Grade 10 Enriched ScienceCourse Outline
September 2010
Ms. Crews
In this course, you will learn about the sustainability of ecosystems, basic chemistry, physics and weather. Using the textbook SciencePower 10, coursework, projects and laboratory investigations, this course aims to help you understand the role of science in making decisions and understanding the world.
Science 10 Enriched will investigate topics in greater detail than in the academic class, offering greater challenge and further preparation for advanced studies in sciences. There will be a greater expectation for independent work from students in this course and more rigorous academic standards, especially for writing.
Class work in Science 10 will often follow the pattern of investigation of new ideas through reading, videos, discussion or hands-on activities, followed by reflection (discussions and journals), practice and application of new skills and knowledge. You may be asked to conduct independent research using a periodical database or to independently plan and conduct hands-on investigations. You will demonstrate your learning in a variety of ways, including summative assessments such as assignments, presentations, quizzes and tests (for marks).
First term grades will reflect only the work done in that term, and will follow these proportions:
Projects25%Quizzes & Tests30%
Labs & Assignments 45%
Your final grade in this course will be determined as follows, and includes averages of all summative assessments from the semester:
Projects20%Quizzes & Tests25%
Labs & Assignments 35%Exam 20%
Materials You Will Need
Binder for your class notes, with loose leaf and graph paper
Pencil, eraser, pen and ruler
A simple calculator
Two duotangs or folders for lab reports and journal writing
Class Participation
Positive contributions in class include: showing respect for the teacher, classmates and the learning environment, working safely and with diligence, asking questions, sharing ideas, and offering supporting or opposing viewpoints in appropriate language.
You will learn best if you…
- attend class daily, arrive on time, and immediately prepare to work
- enter and leave the room, when necessary, without disrupting others
- complete 30 minutes of homework, organization or study nightly
- see me immediately for difficulties with assignments
- submit all assignments in a timely fashion
- participate fully in all activities
Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date. If you are unable to complete an assignment or project on time, you will be expected to stay in at lunch or after school to complete it.
Late assignments and projects will continue to be accepted until 2 weeksafter each unit is complete. If late work interferes with your success, a meeting with your parents will be requested.
Extra Help
If you have trouble with any of the work in Science 10, please let me know right away so that you can get help after school. Appointments are available almost every day, and students are welcome to stay after class if they need a quiet place to do homework and ask an occasional question.
Keep in mind that learning in a laboratory presents the potential for accidents. Please report any accidents immediately to Ms. Crews.
Any behaviour that places others at risk or causes harm to the facilities will not be tolerated.
NO food or drink in the lab will be permitted.
If you are absent for any class work or assessment, you must have a reasonable excuse (with a call or note from a guardian or doctor) or you will receive a mark of zero.
For your family: Contact the Teacher
- Telephone BJSHS 541-8260and leave a message. I will call back.
- Email me
- Send me a note. Let me know how to contact you.
- Arrange a meeting at school. Pleasecall ahead – I may be at a staff meeting or extracurricular activity after school.
- Check my webpage for deadlines and due dates.
Safety in the Laboratory
Contact lenses may NOT be worn in the lab, even under goggles.
Goggles are provided. Safety glasses that will fit you comfortably may be purchased for less than $10 at a hardware store – find a pair that completely covers the sides of the eye areas for splash protection.
A cover-up is needed for lab work. You must bring an old, long sleeved shirt or coverall (or purchase a second-hand lab coat for about 5$). A small number of lab jackets are available to borrow from Ms. Crews.
Keep in mind that learning in a laboratory presents the potential for accidents. Please report any accidents in the lab immediately to Ms. Crews, to allow proper treatment of injuries, clean up of spills, and information to prevent such accidents in the future.
Any behaviour that places others at riskor causes harm to the facilities will not be tolerated. Students will be prohibited from participation in labs for any such behaviour, with resulting loss of grades.
NO food or drink in the lab will be permitted.
Safety Contract
As a student in the science lab, I ______agree to follow the following safety guidelines:
- I am responsible for my own safety, and I will work independently to my best ability in the laboratory.
- I will work carefully, following all written and spoken instructions.
- If I am unsure of what to do, I will ask for instructions to be repeated or explained.
- I will wear goggles, gloves and lab coat when instructed, and will not remove any of these until all work in the laboratory is complete.
- I will not handle any equipment or materials in the lab unless specifically instructed to do so.
- I will work neatly and clean up when finished, leaving only a clean bench and equipment at the end of the lab.
- I will report any hazard, accident or spill to my teacher immediately.
- I will inform my teacher of any allergies or medical conditions.
- I will not participate in any horseplay in the laboratory.
- I understand that, if I do not work safely, I may lose the opportunity to learn in the laboratory and have disciplinary consequences including loss of grades, detention or suspension.
Student Name (Sign) Date
Please sign to acknowledge that you have read and understood the entire course outline, and will support your child to work and learn safely in this course.
Parent Name (Sign) Date
Student Information Sheet
Student Name: ______Email:______
Allergies/health issues:______
(especially any past problems with seizures, breathing problems or loss of consciousness)
Plans for after high school: ______
Science history: (likes/dislikes, challenges/successes) ______
In this class, I’m aiming for a grade of ______%
My anxiety level about tests/exams: □ low□ medium□ high
Special Interests/Hobbies: ______
School Teams/activities: ______
Part time job: ______
I’m really good at: ______
Parent or Guardian Contact Information
Contact #1
Home Phone______/ Work Phone______Email ______/ Ask for: ______
Contact #2
Home Phone______/ Work Phone______Email ______/ Ask for: ______
Write Yes or No in the small blanks. Write explanations with as much detail as you can.
____ I generally get good marks and don’t have any trouble doing my work.
If the above is not true for you, then describe the kinds of problems you usually have with school work:
____ I generally don’t have any problem following school rules.
If the above is not true for you, then describe the kinds of problems that usually get you in trouble:
____ I generally don’t have any problem getting along with people.
If the above is not true for you, then describe the kinds of problems that you have with other students or teachers: