The original Fire Risk Assessment should be reviewed by the person responsible, in particular, that all items identified in the Action Plan have been addressed. If necessary, a further action Plan should be produced. “Fire Safety – an Employers’ Guide” should be consulted for guidance.

PremisesSt. Anne’s RC Primary SchoolFile No FRA/TG/10/06/073

Address Hylton Road, Sunderland

Person responsible for reviewMrs C A LynchSignature CA Lynch

Date of review7th May 2013


Please identify any changes.

(For example, if the physical layout or the use of the building has changed, or if the number or nature of its occupants has significantly changed.)

  • Reviewof risk assessments was carried out on 23rd April 2013 by Head teacher.
  • All staff were given 10 safety fire question training 30thApril 2013 at staff meeting..
  • All new members of staff to access training. In house training has been up-graded to incorporate fire training as well as on-going refresher training -this will recorded in the log book.

KS2 corridor was re-furbished in August 2010..

New Fire Alarm has been fitted and covers the extension to the school.

New Fire doors were fitted in KS2 corridor in August 2010.


Please identify any new or reoccurring hazards, and measures for their elimination or control.

(For example, if a new work process or equipment is introduced, or significant quantities of combustible material begin to be stored or used.)

Not applicable.


Measures / Satisfactory? / Deficiencies?
Means of Escape
(Fire exits - fire exit routes - corridors and stairways) / √ / New evacuation plan reviewed and will be in place 7th May 2013.
Fire Authority routes to escape have been established over a long period of time and times for exit are recorded in th elog book and are generally 2-3 minutes.
Limiting Fire Spread
(Ensuring fire doors are effective and kept closed) / √ / Some doors are held open for the convenience of the occupants and the management policy is to close these doors when the occupants have walked through. The main doors affected are in the corridor outside the HTs office, the doors outside the new staffroom and the doors leading to the KS2 corridor. These policies have been re-iterated to staff.
Magnetic closures on doors fitted in KS2 corridor.`
Escape Lighting
(Are all emergency lights working?) / √ / Emergency lighting changed to suit the building. Tested regularly by the caretaker
Fire Safety Signs & Notices
(Are there enough? Include running man symbol?) / √ / All new fire signs have been checked and are in place – April 2013.
Means of Giving Warning in Case of Fire
(Is the Fire Alarm System appropriate, and working?) / √ / The automatic fire detection system has been extended accordingly. This is now integrated with the current fire alarm system.
Fire extinguishers
(Are there enough, of the right type, and within test?) / √ / Adequate fire extinguishers are fitted throughout the building, and are wall mounted.
As per the Fire Authority letter to purchase a fire blanket for the FS Unit.


Are any changes necessary to the Fire and Emergency Plan?

(For example, because of changes in layout, use, number or nature of occupants)

The Fire Emergency Plan has been reviewed and changed to accommodate all of the changes due to the building extensions. May 2010.

Fire Alarm system to be linked to LA.

Are staff fire training arrangements adequate?

(For example, on induction, periodic refresher, Fire Warden)

Fire Warden training planned for near future to include all staff and especially new staters.

All staff trained and reviewed in light of new members of staff September 2013.

Fire evacuations are carried out once a term and recorded.

Is the maintenance and testing of fire protection equipment adequate?

(Fire Alarm system, emergency lighting system, fire doors, Doorguards, sprinkler systems, smoke clearance systems)

Maintenance systems are carried out accordingly.

At this point in time the fire alarms are carried out regularly. Caretaker carries out weekly checks and records in log book.

(In the Fire Log Book? In other locations?)

All fire safety tests are recorded in the log book/ kept in main office by the secretary.

Systems will be put in place to ensure that Staff training is recorded.


Identify outstanding items from previous action plan / TIMESCALE
/PRIORITY / Person responsible
1. Fire Warden training for caretaker. / July 2013 / G Naisby
2. Fire evacuation plan reviewed and in place. / May 2013. / C Lynch
Identify further work/action required / TIMESCALE
/PRIORITY / Person responsible
  1. Training for staff to be reviewed - September 2013.
  2. Further training to include new members of staff each September.
/ Sept 2013
Sept 2013 / C Lynch
  1. CL pricing guards for KS1 and admin area.
/ Sept 2013 / C Lynch

*With regard to the doors being wedged open – HT looking into fitting dorgard system on all doors.

This review sheet must be kept with the Fire Risk Assessment to which it relates.

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