AP Calculus Syllabus (AB)

Mr. Hus

AP Calculus AB

Overview: Calculus Prep is a course designed to match the AP AB Curriculum as set

forth by the College Board. It is a rigorous course which will cover one semester of

college calculus. It is designed for students who have succeeded in Precalculus and who are college bound. The course adheres to the reforms in AP Calculus, that is, emphasis on understanding and problem solving, the rule of four (graphical, data, verbal and analytical), and the use of the graphingcalculator to free up time to examine ideas in more detail.

A detailed examination for the framework of the course can be found via the following links:

Textbook: Calculus, Larson, Hostetler, Edwards. 2002, Houghton Mifflin Company; 7th


Supplemental Texts: Handouts, videos and other information as announced throughout the course.

Requirements: The course is graphing calculator based. The student are required to have their own graphing calculator. Recommended is the TI-84+ Silver Edition, for its capabilities and ease of use. Note: The TI-89 will not be supported in this course. Students can use the TI Nspire in addition to the TI-84+.

As specified in the AP Bulletin, the calculator is to be used to graph functions in a specified window, find zerosof a function (the intersection of 2 curves), find the numerical derivative and thenumerical integral. Half of the questions, both multiple choice and free response, will be analyzed with the graphing calculator.


I. Functions, Graphs, Limits.

A. Analysis of graphs.

B. Limits of functions (including one-sided limits).

C. Asymptotic and unbounded behavior

D. Continuity as a property of functions.

II. Derivatives.

A. Concept of derivative.

B. Derivative at a point.

C. Derivative as a function.

D. Second and higher order derivatives.

E. Application of derivatives.

i. Analysis of curves

ii. Optimization, locally and globally.

iii. Modeling rates of change.

iv. Geometric interpretation of differential equations

v. Computation of derivatives.

III. Integral.

A. Interpretations and properties of definite integrals.

B. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.

C. Techniques of antidifferentiation.

D. Applications of integrals.

i. Area of a region (including bounding by polar curves)

ii. Volume of a solid (of revolution and known cross sections)

iii. Average value of a function.

iv. Distance traveled by a particle along a line.

v. Length of a curve.

E. Applications of anti-differentiation.

i. Motion along a line.

ii. Separable differential equations.

iii. Slope fields.

F. Numerical approximations to definite integrals.

i. Riemann sums.

ii. Trapezoidal sums.

Grading: The period grading will be based on daily homework (10%), tests (65%), and quizzes(25%). Semester grades are calculated on a 40% for each 9 week period and the final exam is worth 20%. It isessential that homework be done consistently and diligently. This is where skills arelearned and fine-tuned. Students should expect special project reports throughout the course. Scores of practice AP exams will be incorporated into the student’s grade.

Absent Work: All homework, quizzes and tests are to be made up according to the school policy. Late work is NOT accepted unless arrangements are made with the instructor.

After the AP exam: When the AP exam is finished, early in May, we will spend the

remaining month learning calculus material which is not part of the exam curriculum.

Included will be the following topics: Infinite integrals, trigonometric integrals, partial

fractions, integration by parts. This will be done in attempt to better

prepare students for further calculus work.

AP Credit: Most universities give credit for passing scores of 4 or higher on the test for science and engineering curriculums.

Nearly every school credits a score of 5. The AB course will usually give students one

semester worth of calculus credit four to five credit hours at Indiana State schools.

Brief Description of Course

AB Calculus is a course that draws upon the concepts and skills from the student’s

previous math courses, especially precalculus. It applies these skills to the main thrusts

of Calculus: the use of the limit concept to the development and use of the derivative

(instantaneous rate of change) and the integral (determination of area under a curve). Thecourse teaches an appreciation of the beauty of the math of Calculus and imparting skillsthat will be invaluable in the technical fields that are so important.

Unit Information

Unit Name or Timeframe:

Summer Work

Summer work is assigned which reviews and hones previously learned concepts that willbe drawn upon heavily in AB Calculus. Among these are trigonometry reviews, algebra,and function work.

Unit Name or Timeframe:

Precalculus practice (4 days)

Content and/or Skills Taught:

Review of Precalculus with group activites.

Unit Name or Timeframe:

Chapter 1: Limits and Their properties (10 days)

Preview of Derivative and Integral

Limits Graphically and Numerically

Limits Analytically

Continuity and One-Sided Limits

Infinite Limits

Content and/or Skills Taught:

An understanding of the concept of limits and how to determine them.

Unit Name or Timeframe:

Chapter 2: Differentiation (20 days)

Derivative and Tangent Line

Basic Differentiation Rules-Rates of Change

Product and Quotient Rules and Higher Order Derivatives

The Chain Rule

Implicit Differentiation

Related Rates

Content and/or Skills Taught:

The ability to apply limits to the definition of the derivative and acquire the rules vital to

computing derivatives.

Unit Name or Timeframe:

Chapter 3: Applications of the Derivative (24 days)

Finding Extrema on a Closed Interval

Rolle’s Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem

The First Derivative – Increasing and Decreasing

Concavity and the Second Derivative Test

Limits at Infinity

Curve Sketching


Differentials: Error and Linear Approximation

Content and/or Skills Taught:

How the concept of the derivative can be used in working with functions and applying

the derivative to certain problems.

Unit Name or Timeframe:

Chapter 4: Integration (18 days)

Anti-derivatives and Indefinite Integration

Slope Fields and Solutions to Differential Equations


Riemann Sums and Definite Integrals

Fundamental Theorems of Calculus

Integration by Substitution

Numerical Integration: Midpoint and Trapezoidal Rules

Content and/or Skills Taught:

The relationship between antidifferentiation and integration-the finding of area.

Unit Name or Timeframe:

Chapter 5: Transcendental Functions (20 days)

Natural Logarithmic Function and Differentiation and Integration

Inverse Functions and Their Derivative

Exponential Functions: Differentiation and Integration

Bases other than e

Differential Equations: Growth and Decay

Solving Differential Equations-Separation of Variables

Inverse Trig Functions: Differentiation and Integration

Content and/or Skills Taught:

How the concepts of integration and differentiation can be applied to the transcendental


Unit Name or Timeframe:

Chapter 6: Applications of Integration (10 days)

Area between Curves

Volumes: Of Revolution and Cross Sections of Known Area

Content and/or Skills Taught:

Use of the concept of infinite sums to total area and volume.

Unit Name and Timeframe:

Additional Topics (15 days)

Accumulation of change

Relation Between Slope Fields and Differential Equations

Second Fundamental Theorem Use with Graphs of a Derivative of a Function

Rectilinear Motion-Position vs Velocity vs Acceleration

Additional Graphing Calculation Review and Practice

Unit Name and Timeframe:

AP Review (20 days)

During this time we review particular key troublesome concepts. Specially prepared

worksheet are handed out and assigned. Perhaps 10 graphing calculator worksheets,

where students use their calculators to answer multiple questions on key concepts are

assigned. We then practice multiple old AP Tests, and practice tests from supplemental materials. Throughout the year I give quizzes on a myriad of multiple choice calculus questions andold free responses to prepare the students to the testing experiences and to improve theircommunication skills.

Students are expected to be available for AP Test Practice the Saturday before the scheduled AP exam. This practice will be held from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m..


Title: Calculus of Single Variable

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin

Published Date: 2002

Author: Roland Larson

Second Author: Robert Hostetler


Other Course Materials

Material Type: Other


Additional Information

Requirement: Communication Skills

How Course Meets Requirement:

With the administering of past free response on current topics, the students are given

practice with the written communications skills and how these responses would be

scored. Consistent opportunities are afforded the students to communicate their thought


Requirement: Use of a Graphing Calculator

How Course Meets Requirement:

Every opportunity is used to interject the use of the graphing calculator, both to explore

and ease the finding of a solution. Students are expected to have their own. Almost daily,problems are assigned which not only finely home their calculation skills, but also review many of the key content ideas from Calculus.

Requirement: Graphically, Numerically, Analytically, and Verbal

How Course Meets Requirement:

Every effort is made to present functions form all four viewpoints. They are focused to

analyze functions from the data in a chart, a graphically presented function, or to a givenfunction and attack it analytically.