MSCOD Employment Committee Meeting Minutes
121 E. 7th Pl. Suite 107, St. Paul, MN 55101
1:30 pm to 2:30 pm
TuesdayMay17, 2016
David Fenley,In person
Shannon Hartwig,In person
Joni Warner,Via Phone
Nancy Fitzsimons,Via Phone
Dave Schwarzkopf,Via Phone
Katrina Gregor, MNSCU, Via Phone
Gail Lundeen,Via Phone
Nancy Rosemore,Via Phone
Hilary Hauser, Via Phone
Brian Bonte,Absent
Kathy Wingen,Absent
Christine Versaevel, Absent
Joan Willshire,Absent
Dean Ascheman, Absent
Meeting called to order at 1:36 p.m.
David Fenley, Welcome and introductions. Joanie Werner has offered to host as vice chair for the meeting, in the absence of Chair Kathy Wingen.
Committee Chair Joanie Werner called the meeting to order at 1:36 p.m. A motion was made by Dave Schwarzkopf for approval of agenda for 5/17/2016, and the 2/16/2016Employment committee minutes, it was seconded by Dave Schwartzkopf.
MSCOD Position Papers
Staff member David Fenley provided the group with a brief background on the MSCOD position papers. The position papers were sent out to committee members to review and provide individual input on the suggested updates for the papers. Since the time that the papers were sent out, the Executive Committee has made a decision to change the structure of the existing position papers; the older versions will be updated and converted into a historical document. The older version will be updated and named the MSCOD Informational Series. The committee will be charged with the duties to update the now named Informational Series. Additionally the committees will write the new position papers that cover new and emerging topics. The group discussed the existing versions, and their plans to submit content to staff. Plans were made to review the papers and update them as the Informational series. Secondly the group will work on the MSCOD position Papers that will cover new and emerging topics as a group. The group discussed ideas on the formatting of the Information Series including suggestions of summarizing all of the documents to have a consistent structure or templated.
The group has set the regular meeting schedule for the third (3) Tuesdays of each month, excluding the months in which a Full Council meeting will be held.
The Employment Committee meetings are tentatively scheduled for:
- June 21, 2016 ????
- July 19, 2016
- August 16, 2016 ??? MN STATE FAIR PREP WEEK
Full council meetings are tentatively scheduled for
- June 2, 2016
There was no other business.
Meeting adjourned at 2:23 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Shannon Hartwig