Dear Parents:

Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year at Bromwell! My name is Sarah Hall, and I am so excited to be the Bromwell PTA President for this year. I am a Bromwell graduate, and I have two daughters who are in 2nd and 4th grades this year.

Joining me on the PTA is the following great group of parent volunteers:

Becky O’Connor is serving as the acting VP of Fundraising. Becky has a son who graduated from Bromwell and is now a 7th grader. Her daughter is in 5th grade. And, while she is willing and able to serve in this capacity, she would love to find someone willing to shadow her to be ready to take it on in the future.

Amy DeCamillis is serving as the VP of Community. She has twin daughters in 4th grade. Amy also has two older children who graduated from Bromwell. And she has been actively involved with Bromwell since they were students at Bromwell.

Eric Butz is serving as Treasurer. He has two sons who are current Bromwell students, one in 2nd grade and one in 4th. He also has two daughters, now in high school and college, who graduated from Bromwell. Eric served as Treasurer when they were at Bromwell, and he is back to give it a go again.

Holly Wells is serving as Secretary. Holly has one son at Bromwell who is in 4th grade. Although the Wells family is relatively new to Bromwell, Holly served on the PTA at their elementary school in CT before relocating to Denver.

We are very excited to be serving as your PTA officers this year, and, while we have already been meeting with our interim Principal, Amy Green, we cannot wait to get things started in earnest. To that end, we are making a bit of a shift to our meeting schedule this year. All of our meetings are open to the public, and we welcome everyone at all of our meetings. We are going to be doing our monthly meetings at 8:30 on the first Tuesday morning of the month. They will be in the conference room behind the front office. Those meetings will have a “work” focus to them. That is where we intend to hammer out a lot of the nitty-gritty of the PTA.

We will also be having evening meetings. We are currently planning on having those every other month on the third Tuesday evening of the month at 6:00 in the technology room. At these meetings we will plan to present what we have been working on and field questions from parents. As I said, all parents are welcome at any of these meetings. However, only parents who are members of the Colorado PTA are allowed to vote. To become a member of the Colorado PTA, please fill out the form attached to this e-mail and return it to the front office or in your child’s folder. If you need a hard copy, you can get one in the front office. Finally, Mrs. Green will also be holding periodic Principal/Parent chats.

We have a lot of exciting things on the horizon this year, and we hope that each and every one of you will get involved in whatever way or ways work for your family. Our PTA is made up of committees. Most of the committee chair positions have been filled. However, WE ARE STILL IN NEED OF AN AUCTION CHAIR OR AUCTION CO-CHAIRS. I did it last year, and both the planning and the party were a blast. So if you want to learn more, let me know. It is a huge fundraiser for us, and without it, the PTA will not be able to provide some of the programs and staffing that we enjoy at Bromwell.

So, now to the question that is on so many peoples’ tongues, what is the process for our getting a new permanent principal? I promise that I will do everything in my power to keep you all as informed as I am about where we are in the process. This is what I know as of now:

-The reality of the hiring process is that the best pool of applicants will be available in January/February. As such, the community facing portion of this process will not really start until that timeframe.

-There will be parent involvement in the process. It is a DPS hire, and we need to keep that in mind, but parents will be given a voice.

-Here is a link to a website that lays out a framework for the hiring of a DPS principal. I cannot say that this will be exactly how it works this year because this document does not have a date on it, but it is a good start at outlining the process.


I am very excited to get down to the work of the PTA this year, and I look forward to meeting those of you that I have not met. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.


Sarah Hall


PTA Morning Meeting Schedule (subject to change with notice to parents):

All meetings 8:30am in front office conference room

Tuesday August 23rd

Tuesday October 4th

Tuesday November 1st

Tuesday December 6th

Tuesday January 10th

Tuesday February 7th

Tuesday March 7th

Tuesday April 4th

Tuesday May 2nd

PTA Evening Meeting Schedule (subject to change with notice to parents):

All meetings start at 6:00pm in the tech room

Tuesday September 20th

Tuesday November 15th

Tuesday January 24th

Tuesday March 21st

Tuesday May 16th

Principal/Parent Coffee morning chats from 8:30-9:30:
Thursday August 23, 2016

Tuesday November 1 , 2016

Wednesday January 11, 2017

Friday February 27, 2017

Monday April 17, 2017

Principal/Parent Evening Chats (before the evening PTA meeting):

Tuesday November 15 at 5:00pm

Tuesday January 24 at 5:00 pm