BLF BulletinThe latest news from the British Lung Foundation
Autumn 2017
The many faces of COPD: World COPD Day 15 November
The theme for this year’s World COPD Day (15 November) is the many faces of COPD.
COPD can affect anyone. Young and old, smokers and non-smokers, male and female. Many faces includes people living with COPD, their families, carers, and health care professionals… anyone whose life is impacted by this lung condition.
To help mark the day, some Breathe Easy group members will share their experiences of living with COPD in local press and Twitter and Facebook. They’ll talk about the symptoms – promoting our online breath test and COPD patient passport, and show how exercise and singing can help people manage a lung condition. They’ll also explain why a taskforce to improve services and care for people with lung conditions is so important.
To get involved, contact your group support officer to register and find out more.
Big Breakfast
November sees the return of the BLF Big Breakfast.
A chance to get together with friends, family or colleagues and enjoy some tasty treats to raise much needed cash for research and support. Whether you hold a brilliant breakfast breakie or a beautiful brunch, kick start your day with a Big Breakfast.
To find out more, request a fundraising pack today at
Listen to your lungs
Last month saw our final phase ofListen to your lungs, our public health campaign to find the millions of people who are living with undiagnosed lung disease.
The campaign encouraged people not to ignore feeling breathless doing everyday tasks and to take a simple online breath test to see if they might need to visit a GP. People were asked to answer ten questions based on the Medical Research Council breathlessness scale. Over 324,000 people have taken the test.
Our follow-up survey suggests that up to 30% of people who took the breath test then went to see their GP. And 8% of people who took the breath test were later diagnosed with a lung condition. That’s up to 26,000 individuals.
Take the breath test for yourself at:
Focus on… Breathe Easy Forest of Dean
Mike has been secretary of the Forest of Dean Breathe Easy group for four years.
“I’m asthmatic, and although I’ve never having been a smoker, was diagnosed with COPD in 2005. A friend introduced me to BE Forest of Dean. We meet monthly and alternate between medical or healthy lifestyle topic, and topics of local community interest. We keep informed about BLF Research. And there’s the August outing and December festive lunch to look forward to!
Some artwork and writing produced by our members during a workshop was notice by the Life of breath projectat the universities of Bristol and Durham. And four of our members have contributed to research into breathlessness at Bristol University.
Three members attend Saturday flu jab clinics, engaging the stream of patients with a smile, BLF leaflets, helpline cards and a willingness to listen. People seem positively attracted to red collection boxes on these occasions!
People also find mutual support in a friendly atmosphere at our weekly respiratory exercise classes. The council gave us funds in 2016 for one of our exercise leaders to complete her respiratory training. And last year a weekly singing for breathing group was formed and is flourishing!
We have been saddened by the death of thirteen members since 2013, including a chairman and a treasurer. However, 2017 has already brought us four new members.
Groups like ours have their ups and downs. We remember: keep breathing and carry on!”
Lean on me
Breathe Easy members in Nottingham have recorded their own version of Bill Withers’ classic lean on me, as a downloadable charity single in aid of BLF.
There’s increasing evidence that singing regularly, and as part of a group, can help people with lung conditions physically, psychologically and socially.
Teresa Burgoyne, from BE Nottingham West, said: “The song Lean on me is perfect in representing how lung health patients share their experiences and support each other. The social experience that comes from singing is a great feel-good factor for the participants, and a healthy way of exercising their lungs.”
All proceeds will go to fund BLF research. To buy the song visit
Stay well this winter
Winter weather can be seriously bad for your health, especially if you have a lung condition. These tips will help you stay well this winter.
Get your flu jab.Flu can be serious. That’s why people with a long-term lung condition can get a free flu jab. Ask your GP or pharmacy today.
Take action. If you feel unwell, follow your management plan or get advice from a pharmacists, doctor or nurse before it gets more serious.
Prescription pick-up. Some surgeries and pharmacies may be closed over the festive period, so collect your prescription before the holidays.
Keep warm. Heat you home to at least 18°C (65°F). Damp conditions can be particularly bad for people with lung disease.
To find out more, phone our helpline 03000 030 555
And finally…
Don’t forget your Christmas cards!
All proceeds support our work to look after the nation’s lungs. Get yours today at or call 01926 354977
Get in touch
BLF Direct
PO Box 2022, Liverpool L69 3TU
03003 030 253
Helpline: 03000 030 555