Sacramento City College
Student Services Program Review Worksheet
Program Name: All City College and University Day
Part A: DATA
1. Mission or purpose of program: (Example: The Cultural Awareness Center mission is to advance intercultural understanding and education through programs and activities that reflect the diversity of Sacramento City College’s students, faculty, and staff, as well as the community in which we live.)
All City College and University Day provides a unique opportunity for local high school juniors, seniors, and their parents to personally meet with representatives from scores of UC, CSU, private, and out-of-state colleges and universities as well as a full compliment of SCC representatives.
2. Staffing: List each staff position and their duties within the program:
Position Title (Example: Assessment SPA) / Job Responsibilities (Example: Administers & scores assessment instruments, maintains Assessment Center data)Outreach Specialist / Plan organize and control the ACCUD event—coordinate ACCUD with the Transfer Center.
3. Workflow: Describe (each step) how a work assignment flows through the program on campus and at off-campus sites, to include a typical procedure for providing services to a student. Use flow charts, if necessary, to describe the workflow. Consider questions such as: what initiates services; what preparation is involved; what services do students receive and how; how are services provided to off-campus sites; who is eligible for services and how is that determined; how are services tracked; and is there follow-up to initial services?
This is a public event in which high school age students can receive information in person directly from representatives of the colleges and universities that they may be interested in attending. Several months of work and planning are involved in the event. A list follows.
Steps / Descriptions1 / Assist in setting the date for the one day event. (always a Saturday in October)
2 / Plan and Place advertising (Connections and neighborhood papers, need PO’s)
Coordinate Ads and Public Service Announcements with PIO
3 / Plan and order fliers and Posters (coordinate with Graphic Impressions Office, need PO)
4 / Plan the ACCUD event layout, coordinate with Transfer Center and submit a Facilities Request to the Facilities Office (include tables, stage & sound system)
5 / Plan invitation letter to high school students from VPSS for Matriculation Mailing (PIO can assist)
6 / Submit VPSS letter and flier for mailing to 7800 high school juniors and seniors in the SCC service area(Sac City Unified, Davis & River City High Schools)
Plan and order food (continental breakfast and lunch) for the volunteers and visiting representatives during the event (need PO)
Arrange for event entertainment (SCC Jazz Band, include in headcount for lunch)
Plan decorations (helium & balloons) need PO
Yellow patch handle merchandise bags and drawing prizes from bookstore (need PO’s)
Coordinate attending schools and signage with Transfer Center
Coordinate Free RT Bus Passes with RT representative
Coordinate distribution of fliers, posters, and RT bus passes with the Articulation Specialist
Send invitations to other district campuses to have information tables
Invite SCC President and any appropriate district office people
Refer any college or university contacts to the Transfer Center for processing
Distribute fliers and posters to Davis, Natomas Charter, Jesuit, and St. Francis High Schools
Schedule and coordinate admissions seminars with moderators for UC, CSU, and Private Colleges & Universities
Plan for photos of the event (simple ok)
Arrange for one club to sell food and drinks during event (Electronics has helped the last two years)
Solicit event volunteers and SCC department and area representatives for informational tables
Coordinate volunteer assignments such as: check-in, set-up, clean-up, food distribution & drawing
Conduct Volunteer meeting to discuss assignments and responsibilities
Pick up drawing prizes from attending colleges and universities on the event day
Be prepared to be interviewed by local TV or newspaper regarding ACCUD (most years)
4. Funding: List all funding sources and amounts. What are these funds used for?
Budget Source / Amount / Spending CategoryExample: PFE / 8.00 / Student
General Fund / 840 / Printing
General Fund / 2,000 / Advertising
Business Office Trust Account / 2,500 / Various
1. Strengths of Workflow & Functional Analysis:
ACCUD is an extremely popular event with volunteers, traveling college representatives, and most important—the high school students and their families.
2. Weakness of Workflow & Functional Analysis:
The ACCUD is for the most part an additional Transfer Day with a different target audience. The Transfer Center hosts Transfer Day the day before ACCUD and handles the scheduling of colleges and their representatives. The Transfer Center Staff coordinates with the ACCUD staff in another division (M&SD). A sub-committee from Counseling Division works to schedule some out-of-state private schools (usually staffed by volunteers) for Transfer Day. These important colleges and universities which are represented at Transfer Day, often do not participate in the Saturday event. This has been a problem since these colleges have been advertised as being represented at the ACCUD event, and their absence has been conspicuous.
ACCUD has historically been supported through VPSS from EEP fund. Additional funds have been covered by the department where ACCUD is assigned.
3. Goals and Actions: Please describe method(s) for improvement implementation.
These method(s) should be consistent with unit plan goals.
Goal 1: Solve the Private College and University no-show problem.Action / Linkage to Other Plans / Year End Status & Accomplishments
1a. / Stop advertising this unique group of colleges so that if they do not show up, their absence will not be as pronounced. / Matriculation Plan
1b. / Move control of the ACCUD to the Counseling Division so that control and direction can be exercised within the same division as the sub-committee. / Matriculation Plan
1c. / Work with the sub-committee to gain support for the importance of the ACCUD event, OR move contact responsibility for these colleges solely to the Transfer Center so that they can be handled the same as the other colleges and universities attending ACCUD. / Matriculation Plan
Goal 2: Establish a permanent and continuing budget
Action / Linkage to Other Plans / Year End Status & Accomplishments
2a. / Establish a continuing EEP Budget
. / Matriculation Plan
2b. / Establish a continuing General Fund Budget / Matriculation Plan
4. Resource Requests: Anticipated implications (budget item, facilities, staff, coordination)
Department Budget RequestBudget
Request / Operating Budget Increase / Instruction Increase / Computers / Equipment / Furniture / New Program Startup / Marketing Materials / Remodel Space / Faculty
Hires / Staff Hires / Student Hires / Temp Hires
Printing / 1,000
Advertising / 2,000
EEP (VPSS) / 2,500
Part A: DATA
1. Efficiency: How many students received services this year? (Attach data)
Helpful Hints: Show the number and variety of services you provided, show the hours and convenience of services as well. These are also your
key performance indicators that you will use for your unit plan.
ACCUD was advertised directly to 7800 local high school juniors and seniors through an SCC Matriculation Mailing. Connections, the Sacramento City Unified School District newspaper with a large color ACCUD ad goes to about 50,000 homes in their district. Over 75 college and university representatives participated in ACCUC. Event attendance was estimated at 1000 to 1200 persons. Attendance was lower in 2001 undoubtedly as a result of the recent September 11 attacks in New York and Washington D.C.
2. Student Equity: Which students were served in terms of ethnicity, age, gender, disability or any
characteristic relevant to this program’s services? (Attach data)
The Articulation Specialist whose student workers conduct tours during the event indicated that there was broad participation from her contact schools. Those attending ACCUD reflect the broad diversity reflected in SCC’s service area and current student population.
3. Effectiveness: How did the services affect student outcomes? (Attach data)
Helpful Hints:: There are a variety of ways you can show that your services contributed to positive student outcomes. Examine ways to show that students who participated in the unit’s services: registered for college; enrolled in classes; were placed successfully; established an educational plan; followed through to referred services; stayed in school their first semester; succeeded in their course
Since the event is first and foremost an informational event for high school students and their parents, the success of the event can be measured simply by the attendance. Additionally, virtually all in attendance visited at least one SCC Table. Counseling, Financial Aid, Cal-works, and Admissions and Records were some of the student services available. The event is awash with bold yellow SCC College Store bags which are only available at SCC tables. Event participants use the bags to hold the many brochures and fliers that they can get from the colleges and universities that are represented.
1. Strengths of Accountability:
Attendance has always been strong, and it is an obvious plus in the account of the event and a highly recognizable representation of the success of the ACCUD event.
2. Weaknesses of Accountability:
No student/parent survey is currently used to assess or monitor the perceptions of ACCUD.
3. Please describe method(s) for improvement implementation. These method(s) should be
consistent with unit plan goals.
Goal : Conduct an Event SurveyAction / Linkage to Other Plans / Year End Status & Accomplishments
1a. / Use the Campus Tour Table and Tour Guides to conduct a short guest survey / Matriculatin Plan
1b. / Information that might be helpful would be: gender, high school, ethnicity, grades in school, and disabilities. / Matriculation Plan
1c. / Include short evaluation questions about the ACCUD event. / Matriculation Plan
4. Resource Requests: Anticipated implications (budget item, facilities, staff, coordination)
Department Budget RequestBudget
Request / Operating Budget Increase / Instruction Increase / Computers / Equipment / Furniture / New Program Startup / Marketing Materials / Remodel Space / Faculty
Hires / Staff Hires / Student Hires / Temp Hires
Part A: DATA
1. Student Satisfaction: What student input/feedback do you have regarding services?
Helpful Hint: This does not have to be a scientific project. Consider asking students how they like the service during specific days of the semester. Put questionnaires or a suggestion box in your area. Follow up with students with a phone call and ask what was helpful or what was a barrier for them.
Comments from parents and students are overwhelmingly positive at the event. Students are excited and interested in the information available. Student and their parents are often glad to get financial aid questions answered at the event.
2. What faculty and staff input/feedback do you have regarding services ? (Attach data)
Helpful Hint: This does not have to be a comprehensive campus survey. Contact the people you work with and ask them how your unit is doing. Record their comments. Get information and feedback that is meaningful to your unit.
People who work the event like the atmosphere. ACCUD is usually a warm fall day under the beautiful trees on the quad. The music is nice and smell of barbeque gives the event a relaxed atmosphere. The SCC faculty and staff like the opportunity to speak one-on-one with prospective students and their parents. Casual observers are very uncommon; those who attend are obviously attentive and interested. The College and University Representatives value the event because of the high number of potential contacts. Comments frequently heard are: “we look forward to this event all year,” nobody does an event like City,” and “Best recruiting opportunity of the whole year.” It is true; it is the largest event of this kind in California.
3. How are the services communicated to students, potential students, and the campus?
(Example: The Early Assistance Program contacts instructors by e-mail, voicemail and letters. Students are contacted by mail or phone. There is a Los Rios online site under construction.
SCC has a major presence at ACCUD with tables for most student services. High School students and their parents are encouraged to go to the SCC tables by distributing the yellow patch handle SCC bags there. These bags are extremely popular and necessary and everyone makes a trip to the SCC tables. With friendly SCC staff at the tables fliers and information are also distributed.
4. What are the documents, letters, and reports produced by the unit? (Please attach)
Ads, posters, PSA’s, newsletter articles, fliers (same as posters only small), VPSS letter, seminar flier, summary, and e-mail messages requesting campus volunteers.
1. Strengths of Communications & Relations:
Broad event advertising, great campus support from volunteers, band, and clubs make ACCUD a strong and successful event. Long established relationships with representatives and an outstanding event reputation are maintained through hospitality and effective communication. The SCC Transfer Center provides virtually all of the communication with the College and University Representatives. They handle confirmations and provide reps with directions and maps. The Transfer Center deserves much of the credit for the solid reputation that ACCUD enjoys.
2. Weaknesses of Communications & Relations:
Even though there is much advertising and marketing of ACCUD, there is room to grow attendance. It could easily become more of a district event. Currently only Folsom Lake Center has accepted our invitation to participate in ACCUD. Weak communication could be part of the reason, although an invitation was extended at the VPSS level this past year.
3. Please describe method(s) for improvement implementation.
These method(s) should be consistent with unit plan goals.
Goal 1: Make ACCUD a District Wide OfferingAction / Linkage to Other Plans / Year End Status & Accomplishments
1a. / Educate key people at the other campuses as to the importance of ACCUD, encourage participation in the event. / Matriculation Plan
1b. / Pursue idea of inviting students from all high schools in the greater Sacramento Area by mailing to their counseling office with fliers. / Matriculation Plan
4. Resource Requests: Anticipated implications (budget item, facilities, staff, coordination)