21st Century Standards Profile
Business and Marketing Education
Course Title: Digital Imaging-Multimedia I WVEIS Code 1431
Student’s Name______
Course Description: This area of study is designed to provide students with knowledge and skills needed in E-business and related occupations. Major instructional concepts included in this area of study are methods of producing images through hands-on activities and experiences which will include: operating a digital camera, using imaging software, using drawing software, creating simple animations, and manipulating video images. Teachers will provide each student with real world learning opportunities and instruction related to business, marketing, e-business, multimedia and technology occupations. Students are encouraged to become active members of the student organizations, FBLA or DECA. The West Virginia Standards for 21st Century Learning include the following components: 21st Century Content Standards and 21st Century Learning Skills and Technology Tools. All West Virginia teachers are responsible for classroom instruction that integrates learning skills, technology tools, and content standards and objectives.
Level of Competence:
- Above Mastery: The student demonstrates exceptional and exemplary performance with distinctive and sophisticated application of knowledge and skills that exceed standard. The student can independently solve problems and is self-directed.
- Mastery:The student demonstrates competent and proficient performance and shows a thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills that meet standard. Application of knowledge and skills is thorough and effective and the student can work independently.
- Partial Mastery: The student demonstrates basic but inconsistent performance of fundamental knowledge and skills characterized by errors and/or omissions.Performance needs further development and supervision.
Content Standards and Objectives / Above Mastery / Mastery / Partial Mastery / Date / Comments
Standard 1: Software, Hardware and Operating System Requirements
Objectives / The student will
BE.O. DIM1.1.1
/use vocabulary related to digital photography, graphics, animation and video software.
BE.O. DIM1.1.2
/differentiate among multimedia and desktop publishing creations.
BE.O. DIM1.1.3
/compare and contract operating system and hardware requirements for multimedia development and publication.
/compare and contrast software programs used for developing multimedia presentations.
/utilize technical support resources (such as technical manuals, online help, Web-based support, or other sources) to resolve problems encountered during development of multimedia presentations.
Standard 2: Ethical and Legal IssuesObjectives / The student will
BE.O.DIM1.2.1 / research copyright laws/issues, ethical behavior and use of digital information in the production and distribution of digital materials.
BE.O.DIM1.2.2 / recognize and comply with software
licensing agreements associated with
Standard 3: Layout and Design
Objectives / Students will
BE.O.DIM1.3.1 / recognize appropriate audience, requirements, purpose, and schedule for the production of the project.
BE.O.DIM1.3.2 / apply principles of layout and design.
BE.O.DIM1.3.3 / create layouts for ease of readability and attractiveness.
Standard 4: Digital Cameras
Objectives / The student will
BE.O.DIM1.4.1 / identify features of different types of
digital cameras.
BE.O.DIM1.4.2 / take pictures utilizing the different
camera features.
BE.O.DIM1.4.3 / transfer images from the camera to
computers or other electronic
Standard 5: Imaging Software
Objectives / The student will
BE.O.DIM1.5.1 / choose correct file formats, such as jpg, tiff, gif, svg, and png, for specific multimedia projects.
BE.O.DIM1.5.2 / produce professional quality digital photographs.
BE.O.DIM1.5.3 / produce images using layers and layer styles.
BE.O.DIM1.5.4 / enhance images using adjustment tools.
BE.O.DIM1.5.5 / add enhanced type to an image.
BE.O.DIM1.5.6 / create images using filters.
Standard 6: Computer-Generated Drawings
Objectives / The student will
BE.O.DIM1.6.1 / create images using major components of a software drawing program.
BE.O.DIM1.6.2 / create graphics for multimedia uses; such as logos, letterheads, business cards, flyers, brochures, posters, cards, etc.
Standard 7: Animation
Objectives / The student will
BE.O.DIM1.7.1 / choose correct file formats for specific projects such as fla, swf.
BE.O.DIM1.7.2 / create frame by frame animations.
BE.O.DIM1.7.3 / create motion tweening animations and save in the correct format.
Standard 8: Digital Videos
Objectives / The student will
BE.O.DIM1.8.1 / operate digital video cameras.
BE.O.DIM1.8.2 / use digital video software to cut, edit, apply effects, add titles, and transitions to video clips.
BE.O.DIM1.8.3 / convert video for specific projects to correct file format such as QuickTime, RealPlayer, Windows Movie Maker.
Standard 9: Producing and Presenting a Digital Imaging/Multimedia Presentation/Project
Objectives / The student will
BE.O.DIM1.9.1 / critique the components of an effective presentation.
BE.O.DIM1.9.2 / develop and design a digital imaging/multimedia project.
BE.O.DIM1.9.3 / edit and proofread a digital imaging/multimedia project
BE.O.DIM1.9.4 / enhance a digital imaging/multimedia project with features (color, backgrounds, transitions).
BE.O.DIM1.9.5 / apply visual elements using digital photography, graphics, scanned images, and video images into a digital imaging/multimedia project.
BE.O.DIM1.9.6 / apply audio digital audio elements, such as voice/sound clips and music into a digital imaging/multimedia project.
BE.O.DIM1.9.7 / insert audio and visual elements from the Web into a digital imaging/multimedia project.
BE.O.DIM1.9.8 / integrate animation techniques into a digital imaging/multimedia project.
BE.O.DIM1.9.9 / present a digital imaging/multimedia project using the principles of effective communication.
BE.O.DIM1.9.10 / develop handouts and/or other visuals to use during a presentation.
Standard 10: Participating in the Student Organization
Objectives / The student will
BE.O.DIM1.10.1 / assess the purposes and goals of the local student organization.
BE.O.DIM1.10.2 / discover the benefits and responsibilities of participation in student organization as an adult.
BE.O.DIM1.10.3 / demonstrate leadership skills through participation in student organization activities such as meetings, programs, and projects.
Profile Summary
STUDENT COMMENTS:Student’s Signature______Date______
INSTRUCTOR COMMENTS:Instructor’s Signature______Date______