News Show
You and your group will be producing a news show similar in style and format to the CNN Student News with Carl Azuz.
Goal: The goal of the project is to complete a review of the Upfront news stories that we have covered this semester to help prepare you for the semester test.
Each news show should be approximately 20 minutes long and contain pictures, interviews and news stories completed by individual members of your team.
Stories should be assigned to individual teams member s to write.
Each group will need a “Carl”—the news anchor for the show and the rest of the members will be the reporters.
· Duties for “Carl”
o The “Carl” for each group will introduce the show and each news story and the reporter for the story. This means that the introduction must include a brief background of the story so the news reporter can tell us the story in more detail.
o You must research and write your own script intros to each of the stories for your group members.
o You must also come up with at least one Shout Out or ID Me.
o You must write a “Before We Go” story—it may or may not include puns! This may be about one of the topics or more of a “light” story.
o Help other group members with deciding the order or the news stories and the filming.
· Reporters.
o You will each report on two stories.
o You must write the script for each story that tells us about the story and if you need someone to interview in your story, you must include the answers to the questions you ask so the person you are interviewing will know what to say in response to the questions. You may use fellow group members to be the interviewees for your stories.
o Each news story should be at least 2 minutes long at a minimum and use pictures or graphics etc. for the story.
o Help the other group members put together the order of the stories and help in the filming process.
The stories will be a review of the topics we have read and discussed this semester. You should have news stories that cover the following titles or topics:
· Election Review Stories
· Health Care in the United States
The following are from articles from the Update Magazine and should be divided up so each group member has two stories. Some may not be covered if you do not have enough group members.
· Japan One Year Later
· The Problem with Iran
· Insult or Honor
· Should Minimum Wage Be Raised?
· The World’s Newest Dictator
· Driving While distracted
· Gender Games
· Locked Away Forever
· Obama: Pass or Fail
· Scenes from the Border
· Whatever Happened to Global Warming?
· Should Race Matter?