Monday 5th January 2015
at 7.30pm in the Washington Village Hall
MINUTES of the proceedings of the monthly meeting of Washington Parish Council held on Monday 5th January 2015.
PRESENT: Councillors Beglan, Britt, Cook, Doré, Heeley (chairman), Jolley, Milner-Gullard, Turley and Whyberd.
IN ATTENDANCE: West Sussex County Councillor Phillip Circus and Horsham District Councillor Diana Van Der Klught.
ALSO: Clerk to the Council Petrina Kingham.
ABSENT: Cllrs R Thomas and D Horwood.
Cllr Heeley opened the meeting at 19:32
15.50 Apologies for Absence and Chairman's Announcements
Apologies and reasons for absence were given and accepted from Cllrs Rick Thomas (work), and David Horwood (prior commitment). Horsham District Councillors Ray Dawe and Jim Sanson also sent their apologies for non-attendance due to a prior District Council commitment.
15.51. Declarations of Interest from members in any item to be discussed and agree Dispensations
No interests were declared on any matter on the Agenda.
15.52. To approve the Minutes of the last Parish Council meeting held on 1st December 2014
The Draft minutes of the meeting had been circulated to Councillors on 30th December 2014. Councillors RESOLVED (006) that the Chairman could sign the minutes as a true record of the meeting which took place on 1st December 2013.
15.53. Adjournment of the Meeting to allow for public participation (19:40)
Mike Gould (Heath Common Residents Association) spoke on the following matters:
Item 6 of the Agenda- DC/14/0921 Old Clayton Boarding Kennels Storrington Road, Washington - amended site area and confirmed that the HCRA stands by its original objections.
Item 8 of the Agenda - response to the proposed Motion:
That the Washington Parish Council change its name to Washington and Heath Common Parish Council
A letter had been sent to the Clerk and circulated to Councillors in support of the change by Mr Gould as a result of conversations with residents over the Christmas period and on behalf of the HCRA.
Item 10 of the Agenda - A request that the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group ensure that there is a reference to the Heath Common Village Design Statement in the Pre-Submission Plan
Lupin Cottage - Has a response been received from HDC as a result of the Clerk’s enquiries? The Clerk passed Cllr Heeley a letter received from HDC and clarified that the matter would be on the Planning and Transport Committee Agenda by way of an update on 19th January. Cllr Heeley read from the letter which clarified the rights of the applicant to appeal the decision and/or submit a further application and the timescales involved. Cllr Circus stated the situation was frustrating but the national policy was to remove as many obstacles as possible to development.
Barratts - Mr Gould raised the ongoing issue of land collapse in Hampers Lane as a result of the development and who would be responsible should this occur. This matter had been reviewed in the Planning and Transport Meeting of 15th December 2014 and the Clerk was collating responses for a report in the Committee Meeting of 19th January 2015.
Heath Common - ongoing issue of weight restrictions, axle weights and width restrictions. The Clerk had previously recommended to the Steering Group and Mr Gould that Policy 15 of the NP be expanded to include this and had emailed rCOH and s for advice. The Clerk had requested a form of words from the Steering Group to forward to rCOH and AirS and this was yet to be received. The Clerk was asked to raise this again with rCOH and AirS. Mr Gould stated that he had received legal advice confirming that Traffic Regulation Orders could be applied to private roads. Cllr circus advised he had not ever come across this. Cllr Circus cautioned that whilst some and perhaps a minority of residents were supporting this some others who wished to expand and develop their properties would not. He also stated that the cumulative effect of more small vehicles as a result of the restriction could more damaging than the impact of fewer larger vehicles. He was reluctant to support a measure which might not be fully supported by residents.
The Meeting reconvened at 19:52
15.54. To report Matters Arising from the previous minutes
The Clerks action list circulated on 5th January 2015was NOTED.
15.54.1 (Minute 14.83.3) EN/14/0391 Sandhill Lodge - alleged unauthorised structure (Class E permitted Development)
Councillors NOTED the update provided by the Clerk that on 22nd December 2014 John Atfield (HDC Planning Compliance Officer) advised the Clerk via email that a planning application was submitted by the applicant on 19th December 2014 and was ‘awaiting to be recorded and validated’.
15.54.2 (Minute 15.39.2) Horsham District Council Bus Shelter and Light - London Road Washington
Councillors NOTED the update from the Clerk that further to a letter from the Clerk confirming that the Parish have no records of ownership, nor intend to accept ownership of the light and brick bus shelter the light has been repaired on a ‘without prejudice’ basis by Horsham District Council’s estates management department. HDC have confirmed via an email that they cannot trace any records of ownership and have passed the issue onto WSCC for clarification on the light and/or bus shelter. The Clerk has responded that the Parish do have any records which show they have taken the light and shelter on nor do they intend to. The Clerk has further urged both HDC and WSCC to clarify ownership and maintenance responsibilities as a matter of priority in the new year. Cllr Britt asked that the matter be pursued until resolved. The Clerk advised that she had followed the matter up over the Christmas period and Tim Boxall had taken the matter on and would progress it in due course.
15.55 To consider Planning Applications and discuss Transport issues
DC/14/2616 Peace Cottage, Bracken Lane, Storrington RH20 3HS- demolition of car port, erection of garage with pitched roof over - Councillors AGREED that they had NO OBJECTIONS to this application.
DC/14/2623 Ridgeways, Georges Lane, Storrington RH20 3JH - felling of beech tree for safety reasons (covered by a TPO) - Whilst Councillors conceded that they were not aboriculturalists they were of the view that the tree looked healthy and as such if the tree was sound Councillors AGREED NOT to support the felling of the tree.
DC/14/2612 - 4 Gorse Bank Close, Storrington, erection of a detached dwelling and garage.
Councillors AGREED NOT to support the proposed development on the basis that it was within a Category 2 settlement and in a location with a very limited level of services. The Core Strategy seeks to limit new development to category 1 settlements and as such this was overdevelopment, in advance of the Neighbourhood Plan and had no justification in that it did not meet a specific need.
SDNP/14/05743/HOUS - New Cottages, 3 The Holt, Washington RH20 4AN two story side extension of 3m width - Councillors AGREED NOT to support this application on the basis that is was a large over-development of a small site which is unsympathetic to the setting of a pair of notable Victorian cottages in the village centre.
DC/14/0921 Old Clayton Boarding Kennels Storrington Road, Washington - amended site area. Councillors AGREED that the previous objections were not ameliorated by the amendments. The proposal constituted over-development and was highly visible from the South Downs and National Parks.
15.55.1 Enforcement
Councillors NOTED updates provided in the draft Planning and Transport minutes of 15th December 2014.
15.55.2 Appeals
None advised
15.55.3 Decision notices
Councillors NOTED the following decision notices.
* Denotes an application to which Washington Parish Council had no objections
Application Number: DC/14/0457 Decision: Application Refused
Site: Lupin Cottage Hampers Lane Storrington Pulborough West Sussex RH20 3JB
Description: Raising of existing roof and creation of first floor to provide additional living accommodation
Date of Decision: 02/12/2014
*Application Number: DC/14/2476 Decision: Application Permitted
The Parish were not consulted but had no objections to the Application *DC/13/0738
Site: Former High Hollow Veras Walk Storrington West Sussex
Description: Non Material Amendment (Demolition of existing 2-bedroom detached bungalow and the construction of a 3 bedroom detached dwelling
DC/13/0738) internal alterations and modification to windows and doors.
Date of Decision: 08/12/2014
*Application Number: DC/14/1720 Decision: Application Refused
Site: - Land North of 6 Montpelier Cottages Old London Road Washington West Sussex
Description: Construction of 3 x two bedroom terraced dwellings.
Date of decision: 16/12/14 Development Control Committee (South) (issue date 17/12/14)
15.56 Transport issues:
Road Closures
The Clerk updates the Parish Website with any relevant closures.
15.56.1 To review, discuss and recommend a response to the VAS activation speed, timings, maintenance and installation agreement and request form
The Clerk had circulated a form which WSCC required to be signed before they could progress the matter further obtain a definitive cost for installation. The Council AGREED that the form should be signed to obtain a definitive cost for consideration by Council.
15.57 To Approve Payments Made to the Parish Council, to be Advised of Receipts to the Council, Purchase Order Quotes and Financial Arrangements
Councillors AGREED the financial reports for transactions 04.11.14 - 30.12.14 - payments in the sum of £3806.92; receipts £322.00 and outstanding purchase orders £1214.00. Details of the payments, receipts and purchase orders were circulated prior to the meeting and presented in hardcopy at the meeting by the Clerk.
The Clerk advised she was using Scribe accounting to raise purchase orders to consolidate the two systems used previously but that the excel sheet circulated at the meeting of 1st December 2014 would run until the identified payments were satisfied to avoid duplication.
The Clerk advised there was an outstanding debt to the Council in the sum of £5.00 for allotment rent for the period between September 2014 - 2015 and that the allotment holder will shortly be requested to vacate the allotment.
Clerk’s Salary for December 2014 (net)Gross £1001.33 less
Tax £33.60
NI £40.60
Office expenses for December 2014 include:
Electricity £7.00
Travel @.45 ppm 174 miles
Office expenses:
Printer cartridges
Laminating pouches
Total expenses
Total salary
TOTAL payment
Cumulative lieu time up to October end 2014
Lieu time November 2014
Lieu time December 2014
Sub Total
Taken 02.01.15
Total lieu time accrued / Cheque Number
002131 / 927.13
31 hours 45 minutes
9 1/2 hours
13 1/4 hours
54 1/2 hours
49 1/2 hours
Councillors NOTED the Balance on the Lloyds Current Account as of 4th December 2014 is £66741.15. This account was reconciled on 29.11.14. The Clerk has been unable to reconcile the account for December 2014 due to the fact that no statement has been received. Lloyds have advised that the ‘lost’ statement will be re-issued and received within 7- 10 working days.
The Quarterly report (Quarter 3 - 1st October 2014 - 31st December 2014) will be reviewed when the account has been reconciled and placed on the Full Council Agenda for February 2015.
15.57.1 Clerks Salary, expenses and lieu time
Councillors AGREED the Clerks salary, expenses and accrued lieu time.
15.58. Parish council issues and maintenance
15.58.1 To receive, review and recommend on the following Motion:
That the Washington Parish Council resolve to change its name to Washington and Heath Common Parish Council so that both Parish wards are included in the name.
There was an in depth discussion on this matter and the following points were raised:
1. The name of the Parish should accurately reflect the full geographical area, size and status of the PC which is much larger than just the village of Washington.
2. A name change would result in a more inclusive approach, with a stronger feeling of “belonging” and engagement with Washington for the residents of Heath Common, who have “Storrington” postal addresses.
3. The motion has the strong support of the Heath Common Residents Association (HCRA) Ref letter 23.12.14 from M Gould, Chairman.
- Heath Common historically fell into four parishes (one of them being Washington), this was an anomaly.
- Horsham District Council conducted a survey of residents which concluded that the majority did not want Parish Status
- Heath Common residents were given two options as to which Parish to associate with and chose Washington
- There are numerous examples of other Parishes with two names, although they differed from the current situation in that the examples represented two parishes merging not two wards
- The areas are quite distinct, in that Washington was a historical Saxon settlement whilst Heath Common was a more modern settlement.
- A large part of Heath Common had previously been part of the Washington Parish.
- In response to requests for any comments on this matter in the last newsletter, the only response had been from Heath Common Residents Association.
Cllr Milner-Gulland moved an amendment requesting that the Motion be discussed at the Annual Parish Meeting to gauge support and strength of feeling in favour of the change.
The amendment was carried and the matter DEFERRED to the Annual Meeting.
15.58.2 To consider a response to Sussex Police's 'Council Support Criteria' and attendance at meetings of PCSO's.
The matter of attendance of PCSO’s at the Monthly meetings was discussed - the proposal was to confirm whether the Council would like attendance at their monthly meeting once a quarter or less. Councillors felt that mandatory monthly attendance could be dispensed with and attendance every quarter was acceptable but an email update prior to the monthly meeting would be useful. However Councillors wished to stress that the PC’s and PCSOs were always welcome at any meeting of the Council. The Clerk was asked to respond accordingly.
15.58.3 GACC To Receive an update on the proposed air-routes and consultation on Gatwick airports 2nd runway and to review and discuss a response to GACC and the consultation by the Airports Commission and the GACC survey (circulated 15.12)
Cllrs Circus and Van Der Klught confirmed that both Horsham District Council and West Sussex County Council would be reviewing their stances on this matter shortly. Cllr Circus stated that there was a meeting scheduled for 22nd January to review the WSCC stance and that this would provide the definitive response to the consultation (WSCC was currently in favour). Any comments made by local Councils would assist this debate. Washington Parish Councillors were concerned that they did not have sufficient information by which to make an informed decision and AGREED NOT to respond to the consultation.