical styles, harmonies and texture – using technology. Import a classical-style MIDI file and transform it by chopping up the parts, copying sections, adding a backing in a new style and altering instrumentation. Then create your own remix of provided audio stems (the separate instrumental and vocal tracks from a recording).

GarageBand skills covered:

importing MIDI files

editing loops

beat-mapping audio loops

saving loops into the library


selecting and changing instruments

adding effects

fade-ins and fade-outs

volume and panning envelopes

using notation

mixing skills

saving and exporting projects

3Film Scoring and jingles (Promo Work)

Using a short video, we’ll create our own soundtrack with sound effects and mood music. We’ll learn how to plan out the film score by attending a “spotting session” and listing important sound and music moments on a cue sheet. After adding sound effects to the project, we’ll create an original score to accompany the film by using easy compositional building blocks to make suspenseful music.

Skills covered:

importing a video

playback and some shortcuts

all about snapping and when to use it

the importance of zooming

searching for and adding sound effects

using hit points/time markers to place sound effects accurately

creating and editing sound effects

adding background music by using existing loops

how to scrub through your video frame by frame

how to add a software instrument track

how to select and edit different sounds

how to record MIDI

how to edit MIDI recordings

how to transpose

using volume envelopes to create fade-ins and fade-outs

muting and soloing tracks

4Radio shows, podcasting and storytelling

Podcasting is an excellent group activity that allows students to research a music topic and present their findings as a radio show. Students can take on a range of tasks: researching, scripting, narration, creating or finding background music. We’ll cover:

Tips for recording narration in a busy classroom

how to edit mistakes

how to add intro and outro music

how to create fade-ins and outs

how to add artwork, images and links

how to export and share your finished creation

Ways you can expand your content library: places to find free and legal music and loops

Animated Short Film Score Project

Students will import a movie clip, then replace the original soundtrack with one of their own creation, using Garageband.

Academy Award Winning Composer Podcast

Students will create a podcast containing information on an Academy Award winning film composer

Musical Montage/Smashup Project

Choose four of your favorite musical selections to create your own musical masterpiece. If you feel so inclined, jam along with it. You can drag your favorite MP3’s right into Garageband, but remember, all music must be appropriate for school. This means no vulgar language or inappropriate subject matter (i.e. sex, drinking, drug use, etc.)

A second mini-mashup may be assigned as part of the summative grading category.

Final Project & Exam- 20% of overall grade


Students will create a Podcast describing their work throughout the term and drag their creations into the timeline, giving a detailed description of each of their musical compositions.

Final Exam

Students will create a piece to specifications given on the test day.

All assignments and projects will be scored on a 4-point scale, and correspond with the following levels of achievement:

4: Exhibits mastery of specific skill; virtually no errors.

3: Exhibits proficiency in skill; occasional/isolated errors.

2: Exhibits need for improvement; frequent/consistent errors.

1: Exhibits major need for improvement; little or no proficiency.

0: Student did not participate in or turn in assignment.

By the end of the trimester, all individual scores will be calculated and averaged into the following grades:

Letter Grade / Minimum Score to Earn Grade / Corresponding Percent
A / 3.75 / 93.75
A- / 3.5 / 87.5
B+ / 3.25 / 81.25
B / 3 / 75
B- / 2.75 / 68.75
C+ / 2.5 / 62.5
C / 2.25 / 56.25
C- / 2 / 50
D+ / 1.75 / 43.75
D / 1.5 / 37.5
D- / 1.25 / 31.25
F / 1 / 25

In each of the categories for attendance, behavior, and work completeness you will receive a final score of a 3 (Exceeds Expectations), a 2 (Meets Expectations), or a 1 (Does Not Meet Expectations). The following describes the criteria for scores in each of the categories:


3: Student has 2 or fewer absences over the trimester.

2: Student has 3-5 absences over the trimester.

1: Student has more than 5 absences over the trimester.


3: Student is focused and ready before directions are given.

2: Student is usually focused and follows directions when given.

1: Student is often off-task and/or needs reminders/repetitions of directions.

Work Completion:

3: Assignments are completed and on time, without exception.

2: Assignments are completed and on time.

1: Some assignments are missing and/or late.

In the event a student’s grade is deemed unsatisfactory by the student or parent/guardian, consultation with Mrs. Jordan is suggested and welcome.



Please be on time! Tardy students will not be allowed to enter class without a pass. I expect that you will be in your assigned seat, ready to go when the bells rings.

During class I expect that you are working on the assigned project. If you finish early, you may take a piano lesson on Garageband, help others around you with their projects, research information needed for upcoming projects, or just explore Garageband. You may not surf the net at will. If you have a project to work on for another class, you may work on it if your work for Garageband work is finished. Please know that your computer activity will be monitored at all times and you must adhere to school district policies regarding computer use.

If you need to leave during class, please ask and I will give you a pass. No one will be allowed to leave during the first fifteen minutes of class. Abuse of pass use (gone longer than 5 minutes, not returning to class, etc.) will result in losing your pass privileges.

We share this room with several other teachers and classes, so it is imperative that we are respectful of the space. At the end of class, please put keyboards away in the closet and clean up the area that you used. Please push your chairs in as you leave.


Follow ALL school policies and expectations that are covered in the student handbook.

Students are expected to be respectful of all class members, including students, teachers, other staff, administrators and guests.

Students are expected to be respectful of all school property. We are fortunate to have a beautiful computer lab with the latest software and equipment. Anyone caught defacing, misusing or damaging this equipment will be immediately referred to administration.

Students are expected to complete all work and take all tests on designated dates. However, if something happens and you are in need of more time, please see me and we will come up with a plan together. You will still receive full credit for late work, but you must set up a timeline with me in order to receive credit.

For excused absences: It is your responsibility to get the make-up work and schedule make-up tests outside of class time. Missed work must be made up within 10 days of returning to school. Again, please see me if you need more time.

For unexcused absences: No credit will be given for work done on a day that a student was absent for unexcused reasons. Please see the JFK attendance policy, as stated below:

JFK Attendance Policy

Per TERM – A student who has accumulated four or more unexcused absences in a class will not earn credit for that class unless the student makes up the academic time. Absences can be recovered after school on Tuesday in the media center or by appointment with your teacher.

Contact Information/Office Hours:

My office is in the Music Suite. I will be available before first hour on a daily basis, beginning at 7:15 a.m. I will also be available after school on most days, from 2:20-2:45. If you would like to set up a time please let me know ASAP, as my time before and after school has a tendency to fill up quickly. Here’s my contact info:

Mrs. Dechert


You will get the quickest response from me via email!


Summative(80% of overall grade)Formative (20 % of overall grade)


Podcast Final Project

Final Exam

All projects must be turned in with your name in the project title, otherwise you will not receive credit for your work.


(Please detach and return to Mrs. Dechert by Friday, December 15th

The previous pages gave you a general outline of Garageband 2.

By signing this form, you agree that you have read through the course syllabus for Garageband and understand the school’s attendance, behavior and academic policies written in the student handbook.

Student: You also agree to follow all of Mrs. Dechert’s class expectations.

Parent/Guardian: You agree to help your student follow these expectations.

Please feel free to contact me any time with your questions or concerns. You will get the quickest response from me via email.

Student signature ______Date ______

Parent or guardian’s signature ______Date ______