An Invitation to Bid

USTA South Carolinais hereby soliciting bids to host the SC TeamSinglesState Championships

This tournament is held annually for three days and includes approximately 550 participants from local programs around the state of SC. The event is hosted jointly, on a contract basis, by USTA South Carolina and a USTA SC Member Organization(tennis facility, community tennis association, local task force, etc.) which can meet the requirements as set forth in the accompanying documents and who can offer a quality setting for the successful presentation of these championships, which include both adult and senior divisions of team play.

Following are listed specific details of requirements for hosting this Championship event. Appended thereafter are the bid forms to be completed by the host applicant to be considered.

Host applicants may submit additional information concerning their community and the local tennis environment that may provide a more complete picture for the bid selection committee to consider. The completed hardcopy bid forms and any additional information should be submitted to the USTA SC Director of Leagues at the USTA SC office. Alternatively, applicants may download a Microsoft Word version of the bid document from the USTA SC Web site, (under the League tab), that can be filled out and submitted electronically.

We believe these events provide enterprising host committees and their communities with excellent opportunities to build local enthusiasm for tennis, to create a significant economic impact on local businesses and the community as a whole, to generate appreciable revenues for the hosts and to promote public and private tennis facilities in the area.

Sam HicksMary Goins

USTA South CarolinaUSTA South Carolina

State Volunteer Team Singles CoordinatorDirector of Leagues




The host is responsible for providing a minimum of 36 courts for the Team Singles State Championships.A portion of these should be clay courts for the senior divisions of play.

The host is responsible for securing and submitting court commitments when submitting bids.

In the event of rain, back-up courts must be available. Host is responsible for court fees.

Water and ice must be available at every court site (water from source other than restroom faucets).

Restrooms at all sites must be available throughout the duration of play.

A tournament desk in a shaded area must be available at each site.

If hard courts are included in the bid proposal, an adequate number of roll-dri’s at each hard court site must be provided. For clay courts, brushes and line sweeps should be in adequate supply and readily available.

Lunch for staff on duty at each tournament site is to be provided.

Fruit all day for players should be at each court site.

The host is responsible for researching permit requirements for concession and souvenir sales at sites.

Chairs must be on all courts for each player.


Hotel(s) (preferably one within close proximity to court sites) with reasonable lodging rates, plus three complimentary rooms for staff for the 3 day period are required. (Friday and Saturday nights)

Headquarters must have a room with approximately 500 square feet to serve as the tournament headquarters. Refreshments must be available for those working.

A conference room large enough to accommodate 60 people for captains meeting is required.


The host is responsible for supplemental volunteer assistance for tournament administration. Shifts of volunteers are needed at each court site to assist at the tournament desk. Volunteers will assist from the beginning of each day’s scheduled play until play is completed for the day. Recommended number of volunteers for size of site: 8 volunteers.


The Host is responsible for a Player Welcome Reception on the night of team arrival/check-in.


One copier is required for the tournament room. A fax machine is required for the tournament room and all sites. The host is responsible for the cost of the copier and fax machines.

Telephones are required for the tournament headquarters and all sites. Telephone/Internet connection is required.


The host is responsible for coordination of court site requirements as well as equipment requirements for event.


USTA South Carolina grants the right for Host to sell sponsorships in select categories that are not competitive with USTA, USTA Southern Section or USTA South Carolina sponsors. Host may display banners advertising sponsorships. Sponsorship contracts must be pre-approved by USTA SC Executive Director or Executive Deputy Director.



USTA South Carolina will approve the design and use of all USTA SC logos and graphic designs, including but not limited to those on clothing, banners and promotional material. If the USTA logo, or the USTA Southern Section logos are used, they will be approved by the USTA and USTA Southern Section respectively.

USTA South Carolina reserves the right to sell generic USTA South Carolina logo-ed items at the site(s) during the event. The host is allowed to sell event-specific itemswhich can, and should, include the USTA South Carolina logo.

USTA South Carolina will provide the referee, deputy referee, and other site officials for the event. Staffing includes all committees needed for Championships (Grievance Committee and Appeals Committee).

USTA South Carolina will provide the supplies for the administration of the event.

USTA South Carolina will provide the tennis balls for the event.

USTA South Carolina will provide awards for champions and finalists.

USTA South Carolina will provide packets for each participating team with all information regarding the event.

USTA South Carolina will create the draws, manage court assignments and record match scores.

USTA South Carolina will collect all entry fees from participating teams.

USTA South Carolina will provide $2,000.00 to Host to help defray the cost of the Team Singles State Championships.

USTA South Carolina will provide, host and maintain a Website prior to and during the event that includes schedules, results and general event information, and promotes tournament sponsors.

USTA South Carolina



Bid Deadline: March 15, 2011 Event Dates:2011 Nov. 18-20

2012 Nov. 16-18

2013 Nov. 15-17

One year bid for 2011 Two year bid for 2011 and 2012 Three year 2011-2013

City: Host Organization:

Bid Contact Person: E-mail Address:

Address: City: State: Zip:

Work Phone: Home Phone: Fax:

Work Phone:


List Site Names: / Court Surface / # Courts at Site / # Lighted Courts / # Indoor Courts / Distance from Main Site
Main Site:
Additional Sites:

Site Requirements: (check)

Water/Ice at each site Fruit available at each site

Restrooms at each site Roll-dri’s at each hard court site

Chairs on court for all players Electrical outlets at each site

Shaded areas for tournament desk Certified trainer at each site

Telephone/Internet connection at each site Brushes & sweeps at each clay site

List any other amenities offered at sites:


Hotel Name:
List Recommended
Main Hotel First / No. of
Rooms / Proposed Rates / Pool
Y/N / In-House Restaurant
Y/N / Free
Y/N / Minutes from Main Hotel

List additional Headquarters Hotel amenities:

Describe proposed venue and food/beverage offerings for player welcome reception:

Player/Staff Considerations: (check)

Player welcome packet Cash bar at reception

Door prizes at captains meeting Lunch for staff at sites

Local door prizes for player welcome

Hors d’oeuvres at player reception

DJ at player reception

List any other amenities offered:


USTA National, Southern and South Carolina Sponsors – the group hosting this championship may solicit sponsors and advertisers to provide additional local revenues and additional services and amenities for the players in the event. The host group should exercise discretion in its choice of advertisers and does not need prior approval to make an advertising arrangement. There are, however, typically several exclusive sponsorship contracts set up by USTA National, Sectional and State offices at any given time. Therefore, the host group for this event must get authorization from the USTA SC Executive Director or Deputy Director before signing a sponsorship contract for this event.


Please list names and type of sponsorship or advertising arrangement for each:








Return bid application with additional information or accompanying materials

by , March 15, 2011 to:


Mary Goins, Director of Leagues

Sam Hicks, SinglesState Coordinator

18 Woodcross Road

Columbia, SC29212


(Questions: contact Sam at or Cell 864-415-2351

Or Mary at , Phone 864-855-0881)