Carl R. Streams PTO Minutes

Regular Meeting November 15, 2016

The November 15, 2016 regular meeting of the Carl R. Streams Elementary School PTO was called to order at 9:38 am in the Streams LGI. President Leria Miles called the meeting to order and Secretary Eean Kerber recorded the proceedings. Twelve people were in attendance, not counting the board attendees.

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

The November 2016 Agenda was approved.

The minutes of the October 2016 regular meeting were (silently) read.


Leslie Smirniw, Streams Counselor reported on her new role.

Her daily schedule includes a combination of classroom lessons, small group focus sessions, and consultation with the Stream staff.

Classroom lessons have included:

  • Kindergarten: Bus Safety
  • 1st Grade: Being caring and open-minded
  • 2nd: Responsibility, tattling vs. reporting
  • 3rd: Peer pressure, bullying
  • 4th: Bullying, growth mindset, peer pressure, time management

Small group focus session topics include: Social Skills, Self Esteem, Friendship Groups, and Worry Warriors (what to do when you worry too much).

Responsive services are brief individual counseling services that are available for students as needs arise.

Caring Stars are rewarded to Streams caring students when they fill their star with 10 stickers.

Please feel free to reach out and contact Mrs. Smirniw with any questions or concerns at:. You can also check our her counselor website on the Streams homepage for topics such as screen time and links to Common Sense Media reviews.

Treasurer’s Report- Treasurer Stacy Knierim gave a report on the Streams PTO General Fund. On October 1, 2016, the beginning cash balance was $13,862. Receipts this month totaled $5,746 for Stravaganza, Kidstuff Coupon Books, and Chik-Fil-A. Disbursements totaled $8,880. This leaves us with an ending cash balance of $10,727.

Correspondence- Eeanpassed around thank you notes from the 3rd grade classes and teachers for the Geode Jeff assembly.

President’s Report- Leriaattended the recent PTC meeting. The capital projects are being planned, and the board would like to have parent input. An open meeting is on Nov. 29 at 7 pm at the high school.

Also, our 2015 taxes have been filed.

Vice-President- Vice-President Veronica Davis reminded first grade parents about the upcoming Open Mike at Hallie Snyder’s house this Thursday, November 17 at 9:30 am.

2nd Vice-President- Dr. Miller said there will be an early dismissal at 11:30 on Nov. 23. Lunch will be served.

Information regarding EDS will be posted.

Please plan on attending the grade level Open Mikes if you are available, as valuable information is shared.

The Fourth Graders will be attending Art Express next week. The Kindergarten classes will also be celebrating their Thanksgiving Feasts next week. First grade will visit the Oliver Miller Homestead this month, funded by a grant written by Dr. Miller and Mrs. Barker.

The Streams Holiday Shop will be on December 1 and 2.

The Kindergarten classes will build their Gingerbread “Traps” with their 4th grade buddies on Dec. 19.

Winter Parties are being held on Dec. 23

The Elementary Winter Concert will be held at the high school on the evening of January 11 at 7 pm.

The PTC council meeting will be held at Streams this school year on Jan. 4 at 9:30 am.

Teacher Representative- Mrs. Dunbar complimented all the parent involvement in Stravaganza and Snuggle Up and Read.

Board Advisor –AlissaMammana had no report

Committee Reports:

After School Programs- Penney Miller said that all the classes and programs (Snapology and Silvi’s Art Program) have been at capacity and there has been positive feedback.

Directory- Hard copies have been distributed. Any questions should be directed to Brooke Tarcson.

Garden Club-Dora said that they received donations from Home Depot of stepping-stones and some decorative items. They will also do a garden clean up in the spring.

Grade Special Nights- First grade Special Night is on Jan. 26- for 1st grade students and parents only. Bring in assigned donated item for SHIM. For 1st grade it is canned meats.

Holiday Shop- Andrea Amorose is our representative this year. The Holiday Shop is coming up on December1st and 2nd. Flyers will be sent home next week. We do need parent volunteers to help the kids shop and with set up and clean up. Classroom assignment times will be coming out soon as to when your child shops.

Contact Andrea if you willing to help at , but clearances are necessary.

Spelling Bee- Forms will be distributed after Thanksgiving break. The date of the event is January 23.

Sharing and Caring Committee-If you know of anyone who needs assistance over the holidays, contact Liliana Lozano.

Staff Appreciation- First one will be January 18, 2017. E-Alerts will be sent for food donations and/ or gift cards.

Stravaganza- Our total income this year was $27,056 minus expenses of $6,818 for a net total of over $20,000 for Streams! This is over $5,000 more than 2015.


Old Business- None

New Business- None

There is no PTA Meeting in December. The next meeting will be January 10th 2017at 9:30am.

The minutes from the October 2016 meeting were approved as read.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 am.

Submitted By: ______Date approved: ______

Things to Note:

Council Meeting will be hosted by Streams on January 4, 2017. There will be no regular PTO meeting in Dec.

E-bulletin: Info due to Heather Holtschlag at holtschlag@verizon by November 19th.

Open Mike: First Grade Open Mike is November 17th at Hallie Snyder’s house at 9:30am. Please RSVP to her at

Second and Third grade Open Mikes will be in January.

Notepads: Did you know that you can purchase additional PTA notepads for $1? See Mrs. Schill if you need one!

Silent Auction: Thursday, February 16, 2017 from 6:00-8:00 pm.

In Attendance

  1. Pam Kunjara
  2. NataleaOliverio
  3. Andrea Amorose
  4. Nicole Paoly
  5. Sue O’Halloran
  6. Tracey Ruffner
  7. Zoe Weaver
  8. Kerstin Mayr
  9. Hyijoung Kim
  10. Penney Miller
  11. Katie Perotti
  12. Melissa Waldron