Section 4.7 Conclusion of the P-R Process

1)Conclusion of the P-R Process

2)Take action on the Defenders

  1. If Challenger was granted in full
  2. If Challenger was refused
  3. If Challenger was partially granted
  4. If

3)Turn off the flags

4)If challenger was withdrawn or retracted

  1. Turn off the flags
  2. Set any valid matching requests to dead
  3. Done

x001-x.4.7 Conclusion of the P-R Process

1 If the Challenger request is confirmedor refused the Transmission Provider shall

a)For each ROFR Defender that submitted a valid and feasible matching request;

  1. Identifythat the matching profile is accepted
  2. Update the Defenderreserved MW to equal the matching profile
  3. Reset the competition flags

b)For each ROFR Defender that elected not to match or infeasible matching request ;

  1. Identifythat the remaining profile is accepted
  2. Update the Defenderreserved MW to equal the remaining profile
  3. Reset the competition flags

c)For each confirmed Defender without ROFR

  1. Post a reduction to the Defender reserved MW to reflect the amount preempted
  2. Reset the competition flags

d)Reevaluate each pending (not confirmed) Defender for any remaining transfer capability according to their original queue position.

2 If the Challenger request is withdrawn or retracted the Transmission Provider shall

a)For each ROFR Defender that submitted a valid and feasible matching request;

  1. Identify that the matching request is not accepted
  2. The Defender reserved MW is unchanged
  3. Reset the competition flags

b)For each ROFR Defender that elected not to match or infeasible matching request ;

  1. Identify that the matching request, if submitted, is not accepted
  2. The Defender reserved MW is unchanged
  3. Reset the competition flags

c)For each confirmed Defender without ROFR

  1. Reset the competition flags

d)For each pending (not confirmed) Defender

  1. Resetthe competition flags

x001-x. TP shall be obligated to either grant the MATCHINGrequest in full or, if infeasible, to reduce the remaining transmission service obligation held by the Defender to the amount so indicated by the Defender.

x001-x. Transmission Customer who has been granted the right to be a Challenger will not be required to accept partial Transmission Service if the request has been partially defended.

x001-xx4.5.1.1The Transmission Provider shall supersede Defenders which are not already confirmed.

x001-xx4.5.1.2[JTW1]The Transmission Provider shall preempt, in part or in whole, the capacity from Defender reservations.

x001-xx4.[JTW2]The Transmission Provider shall supersede Defenders which are not already confirmed.

x001-xx4.[JTW3]The Transmission Provider shall preempt, in part or in whole, the capacity from Defenderreservations.

x001-x4.6.5.3[JTW4]If no Transmission Customer exercises ROFR or no valid matching requests are received, or all the valid matching requests are not feasible, the Transmission Provider shall accept the Challenger.:

a)Supersede non-ROFR Defenders which are not already confirmed

b)Preempt, in part or in whole, the capacity from non-ROFR Defender reservations

c)Set the capacity of each ROFR Defender to its remaining profile as computed by the Transmission Provider if no valid matching request is received or as specified by the Transmission Customer in a valid matching request.

d)Accept the Challenger

x001-xx.[JTW5]If the Challenger request is withdrawn, refused, or retracted, the Transmission Provider shall take no action on any Defenders and deny all matching requests. The Transmission Provider shall conclude the Preemption-ROFR Process.

x001-xx.[JTW6]If the Challenger request is confirmed the Transmission Provider shall

e)Supersede non-ROFR Defenders which are not already confirmed

f)Preempt, in part or in whole, the capacity from non-ROFR Defender reservations

g)Set the capacity of each of the ROFR Defender with a feasible matching profile to its matching profile.

h)Set the capacity of each of the ROFR Defender without a feasible matching profile to its remaining profile.

x001-x.4.7.1.At the conclusion of the Preemption & ROFR process the Transmission Provider shall mark on OASIS all requests and reservations that were a Challenger or a Defender indicating that the process is complete.

x001-x.4.7.2. When pending request which was identified as a Defender is notified that the Preemption & ROFR process is complete, the Transmission Customer may initiate a status change[ACP7][ACP8]

x001-x.4.7.3At the election of the TP such TP may, through its business

practice standards, offer to the Defender with a confirmed reservation subjected to Recall or Displacement as a result of the Preemption& ROFR process, the option to reduce some or all of the remaining capacity on the preempted reservation to an amount below the capacity remaining after preemption.[j9]

x001-x.4.8A Transmission Provider shall accept any reservation request submitted for an unConstrained Path if the Transmission Customer’s bid price is equal to or greater than the Transmission Provider’s posted offer price at the time the request was queued, even if later requests are submitted at a higher price. This Business Practice Standard WEQ-001-4.24 applies even when the first request is still unconfirmed, unless the Transmission Customer confirmation time limit has expired for the first request.(Was 001-4.24)

x001-x.4.9Once an offer to provide non-firm PTP at a given price is extended to a Transmission Customer by the Transmission Provider, and while this first request is still unconfirmed but within the Transmission Customer confirmation time limit, the Transmission Provider shall not preempt or otherwise alter the status of that first request on receipt of a subsequent request of the same Service Request Tier and equal duration at a higher price, unless the subsequent request is submitted as pre-confirmed.(Was 001-4.25)

Options for cleanup of resales (x001-x.

First roundIn favor opposed


2)TP terminates 94

3)TC clean up and then TP shall clean up after time limit211

4)No resales off conditionals95

5)TC cleans up and failure results in penalties to the TC that lost capacity410

6)TC clean up and then TP may clean up after time limit124

Second round

2)TP terminates walk away

6) TC clean up and then TP may clean up after time limitstandardize

Cleanup of Resales

1)Customer a – 100 mwuncommitted capacity 100mw (0 mw after resale to b)

  1. Customer b (resale 1) – 100 mwuncommitted capacity 100mw (0 mw after resale to c)
  2. Customer c (resale 2) – 100 mwuncommitted capacity 100mw

2)Customer a preempted 100 mwuncommitted capacity -100mw

  1. Customer a displaces resale 1 100 mwuncommitted capacity 0mw
  2. Customer b uncommitted capacity -100mw

3)Customer b displaces resale 2 100 mwuncommitted capacity 0 mw

  1. Customer c uncommitted capacity 0mw


[JTW1]7/21/16 subcommittee reviewed

[JTW2]7/21/16 subcommittee reviewed

[JTW3]7/21/16 subcommittee reviewed

[JTW4]8/18/16 subcommittee reviewed

9/7/16was moved from subcommittee reviewed and agreed

[JTW5]9/7/16 added

[JTW6]9/7/16 added

[ACP7]Motion 90(3a)When a TSR is identified as an A-Defender the COMPETING_REQUEST_FLAG shall be set to ‘Y’. Customer initiated status changes shall not be permitted from a pending status when the COMPETING_REQUEST_FLAG is set.

[ACP8]Once the preemption and /or competition has concluded the COMPETING_REQUEST_FLAG shall be set to ‘N’. Customer initiated status changes shall be permitted at this point

[j9]Per Motion 51


Issue 16, 16.1

Requirement 9