10th Joint Seminar on European Integration Processes

Dubrovnik, Croatia, 6-10 October 2008

Centre for Advanced Academic Studies (CAAS), Don Frana Bulica 4

Draft P r o g r a m

Monday, 6 October

Evening Arrival of participantsat the ZagrebAirport

Flight toDubrovnik OU 664 06OCT ZAGDBV2110 2205–arrival at the ČilipiAirport - Dubrovnik and transfer to accommodation

(CAAS, Don Frana Bulica 4; Tel. +385 20 326 380, Fax. +385 20 326 390)

Tuesday, 7 October

8:00 am - 8:45 amBreakfastat the Sesame Inn (close to the CAAS; address: Dante Alighieri bb)

9:00 am - 9:30 amOpening of the Seminar

(CAAS, 1st floor)

- Mrs Ivana Burdjelez, Director of the Center for Mediterranean Studies, Dubrovnik, Croatia

- Dr. Klaus Fiesinger, Head of Department for Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, Hanns Seidel Foundation, Germany

- H.E. Dr Davor Božinović, State Secretary for European Integration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (MFAEI), Croatia

9:30 am - 10:30 amEU Negotiations: A View from Croatia

- H.E. Mr Joško Klisović, Secretary of the Croatian Negotiating Team for the Accession to the EU; Acting Director for Information and Education, MFAEI, Croatia

10:30 am - 11:00 amCoffee break and Group Photo (CAAS – ground-floor)

11:00 am - 12:30 pmEuropean Elections 2009

- Dr Susanne Luther, Head of the Office for Foreign Relations,Hanns Seidel Foundation, Germany

12:30 pm - 1:30 pmLunch breakat Sesame Inn

1:30 pm - 3:00 pmThe European Neighbourhood Policy,

-Prof. Dr Eckart D. Stratenschulte, European Academy, Berlin,Germany

4:00pm Sightseeing - Walking Tour of Dubrovnik – starts at the CAAS

8:00 pmDinner at Sesame Inn

Wednesday, 8 October

8:00 am - 8:45 amBreakfastat Sesame Inn

9:00 am - 10:30 amRound Table: “The European Project and the Challenges of the Future”

-Prof.Dr Andras Inotai, President of the Instituteof WorldEconomics, Budapest, Hungary

-Dr Ivanka Petkova, Economic Policy Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria

-Dr Bernd Fischer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Berlin, Germany

10:30 am - 11:00 amCoffee break

11:00 am - 12:30 pmRegional Cooperation: Economic and Political Aspects

- Prof. Dr Andras Inotai, H.E. Dr. Mladen Andrlić

12:30 pm - 1:30 pmLunch break at Sesame Inn

1:30 pm -3:00 pmCurrent Economic and Geopolitical Trends and Challenges

- Dr Mladen Staničić, Director of the Institute for International Relations, Zagreb, Croatia

4:00pmWorkshop “EU Negotiations” (I)

- MrsTanja Čorlija Milivojević, Head of Department for European Integration Education, MFAEI, Croatia

8:00 pmDinner at Sesame Inn

Thursday, 9 October

8:00 am - 8:45 amBreakfastat Sesame Inn

9:00 am - 10:30 amFuture of the EU: Consolidation or Further Enlargement – a Political Dilemma

- H.E. Dr Manfred Scheich, former Permanent Representative of Austria to the EU, Austria

10:30 am - 11:00 amCoffee break

11:00 am- 12:30 pmWorkshop “EU Negotiations” (II)

- MrsTanja Čorlija Milivojević, Head of Department for European Integration Education, MFAEI, Croatia

12:30 pm – 1.30 pmLunch break at Sesame Inn

1.30 pm – 3.00 pmConcluding remarks

3:00 pm- 3:45 pmCertificate Awarding Ceremony

- Ms Vlasta Brunsko, Head of the Office, CAAS, Dubrovnik, Croatia

- Mr Christian J. Hegemer, Director of Institute for International Contact and Co-operation, Hanns Seidel Foundation,Germany

- H.E. Dr Mladen Andrlić, Director of Diplomatic Academy, MFAEI, Croatia

free Afternoon

8:00 pmDinner at Sesame Inn

Friday, 10 October

8:00 am Breakfastat Sesame Inn

free Morning

1:45 pmMeeting-point in front of the CAAS for participants flying to Zagreb in group and walk to the Pile to the bus taking the group to the Čilipi Airport - Dubrovnik

2:00 pmDeparture from the Pile to the ČilipiAirport - Dubrovnik

Flight back to ZagrebOU 66510OCTDBVZAG1620 1715 – arrival at ZagrebAirport

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