Secondary Education Science Graduate Route to Licensure (GRL) Master of Education, Plan C Program of Study (39 credits)
Courses Required for Licensure (27 credit hours)
State Required Pedagogy Courses / Credits / Grade / Anticipated / CompletionSemester / Check (SGS
TEAL 6340 Understanding/Supporting Adolescent Literacy Development OR
SCED 5200 Language Literacy, Learning in Content Area / 3
TEAL 6770 ESOL Instructional Strategies in the Content Areas / 3
SCED 5100 Motivation & Management / 3
SPED 4000 Education of Exceptional Individuals / 2
Required Practicum Courses (Must be taken in sequence listed) / Credits / Grade / Anticipated / Completion
Semester / Check (SGS
SCED 5820 Graduate Science Teaching Methods Course
(Taken with TEAL 6720 Practicum Improvement in Instruction/Seminar) / 3
TEAL 6720 Practicum in Science Instruction (Taken with SCED 5820) / 1
TEAL 6900 Graduate Science Methods II (Taken with SCED 6305) / 3
SCED 6305 Graduate Clinical Experience (taken with TEAL 6900 Science Methods II) / 1
TEAL 6210 Graduate Student Teaching (Includes Seminar) / 6
SCED 5500 Student Teaching Seminar / 2
Additional Requirements to Complete M.Ed. in Secondary Education (12 credit hours)
CEHS Master’s Program Required Courses / Credits / Grade / Anticipated / CompletionSemester / Check (SGS
TEAL 6410 Educational Foundations / 3
TEAL 6545 Research for Classroom Teachers OR
EDUC 6570 Introduction to Educational and Psychological Research / 3
TEAL 6710 Diversity in Education / 3
TEAL 6010 Critical Issues in Secondary Education OR
TEAL 6190 Theories of Learning and Models of Teaching / 3
Total Credits / 39
- Amaximumof12creditsearnedpriortomatriculationcanbe appliedtowardsdegree.Nomorethan8workshopcredits areallowed.
- ThisprogramofstudyformshouldbesubmittedtoyouradvisorforapprovalbytheSchoolofGraduateStudiespriorto completing 24 credits ofcoursework.
- Notifyyouradvisoratthebeginningofthesemesteryouplantograduate.YouradvisorwillthensubmitaPlanC completion of requirements form to the School of GraduateStudies.
- Please notify the School of Teacher Education and Leadership if you are unable to take a course during the spring or fall semesters.Youcanmeetthecontinuousregistrationrequirementbypayinga$100feetotheSchoolofGraduateStudies.
- Coursesubstitutionsrequirepriorapprovalofadvisor, signedapprovalsshouldbekeptonfile;programchangesare submitted to the School of GraduateStudies.
- TheM.Ed.degreeshouldbecompletedwithin6yearsfromthedateofmatriculation.Maximumageofcourseworkthatcan be applied towards your degree is 8 years. Course revalidation plans require written approval from the Dean for the School of GraduateStudies.
I hereby make application for the Master of Education Degree (Plan C) in Curriculum and Instruction and request the approval of my Program of Study.
Department Head, School of Teacher EducationandLeadershipDate
Dean, School ofGraduateStudiesDate
Submission Instructions
Complete all sections and sign. Please put proposed semester of completion for completion date. Submit for review to Denise Jensen by email , by fax 435-797-0372 or by mail to TEAL, 2805 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84332