Tuesday 12 October 2010
Margaret Whellans (C) - Gateshead Council
Pauline Piddington - Gateshead Council
Julie McCartney - The Gateshead Housing Company
Suzanne Gamble - Gateshead Council
Muriel Callaghan - Gateshead College
Mark Warcup - Northumbria Police
Michelle Richards - Special School Headteachers
Keith Carruthers - Tyne & Wear Fire & Rescue Service
Peter Crabtree - Secondary Headteachers
Alison Walton - Gateshead Council
Jane Bench - Gateshead Council
Ann Day - Gateshead Council
Chris Nevis - Gateshead Council
Joanna White - Gateshead Council
Janette Sherratt - SOTW PCT
Jeanne Pratt - Gateshead Council
Rosalyn White - Gateshead Council
Apologies for absence were received from, Cllr C Donovan, Frances Powell, Kathryn Dimmick, Sandra Brydon, Natalie Hewitt, Joan Moon, Lisa Dodd, Allan Smith, Janet Holliday and Christine Foster.
The minutes of the meeting held on 7 July 2010 were agreed as a correct record.
Matters Arising
Work is in progress on the statement around the Staying Safe outcome and this will be shared with partners before the next meeting.
The Board received a report on the proposed changed to Children’s Trust
arrangements. The new Government has announced intentions to:-
· Remove the duty on schools to co-operate through Children’s Trusts via the forthcoming Education Bill
· Remove the requirement on local authorities to set up Children’s Trust Boards and the requirement on those Boards to prepare and publish a joint Children and Young People’s Plan, at the first legislative opportunity
· Revoke the regulations underpinning the Children and Young People’s Plan and withdraw the statutory guidance on Children’s Trusts, in the Autumn.
It was noted that it is still important for Gateshead to have a partnership and it is proposed that the Children’s Trust Board continues and the Children and Young People’s Plan continues to be developed with the support of the Board and the GSP as a whole.
It was pointed out that the Terms of Reference will be amended to reflect the changes in the statutory duty. Positive feedback has been received from Ofsted in relation to the continuation of the Children and Young People’s Plan.
The Board was also advised that there is a requirement to set up a Health and Wellbeing Board and partners were asked to think about how the relationship between this and the Children’s Trust Board will go forward in the future.
RESOLVED - (i) That we continue to maintain a Children’s Trust Board
whose sole focus is the holistic needs of children and young people in the local area.
(ii) That we continue to develop a Children and Young
People’s Plan for Gateshead setting out how we will coordinate activity against priorities identified through discussion and consultation and underpinned by the JSNA.
(iii) That the Children’s Trust Board continues to support a
partnership approach across Gateshead in order to improve children and young people’s wellbeing.
(iv) That the Children’s Trust Board develops in line with the
proposals contained in the health white paper which proposes very similar boards to better support joined up commissioning of health services.
(v) That the Terms of Reference for the Children’s Trust
Board will be modified once the Secretary of State has revoked the regulations outlines in the ASCL Act 2009 and in accordance with those new proposals.
The Board received a report which provided an overview of performance against the Vision 2030 Big Ideas and the Gateshead Agreement which will impact on children and young people in the Borough.
In terms of the City of Gateshead Big Idea it was noted that work has commenced on new homes in Gateshead which will impact on children and young people in these areas. Progress around the Gateshead Goes Global idea includes the award of City of Sport status and the launch of a talent attraction and retention strategy for the Borough. In addition, the Creative Gateshead idea has seen the launch of the North East Apprenticeship Company and the Gateshead 14-19 partnership runs the largest Young Apprenticeship Programme in the North East. In terms of Sustainable Gateshead young people have a major role in driving forward progress and crime rates have improved. It was noted that work is ongoing with children and young people around the Active and Healthy Big Idea to identify practical ways to improve health and mental health, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and smoking cessation. Children and young people in Gateshead have also been involved in the Gateshead Volunteers Big Idea, in particular young volunteers are working in children’s services through the V Volunteers programme.
The Gateshead Agreement Indicators were discussed and it was noted that the target for obesity in year 6 children is not currently being met. However, it was noted that progress has been made in this area with reception aged children. It was highlighted that narrowing the gap indicators are still an area of concern as the gap is widening. Improvements have been made with regards to persistent absences although this remains an area of challenge and has been identified by Ofsted as an area that should be focussed on. It was pointed out that improvements have been made in the number of first time entrants to the Youth Justice System. It was also noted that Teenage Pregnancy figures continue to fluctuate and this remains an area of challenge. NEET figures have reduced to 8.8%, however this is still not meeting the national average but is a significant improvement in Gateshead. In addition, improvements have been made in the number of parenting support programmes which are continuing to be delivered, it was pointed out that nearly 700 parents have been reached in the last year.
It was agreed that a performance summary would be circulated to management teams to aid partners in their service planning.
RESOLVED - That the Board is satisfied that sufficient progress and
improvement has been made against improvement targets to ensure the delivery of Vision 2030 and The Gateshead Agreement.
The Board received a report which provided an update on progress in relation to the re provision of Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) and Learning Disability Services across the South of Tyne and Wear. The report also highlighted the consultation process that is being undertaken in relation to the provision of a new Specialist Community Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Learning Disability Service.
Currently there are a number of areas of concern within Tier 4 (services meeting the needs of children and young people with highly complex and severe mental health needs) which include:-
· Suitability of estates
· Access to services in particular difficulties over admission and case mix
· Lack of intensive treatment services resulting in children and young people receiving out of area treatment.
· Centrally provided day and out-patient services covering large geographic area
· No specifically commissioned services for young people with eating disorders
· Lack of integration of services
A Specialist Community Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service has been proposed, with commencement planned for October 2011. Consultation on the service delivery model will continue for a further two weeks around the following key areas:-
· Promoting awareness of mental health and mental health services
· Trust including developing trusting relationship with staff and clarity over confidentiality
· Access to services including information, location, ongoing support
· Communication
· Involvement including opportunities to discuss what services and interventions are available
· Holistic approach including links to other services
RESOLVED - That the information be noted and partners take part in the
consultation process.
The Board received a presentation on the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) in Gateshead. It was noted that the CAF is a holistic assessment completed with the family to ensure a coordinated response in cases when needs cannot be met by one service alone or where the needs of the family are unclear.
The CAF is a standard form and is used across all services working with children, young people and families. The CAF enables gaps in services to be identified, allows information to be shared at an earlier stage and ensures children and families do not have to repeat their stories. It provides a move away from a referral culture and brings together the team around the family with one practitioner taking a lead role to ensure services are coordinated.
As a Think Family Pathfinder funding is available to personalise services for children, young people and families. 500 wide ranging personalisation requests have been made this year, amounting to £83,000. It was noted that across Gateshead over 1000 people have been trained and over 100 managers trained in integrated working practices.
Recommendations from Serious Case Reviews have highlighted CAF as an important early intervention tool. This holistic approach has also been highlighted in inspections as a way of reducing the possibility of issues escalating.
RESOLVED - That the information be noted.
A presentation was given on the Gateshead Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) annual report 2009/10 and the 2010/11 Business Plan.
It was noted that the LSCB participates in the local commissioning of services to promote the safeguarding of children. The LSCB Executive meets six times per year and the full board meets three times per year. Gateshead LSCB is chaired by Paul Moffat, Director of Family Services, Northumberland County Council, this is a reciprocal arrangement and will be reviewed after 12 months.
The structure and sub groups of the LSCB were discussed. The Workforce Development Sub Group is continuing to provide child protection training opportunities. The Local Child Death Review Sub Group covers the Gateshead, Sunderland and South Tyneside area and looks at all deaths of children and young people up to the age of 18 to see whether any recommendations can be made to prevent further deaths. The Licensing Sub Group meets every four weeks and looks at ensuring all children and young people are safeguarded in any licensed premises. This Sub Group will decide whether any representations should be made to the Licensing Sub Committee, it was pointed out that this is rare. The Missing and Exploited Group looks at helping young people who may be at risk of sex exploitation and interview children and young people who have been missing.
It was noted that three Serious Case Reviews (SCR) have been carried out in 2009/10 which have all now been completed and feedback provided to the agencies involved. Priorities for the next year include; updating Child Protection Procedures, improving communication through the LSCB website and the drafting of e-safety procedure guidance which will be signed off in November.
Themed priorities include the engagement of children, young people and parents to determine what young people see as their priorities.
It was agreed that any areas the Board felt should be looked at in terms of safeguarding can be fed into next years LSCB priorities.
RESOLVED - That the information be noted.
The Board received a report on the proposal to establish a Children and Young People’s Music Partnership in Gateshead which would be accountable to the Children’s Trust Board. It was noted that music has the power to positively transform the lives of young people.
Since the inception of the Sage Gateshead in 2004 relationships have been developed with children and young people. A review into music education was undertaken which identified better ways of delivering outcomes for children and young people. Concerns were also raised that there is no consistency amongst neighbouring local authorities in terms of music education provision.
It was noted that Government is keen to see shared services and cross boundary solutions in this area. Regionally there are eight music authorities which met on 24 September 2010 with an external facilitator to look at opportunities through closer planning and working together.
It was acknowledged that the proposal is sound in terms of Gateshead and will ensure those most in need have the best access. It was confirmed that this would be an opportunity to demonstrate how outcomes can be achieved with existing resources. Discussions are currently being held with Gateshead College around incorporating musical education into nursery nursing training. It was pointed out that diversionary activities have previously been undertaken by the Gateshead Housing Company with sports clubs to help engage young people, it was thought that something similar could be carried out with music groups. It was confirmed that music groups have been working with children and young people on Friday and Saturday nights at the Arches for the last 6-9 months resulting in very positive engagement.
RESOLVED - That the information be noted.
The Board received a report on the recommendations which came from the National Support Team (NST) visit which looked at infant mortality. The NST visited the South of Tyne and Wear in June 2010 and feedback was received last week.
Analysis was carried out by the NST and priority areas were identified to help reduce infant mortality rates. These areas include, maternal and paternal smoking, by making an impact on this could result in a reduction in infant mortalities, increasing the number of mothers who breastfeed as this has been proven to help babies fight infection and illness, overcrowding and under 18 conceptions. It was noted that we need to consider how to ensure infant mortality is a key priority and include this in the CYP Plan.
RESOLVED - That the information be noted.
· Narrowing the Gap; Education Attainment: Recommendations from year 1 of OSC Review into Narrowing the Gap
A report was presented to the Board which provided an update following last years Narrowing the Gap review which was carried out by the CYP Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The review is over two years and in year one the Committee looked at educational attainment. It was noted that the recommendations which came out of this review will be included in the CYP Plan.