MS 2240(1)

The following are situations involving a two parent family which qualifies for KTAP based on incapacity or unemployment.

A.If both parents are in the home, and one parent meets the Federal definition of unemployment or is incapacitated, both parents MUST be included in the case if paternity has been established. Verification of paternity or marriage at the time of the child’s birth must be obtained prior to including both parents in the case.

1. One or both parents may not be included in the assistance plan if technical eligibility requirements are not met.

2. If the parent refuses or fails to provide required information other than enumeration to determine eligibility, the entire case is ineligible.

3. If the case consists of a mother, her child, a father and a child in common, all the members must be included on the case until technical eligibility no longer exists.

Example: [A KTAP case with a deprivation of unemployment consists of a father who is the QP, a mother, her two children and their child. The QPrefuses a job offer without good cause. Since he no longer meets the definition of unemployment, he and their child are removed from the case. Jane and her two children may continue to receive KTAP based on her children’s deprivation factor.]

B.If the parent and stepparent have a child in common and deprivation of incapacity or unemployment exists, establish one case which includes the parent, stepparent, and all children.

C.If the mother and father have a child in common and one parent is an SSI recipient, establish one case which includes the non-SSI parent, the child in common and all siblings.

D.[If the only technically eligible dependent child living with the family begins to receive SSI or State Supplementation, the parent and second parent are eligible if all other technical and financial factors are met. The KTAP case may have the parent and second parent as the only members.

If the only eligible dependent child is disqualified for not attending school, the entire KTAP case is ineligible. The same is true when the only eligible child is not enumerated.

E.If the only common child,who is included in the KTAP case with all the siblings and parents, begins to receive SSI or State Supplementation, the KTAP case would be separated.

Example:A KTAP case consists of mother, her child, father, his child and their child. Their child is the common child who requires all the members be on one case. Their child begins to receive SSI; therefore, the child is no longer technically eligible. The KTAP case is separated into one case for the mother and her child and one case for the father and his child.

F.Families that consist of a parent and a stepparent with no child in common are not eligible for KTAP based on a deprivation of incapacity or unemployment. When a husband and wife, each with a child, apply for KTAP, and there is no common child, each parent must apply separately as head of household in their own case.

When both applications are pending, the first case processed counts the stepparent surplus, since the other parent is not yet receiving KTAP. The second approved case does not count stepparent surplus.]