MGT 3371
Principles of Management
Instructor: Sara Jo Burks Office Hours: M,W-10:00-12:00, 3:00-5:00
Office: Room 100 Shackelford Hall T,TH-10:00-12:00, 2:00-4:00
Telephone: (334) 670-3451 F-9:00-12:00; appointments
Class Time: T,TH 8:30-9:45 suggested
Prerequisites: ECO 2252
Students: Please put course title in the subject line of any emails and include your full name at the end of the email.
STUDENT EXPECTATION STATEMENT: I expect students to read the required material in advance, review the end-of-chapter items and ask questions to check their understanding, monitor the announcements page for course updates, check their emails regularly, participate meaningfully in all discussions, complete exams on the scheduled day, and submit assignments in a timely manner as scheduled. If problems arise, students are expected to contact me as soon as possible- prior to the due date- to discuss the problem.
Course Description:
This course is designed to enable the beginning management student to explore current
management theory and issues. The emphasis is on developing a foundation for future
management studies. Understanding the fundamentals of management will help the student
become a well-informed manager and facilitate effective problem solving in organizations.
The strengths perspective will provide a theoretical underpinning for moving through this
course. Understanding political, economic, technical, and social implications of managerial
decision-making strengthens the student’s capability to make strong and informed decisions
and to anticipate the impact of such decisions.
Principles of management draw on theory, methods, and principles from various disciplines (e.g. psychology, sociology, social psychology, medicine, anthropology, management, marketing, finance, entrepreneurship) to learn about special issues as well as everyday issues within the organization. While this course is "application" oriented, there is considerable research and theory to support application.
Student Learning Objectives
· Facilitate the improvement of decision-making skills.
· Facilitate an understanding of systems theory as it applies to modern organizations.
· Increase knowledge of managerial topics as well as managerial interventions for problem areas.
· Facilitate an appreciation for the importance of the manager as a decision-maker and facilitator in the life and development of the organization.
· Encourage student empowerment and self-directed learning.
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
1. List and describe major management theories as represented through the history of modern management thought.
2. Define and describe the planning, organizing, leading, and controlling functions of management.
3. Describe the internal and external environments of management.
4. Demonstrate written communication skills appropriate to the profession of management.
5. Discuss ethics and social responsibility in the context of management.
To provide a basic knowledge of the theoretical foundations of management and its functions and to prepare students for upper-level management courses.
Management: Leading and Collaborating in a Competitive World; Bateman and Snell
Tenth Edition.
The final grade will be computed on the following:
Four (4) Chapter Exams 30%
One (1) Comprehensive Final Exam 25%
Group Presentation 25%
Participation, Homework Assignments, Pop tests 10%
Manager’s Interview 10%
All work is due on the day designated. Late work will be dropped a letter grade for each class
period late. Unexcused absenteeism or tardiness results in a zero for each test or assignment. An
official written physician’s or health center excuse must be presented immediately upon return
or prior instructor approval secured before a missed assignment or test can be completed.
All missed assignments or tests must be completed within one week after returning to
class. The student is responsible for all arrangements. The course grade will be reduced one
letter grade for every two unexcused absences; every two days late to class or every
two early departures.
Written Work: General format: Number all pages and use APA format, 12 point font-Times
New Roman style, double-spacing, paragraph indention, section headings, MS-Word format.
Chapter Exams: Chapter exams will cover approximately four chapters. Class lectures, as
well as the text will be utilized for each exam.
Comprehensive Final Exam: The final exam will be comprehensive and will focus on the
major topics that should be taken from this class.
Group Presentation: To increase students’ understanding of work team dynamics, students will be required to work in randomly-selected teams on one team presentation. Team will select a movie, TV show or DVD (may use You Tube clips) that incorporates management concepts and theories discussed in class and in text and will prepare a presentation using creativity through PowerPoint and video clips that relate to the topics of the presentation or other creative method. Presentation will last no more than 20 minutes and must demonstrate how the team’s video selection relates to the topics and what practical lessons or applications managers can learn from the topics and video clip(s). Teams may not use the entire time to show a video. The presentation must consist of: brief introductory remarks, outline the presentation, then show approximately 5 minutes of video clips, present the concepts and theories in terms of how specific theories and or concepts in the chapters relate to the video clips and ends with comments on what managers can learn from the video clips. Both conceptual interpretation and practical implications for managers should be covered in the presentation to receive all possible points. Team members should also be prepared to answer any questions from classmates and the instructor after the conclusion of the presentation. Teams should notify the instructor with the type of selected video clips prior to the presentation by email. Teams will not be allowed to use a movie that has already been selected unless the video clip is totally different from another team’s selection. Teams are required to submit their slides of their presentation to the instructor prior to the presentation. Teams are welcome to contact the instructor prior to the presentation to discuss any questions or concerns.
Business casual dress is required for team presentations. All presentations should be professional, well-organized, clear and be comprised of relative content. Students are required to select only video clips that do not include derogatory/offensive language, violence or sexual content. All team members must participate in the presentation. All team members should speak for relatively the same amount of time during the presentation. All team members are expected to participate. Teams will evaluate team member participation and the audience will evaluate the presentation.
Pop Tests: Pop tests will be given throughout the semester for the purpose of assuring that students are prepared for each class meeting. They may be announced or unannounced.
Manager’s Interview: A manager (mid to upper level), approved by the instructor, will be interviewed during the semester. A written summary of the interview will be turned in for grading along with a class presentation of the interview. Interview questions will be approved by the instructor.
There is a general expectation that students interact during class lectures and discussions.
Make-up exams will be given only for documented (on letterhead) approved absences. The
make-up exam must be taken within three class days of the student’s return to class.
Use of any electronic devise by students in the instructional environment is prohibited unless
approved by the instructor or by the Office of Disability Services in collaboration with the
instructor. Cellular phones and other communication devices may be used for emergencies only.
If you are expecting an emergency related call, please notify the instructor before the class
begins, place the phone on vibrate and you will be allowed to step outside to take the call. NO
EAR Buds are allowed in ears during class- unless in accordance with Adaptive Needs Services.
Attendance will be taken at the beginning of the class session. Students who arrive after their
Name is recorded will be marked absent. Students arriving late must see the
Instructor immediately after class that day. Attendance is mandatory.
If a class is missed it is the student’s responsibility to
obtain all information and materials presented during that absence.
Excused absences have the following characteristics:
a. Instructor was informed prior to the absence.
b. Instructor determines that the absence is excused.
c. Absence is of the following type:
1. Participation in a documented official university function that does not permit the student’s class attendance (e.g., participation in athletic events, field trips, etc.).
2. Severe illness: a hospital stay, or a doctor’s excuse saying that it is impossible for the student to attend.
3. Death of immediate family member
4. Appearance in court
5. Personal situations that are approved by the instructor in advance of the time the student is to be absent.
6. Written documentation (on letterhead) must be provided.
7. An official written excuse must be presented immediately upon return before a missed test can be taken.
8. The student is responsible for all arrangements.
Professional and mature behavior and communications are expected. Students are expected to be courteous, respectful, and supportive of their classmates and the instructor using various communication media; especially including constructive (as opposed to destructive, rude, or cynical) critique. Inappropriate behavior 9tone, address, etc.) will result in a request to leave the class or course.
Student group/team members are expected to interact positively with each other. Group members need to collaborate on group assignments. Please contact your instructor if someone in your group is not fully participating. It is unethical to include students’ names on assignments to which they contributed little or nothing. If behavior does not improve after the student is warned; student may complete all assignments individually. At the end of presentations each group member will rate/rank all other group members and these will be counted in each student’s final grade.
1. Additional information on assignments will be provided.
2. The scheduling dates of the “Course Content” may vary depending on depth of topic coverage.
3. Other changes, as necessary, may be made by the instructor.
There are computer labs available in McCartha, The Writing Center in Eldridge Hall, and the Library
Adaptive Needs:
Any student with disabilities under ADA must inform the instructor at the beginning of the
term of any special need requirements. Various accommodations are available through the
Adaptive Needs Program, which is located in Room 102 Eldridge Hall.
Academic Integrity:
If you are caught cheating, you will get a course grade of "F". See ORACLE: Student
Handbook, 2012-13" pp. 46-60. Plagiarism is the act of stealing and passing off (the
ideas or words of another) as one’s own or to commit literary theft: present as new and
original an idea or product derived from an existing source (Webster’s New Collegiate
Dictionary). Plagiarism will cause a student to get a course grade of "F". According to the
TSU ORACLE: Student Handbook, 2012-13, pp. 46, one definition of misconduct is:
"Dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarism..." The ORACLE states on pp. 53-54 under the
Academic Code sub-heading that: "A student is subject to disciplinary action:
Where the work affects or might affect a student’s grade, credit, or status in the university, a student represents to be his or her own any work which is not the product of his or her own study and efforts.” The penalty for such misconduct may be (p53) "A student’s grade in the course or on the examination affected by the misconduct may be reduced to any extent, including a reduction to failure." A student may be suspended from the university for a specific or an indefinite period. p. 56-57.