Union Pines High School – Home of the Vikings 50th Anniversary

August 6, 2014

Dear Viking Parent or Guardian:

We look forward to welcoming our students back to school. This year is an exciting time in our school’s history as we continue to celebrate our GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY! Student safety, academic success, and overall well-being remain our driving forces. We are excited for the opportunity to work with our Viking students, parents, staff, and community.

We are busy preparing for the new school year and anticipate a great opening.

Our classes begin at 8:30 A.M. and dismiss at 3:30 P.M. Students are not allowed to arrive on campus before 7:45 A.M. and need to be off campus by 4:00 P.M. unless participating in a staff supervised activity. We appreciate your cooperation with helping to keep our students in a safe and healthy environment.

UPHS Bell Schedule for 2014-15

Zero Period 7:45-8:25 (40 min)

Breakfast 8:00-8:25 Breakfast prices: paid $1.00, reduce free; Lunch: paid $2.25, reduce $0.40

Warning Bell 8:25

1st Period 8:30-10:05 (90 min)

Break 10:05-10:15 (snacks available in cafeteria or bring a snack from home)

2nd Period 10:15-11:45 (90 min)

3rd Period 11:50-1:55

1st Lunch 11:50-12:20 (30 min) Class 12:25-1:55 (90 min)

2nd Lunch 12:40-1:10 (30 min) Class 11:50-12:40 (50 min) + 1:15-1:55 (40 mins.)

3rd Lunch 1:25-1:55 (30 min) Class 11:50-1:20 (90 min)

4th Period 2:00-3:30 (90 min)

Enclosed is your “tentative” course schedule for 2014-15. Keep in mind that all schedules are subject to change due to various factors. The counselors are available to discuss schedule changes on August 11 with Seniors; August 12 with grades 10 and 11; August 13 with grade 9; all days 8:30 to 11:30 A.M. and 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Students will receive an updated copy of their course schedule on August 25; the first day of school for students. We have a new data management system, and we are still experiencing delays. Your patience is appreciated. Please see your assigned counselor: Everett - Last Names A-E ; French - Last Names F-M ; Portfilio - Last Names N-Z . (11th and 12th graders have priority in courses, so 9th and 10th may not get their requested elective choices; however, online courses are available. Complete NCVPS registration paperwork by August 13.

Schedule Changes are reserved for students with the following:

· missing courses

· advancement to the Honors or AP level

· previously earned credit for the course

· balancing of schedule (at least one elective each semester is considered a balanced schedule)

· or a particular course is needed to graduate


· Courses on an A/B schedule are expected to be paired with other courses. Discuss options with your counselor.

· Students are not allowed to have unsupervised free periods on campus.

Limited seats are available for an online NC Virtual School or APEX credit recovery courses from 7:45 to 8:25 A.M. Inquire with your counselor. Parent permission and private transportation are required.

Our Drop/Add Period for schedule changes closes on September 8. We expect our students to participate in a course of study that will prepare them to meet future demands; therefore, a request to drop AP or Honors level courses must be reviewed by an administrator and involve extenuating circumstances. Students who drop a course after the 10 day drop/add period will receive a WP or WF as a grade on their transcript (Withdraw Pass or Fail).

Early graduation applications are to be completed with your counselor by December 5. Early Graduates are eligible to participate in ALL student activities including the June graduation ceremony. (Be advised: Students who graduate early are strongly encouraged to transfer to the post-secondary level. Students are responsible for college tuition, fees, and textbooks. Students not enrolled as a full time student at the post-secondary level may no longer be eligible for Social Security benefits and may not qualify for coverage under their parents’ health insurance unless they are full-time college students (taking at least 12 credit hours of college credit.) Students are responsible for investigating their particular situations before applying for early graduation.)

Much time and effort is involved in student placement. Several factors are considered including 7th and 8th grade EOG scores and course grades. To see descriptions for our UPHS courses, please visit www.ncmcs.org, go to Student/Parent Resources, and click on the HS planning guide.

August 9 10:00 to 2:00 Free Physicals at New Covenant Fellowship There will be more than 35 vendors at ONE BIG DAY. First Health will offer several services including the Mobile Health Van. Family Eye Care Center and the Carthage Fire and Rescue will provide free health screenings. We especially encourage the younger students to participate as NCF will give away 300 free back packs filled with school supplies.

August 19 9:00-12:00 A.M. and August 21 12:00-2:30 P.M. Students can purchase parking permits in the Main Office. Students must present a valid driver’s license and parent signature is required. Lost textbooks and past due fees must be paid before issuing parking permits. Parking Permit applications are available in the Front Office or on the UPHS Website.

August 21 6:00 to 7:15 P.M. Freshman and New Students are invited to our Back-to-School Open House hosted by our PTSA. General information and an opportunity to “walk” course schedules will be offered. The Moore County Bus Transportation Department will be stationed in the Cafeteria to assist with bus questions. Upperclassmen are welcome, but it is not necessary for you to attend the general open house. However, upperclassmen can pay past due fees and return lost textbooks during our Open House.

August 25 Students report to Union Pines for our first day of school! Students will report to Homeroom at 8:30 A.M. and receive a new copy of their schedule. We will dismiss at 3:30.

To help ensure efficient record keeping, parents will receive a fee statement in the mail. We will issue the fee statements once course schedules are settled. Locker rentals will begin August 28 during lunches.

High school students cannot be absent more than 8 days during a semester and receive credit for courses unless a doctor’s note accompanies the absence or there is a death in the immediate family. The state will revoke a student’s driver’s license or permit if he/she fails more than one course during the semester. Early Dismissal requests after 2:45 may require documentation of an excused reason such as a doctor’s appointment card. (We are discouraging the tendency for students to leave school early excessively for unexcused reasons.)

Students must follow the Moore County Schools Dress Code. We are requesting student and parent cooperation with this code. Our students and staff cannot afford to lose valuable instructional time due to inappropriate dress issues. Moore County Board of Education Policy mandates the dress code.

Moore County Board of Education Policy

All students who attend Moore County Schools are expected to maintain a neat and well groomed appearance. Behavior patterns are affected by the clothing we wear, and when students are properly dressed, their focus is more on academics and their self esteem increases. The purpose of the dress code is to promote styles of dress, which helps create a positive image for all students. The principal will be in charge of making sure that the dress code is enforced.
Bandannas, skullcaps, sweatbands, etc., must not be worn to school.
Hats, toboggans, head scarves, hoods, sunglasses, etc., must not be worn inside buildings.
Clothing that advertises a product illegal for students or depicts offensive statements, pictures or remarks must not be worn to school.
Shorts, skirts, skorts, and dresses must be at least mid-thigh.
Pants and shorts must be sized appropriately, including waist and length, with no undergarments exposed.
Shirts must have an obvious shoulder line. Halter tops or spaghetti straps are not permitted.
Oversized shirts are not permitted.
Heavy chains of any type, i.e., wallet chains, chain belts, etc., are not permitted.
Any garment or accessories that disrupt(s) the instructional program or may inflict harm may not be worn to school, i.e., grilles, body piercing, etc.
Appropriate neckline must be evident at all times.
Footwear must be appropriate for school activities.

The basic school supply list, school calendar, student handbook, and athletic schedules are located on our school’s website http://www.ncmcs.org/uphs.

We are requesting that parents of UPHS students who travel the Sandhills Farmlife Road or those who normally travel Union Church Road from Vass use the main entrance to the school – Viking Drive. Those parents who travel Grady Road from Cameron will enter by the EMS Building to drop off students at the entrance opposite the Concession Stand. Those parents who travel Union Church Road from Carthage will turn left on Grady Road and enter by the EMS Station to drop off students at the entrance opposite the Concession Stand. Student Drivers will enter the gate at the Football Stadium.

The traffic flow will require patience and cooperation on the part of our parents, students, and faculty during the first days of school. We strongly encourage car pooling. Every attempt will be made to provide staff assistance during this yearly “training” process.

Bus transportation information will be available at our Open House on August 21. Due to liability issues, students cannot ride a different bus home with other students nor can we drop students off at work or different school sites. We regret any inconvenience, but this practice is prohibited. Contact Gracie Dowdy at 910.947.1688 for bus transportation questions.

Sandhills Community College will be at UPHS on August 11 1:00-3:00 and August 12 8:30-11:00 to answer questions about courses and parking stickers/decals. SCC classes on the SCC campus and SCC online courses start Aug 18. UPHS HIS 121 starts on Aug 19th, UPHS SOC 210 and UPHS PSY 150 start the week of August 25. Contact Mrs. Dowdy for more information at .

As we continue to strengthen our school to home relationship, we invite interested parents or guardians to contact me at or call 910.947.5511 to express an interest in serving on our PTSA or Parent Advisory.

We look forward to working together.


Robin R. Lea

UPHS Principal