KnacksAttr. Page
Casteless Knacks
Flowing Quicksilver Knack224
Chimerae Knacks
Assimilation of the Prey204
Blasphemous Offspring204
Body of Acid204
Defense of Meaningless Shape205
Grotesques Pseudopodia204
Perfect Regeneration205
Perpetual Regeneration205
Quicksilver Form204
Communication Knacks
Selenographic Transmission TechniqueIntW144
Form Acquisition Knacks: Animal
Becoming the SwarmDexG33
Emerald Grasshopper FormSta 131
Emperor Ox ExpansionStaW144
Emperor Ox ExpansionStaD67
God-Beast TranscendenceStaG33
Humble Mouse ShapeSta 131
Hungry All-Consuming CloudDexG33
Illimitable Beast DeclarationStaD67
Mountainous Spirit ExpressionSta 131
Towering Beast FormSta 131
Tyrant Mouse DominionStaG33
Form Acquisition Knacks: Human
Compassionate Mirror NaturePerD68
Courtesan’s PossessionPerD68
Flickering Star InfusionMan 132
Honing the Stolen FormPer 132
Insidious Lunar TransformationCha 133
Intimate Training RecollectionInt 132
Lunar Blood Shaping TechniqueCha 133
Prey’s Skin DisguiseApp 131
Form Acquisition Knacks: Miscellaneous
Laurel’s-and-Ivy TechniquePer 134
Life of the HummingbirdWit 134
Root and Branch MasteryPerD68
Somnolent Statuary MethodStaG34
Taste of Luna’s ChampionsPer 134
Shapeshifting Refinement Knacks
Ant and Starfish TrickIntG34
Changing Plumage MasteryApp 135
Hybrid Body RearrangementWit 135
Internal Form MasteryWit 136
Monkey Arm StyleDex 135
Subtle Silver DeclarationApp 136
Twin-Faced HeroWit 136
Shapeshifting Speed Knacks
Constant Quicksilver RearrangementWit 136
Lightning-Change StyleDex 136
Quicksilver Second FaceDex 136
Form Acquisition Knacks: Supernatural
Ash and Tears BanquetIntG34
Essential Mirror FormIntD68
Green Sun ChildInt 133
Heart-and-Flame ShellSta 134
Heart-Theft of the BehemothSta 133
Heavenly Servant ImitationIntD68
Hungry Dream CloakWitG34
Luna’s Hidden FacePer 134
Shifting WylTidesWitG34
War Form Knacks
Deadly Beastman TransformationSta 136
Devastating Ogre EnhancementStr 137
Perfected Hybrid InteractionWit136
Terrifying Beastman AlterationSta 137
CharmsAttr. Page
First (Attribute) Excellency: Essence OverwhelmingAny 140
Flawless (Attribute) FocusAny 141
Impossible (Attribute) ImprovementAnyD68
Instinctive (Attribute) UnityAny 141
Second (Attribute) Excellency: Essence TriumphantAny 140
Third (Attribute) Excellency: Essence ResurgentAny 141
Agitation of the Swarm TechniqueStr 142
Besieging the Bastion of FormStrD69
Burrowing Devil Strike FStr 145
Claws of the Silver Moon GStr 144
Consumptive Worm HungersStr 145
Cunning Porcupine DefenseStr 147
Deadly Mantis PracticeStrG22
Ferocious Biting TouchStr 142
Flesh-Tearing EntanglementStr 147
Foe-Marking StyleStr 142
Form-Destroying TouchStr 145
Friend of the PlagueFStrD69
Heaven-Spanning Staff of the Monkey KingGStrG22
Herd-Strengthening TacticFStrD68
Hibernation of the DogStr 148
Impressions of Strength FStr 144
Inviting the Winter WolfStr 143
Iron Tyrant ImpactStrD69
Jaws of the River DragonStr 147
Last Warrior’s UnityGStrG21
Lightning Flash Might Technique FStr 146
Lightning Stroke AttackStr 142
Molted Feather-Weight TechniqueStr 145
Prey-Hobbling BiteStr 143
Roused Bear ThrowStr 147
Shell-Crushing Atemi FStr 145
Subduing the Honored FoeFStr 147
Tearing Claw AtemiStr 145
Terrible Steel-Rending TalonsStrG21
Throat-Baring HoldStr 147
Unstoppable Lunar WoundStr 145
Wasp-Binding MethodStr 147
Wind-Wings Carry TechniqueStr 142
Yeddim’s-Back MethodStr 146
Armor-Rending Claw FistDex 195
Becoming Water’s EnvyFDexD69
Cat-Falling AttitudeDex 149
Clay-Wetting PracticeDex 149
Cloud-Walking StanceDexG23
Coiled Serpent StrikesDex 152
Crouching Tiger StanceDex 195
Den Mother MethodDex 195
Den Warden PranaDexG23
Diligent Hive Imitation Dex 154
Ferocious Guardian Beast StanceDexG23
Finding the Needle’s EyeDex 150
Flight of the Sparrow Dex 152
Flowing Body AscensionDex D69
Flowing Body EvasionDex 151
Foot-Trapping CounterDex 194
Furious Hound Pursuit FDex 152
Golden Tiger Stance FDex 151
Graceful Crane StanceDex 149
Greedy Mosquito BiteFDexD70
Ground-Denying Defense Dex 152
Heron Sheds RainDexG23
Instinct-Driven Beast Movement Dex 152
Light-Footed Mountain Goat StanceDex 149
Lightning Stroke Attack Dex 154
Lunar Blade ReconfigurationDex 150
Lunar Hero FormDex 194
Mist-Walking Prana Dex 153
Moonlight HuntDexD70
Octopus and Spider Barrage Dex 154
Pack and Flock Guidance Dex 153
Predator Distraction MethodDex 151
Rabid Beast AttitudeDex 194
Running Through the HerdDex 196
Secure Cat Stepping FDex 150
Snake Body TechniqueDex 152
Spreading the Wyld Roots Dex 154
Star Falls ThroughDexD70
Terrible Wolverine OnslaughtDex 196
Thousand Claw InflictionDex 194
Twin-Fang Technique Dex 154
Unhesitant Scorpion LashDexD70
Vigilant Mastiff TechniqueDexG23
Wary-Swallow MethodDex 151
Wasp Sting Blur FDex 154
Weapon-Shaping MethodDex 150
Wind-Dancing MethodDex 151
World-Bending Guardian AttentivenessDexD69
(Directional) Mastery TechniqueSta 157
Adder Fang Method GSta 162
Armor-Forming Technique GSta 160
Bear Sleep TechniqueSta 156
Beast-Lord of the Blessed IsleStaG24
Breath-Drinking Executioner Attack FSta 158
Bruise-Relief Method GSta 159
Cobra Eye MethodSta 162
Durable Battle-MindSta 159
External Hide PerfectionSta 158
Fertile Breath Inversion F GSta 155
Fish or Fowl GestationStaG23
Frenzied Bear Fortification FSta 160
Halting the Scarlet Flow GSta 160
Hide-Toughening EssenceSta 160
Immovable Defender of the LandStaD71
Invulnerable Moonsilver CarapaceSta 160
Luna’s Fortitude FSta 157
Might-Bolstering Blow FSta 158
Moonsilver AbsorptionStaD70
Moonsilver Stomach Conversion GSta 156
Native Son’s Grace FStaD71
Ox-Body TechniqueSta 156
Purging the Tarnished SilverStaD70
Relentless Lunar FurySta 158
Relentless Lunar HordeStaD70
Scorpion and Toad AbsolutionSta 161
Scorpion and Toad AssumptionSta 161
Scorpion and Toad ImmunitySta 161
Scorpion and Toad MasterySta 161
Silver Lunar ResolutionSta 158
Steadfast Yeddim Meditation FSta 156
Stone Rhino’s SkinSta 160
Tiger and Seahorse DynastyStaG24
Tiger Sultan’s DaughterStaG24
Time-Bending ChrysalisStaG24
Unstoppable Juggernaut IncarnationSta 156
Wound-Mastering Body EvolutionSta 160
Boundary-Marking Meditation Cha 170
Charismatic Lunar Trick Cha 167
Cobra Hypnotic Method Cha 165
Culling the Pride Cha 170
Dog-Tongue Method Cha 163
Erudite Beast-Mind ExpansionChaD71
Face of the Moon Concealment Cha 168
Feral Cat TreadChaD72
Foe-Turning Rebuke Cha 165
Forgetful Victim Prana Cha 166
Forsaking the Blood Posture Cha 169
Hard-Nosed Denial Style Cha 168
Herd Reinforcement Stance Cha 169
Herd-Strengthening Invocation Cha 170
Instinct Memory Insertion Cha 166
Lesson of the Winter Wolf Cha 165
Lightning Calling ChallengeChaG26
Loyal Beast-Friend EnlightenmentChaD71
Lunar Eclipse TechniqueChaG25
Maintaining the Pack Cha 168
Mind-Blanking Fear Technique Cha 167
Moon Follows Sun AssuranceChaG25
Moonlight Curtain Drawn Cha 169
Morning Blossms BloomingChaD72
Nature-Reinforcing Allocation Cha 163
Outworld-Forsaking Stance Cha 165
Pack Instinct Affirmation Cha 163
Perfect Fear Scent Cha 167
Ranging Wolf Marking Cha 170
Rapid-Speech Technique Cha 166
Sacred Guardian RenewalChaG25
Scathing Lunar Condemnation Cha 165
Secret Speech Method Cha 166
Sharing the Gifts of Luna Cha 164
Silver Blood InfusionChaD71
Snake-Vine IntegrationChaD71
Subtle Silver Command Cha 166
Terrifying Lust Infliction Cha 168
Thousand Streams DefenderChaG25
Topiary Culture Meditation Cha 170
Unnoticed Confusion Attack Cha 166
Unstoppable Beast-Warrior IndoctrinationChaD72
Wolf Pack Training Technique Cha 164
Butterfly Eyes Defense Man 173
Butterfly Eyes EnhancementManD73
Butterfly Eyes FaceManD73
Butterfly Eyes Fist Man 173
Butterfly Eyes Tread Man 173
Cat-Face Presentation Man 172
Chattering Magpie Inflection Man 174
Commanded to Fly Man 172
Falling Lead Distraction Man 174
False Burrow GiftManD73
False Burrow Pursuit Man 171
Feeding the Bear Progression Man 176
First in School AssumptionManD73
Gnawing Mouse MalaiseManG26
Greeting the Wolf Attitude Man 175
Inexplicable Lunar WondersManG26
Labyrinth of the Beast Man 172
Lost Mirror Flight Man 172
Mask of White Jade Man 172
Mirror Sight Dismay Man 171
Mirror-Shattering WordManD73
Mystic Butterfly Fraud Man 174
Perfection of the Mockingbird Man 174
School becomes Shark Formation Man 174
School in Reeds Technique Man 175
Third-Veil Suggestion Man 174
Treasure as Trash MisdirectionManG26
Air Body StyleAppD73
Clover Can’t Be Found App 177
Devil Body, Terror FaceAppD74
Dreams and Expectation StanceAppG27
Glance-Oration Technique App 177
Hide of the Cunning Hunter App 176
Irresistible Silver Spirit App 177
New Friend Aroma App 177
Observed Predator Instinct App 177
One of the Herd App 176
Perfect Symmetry App 176
River Reflects DesireAppG27
Shifting Penumbra StanceAppG27
Stance-as-Thought StrideAppD74
All-Encompassing Sorcerer’s Sight Per 179
Bird Falls From Flock Targeting Per 182
Blood on the Wind Per 181
Blood-Kin Sense Per 183
Devil-Restraining Grip Per 179
Dying Hawk Inspiration Per 182
Eagle Eye Advantage Per 183
Eagle-Fish Transition Prophecy Per 186
Eye and Fingertip WisdomPerG27
Eye of the Cat FPer 179
Eye on the SpiderPerD74
Fellow Hound Insight Per 184
Flaw-Finding Examination Per 178
God-Body ConsumptionPerD74
God-Body DissectionPerD74
God-Cutting Essence Per 179
Grandfather Spider Majesty Per 181
Heightened (Sense) Method Per 183
Holistic Knowledge TransmissionPerG27
Inevitable Spoor Discovery Per 181
Instinctive Essence Prediction FPer 179
Keen (Sense) Technique Per 183
Leaf-Falling Scrutiny Per 184
Monkey Shaping Emulation Per 178
Motive-Dissecting Eye FPer 184
Nest Names the WaspPerG27
Predator Is Prey Mirror Per 180
Releasing the Spider’s TensionPerD74
Resting the Lure of Madness Per 185
Riding the Secret Wind Per 183
Sense-Borrowing Method Per 180
Spirit-Maiming Essence Attack Per 179
Watchful Spider Stance Per 181
Wolf Ear Advantage Per 183
Wolf Eye Advantage Per 183
Wyld Migration Formation Per 186
Wyld-Sensing Instinct Per 185
Argent Weaver ArtIntG29
Burgeoning Wyld Infliction Int 190
Celestial Circle Sorcery Int 190
Counting the Elephant’s Wrinkles Int 188
Defeated Technique MasteryIntD75
Donning the Rainbow MantleIntD75
Eternal Wyld GiftIntD75
Flesh-Sculpting ArtIntG28
Form-Fixing Method Int 186
Harmony with Reality Technique Int 187
Inevitable Genius Insight Int 188
Intimacy of the Hunter and the Prey Int 188
Laughing Into the Teeth of MadnessIntG28
Lessons in the Blood Int 189
Luna’s Blessed Hands Int 186
Perfect Dragon UnderstandingIntD75
Predator’s InsightIntD75
Righteous Lion Defense Int 188
Ritual of Lunar Stability Int 188
Still Pond Infliction Int 190
Terrestrial Circle Sorcery Int 190
True-to-the-Pack Dedication FInt 188
Withdrawal of Assumptions Int 190
Blinking Eye of Chaos Wit 193
Blood on the Wind Wit 194
Fluid Essence RefinementWitD76
Frozen Ripple LairWitD76
Furious Unhappy Recourse Wit 193
Hungry Eagle Method Wit 193
Implausible Lunar PanoplyWitG29
Invisible Warren Creation Wit 191
Limitless Argent ProtectorateWitG30
Lodestone Reckoning Manner Wit 194
Many-Armed Monkey Style Wit 193
Many-Pockets Meditation Wit 191
Meerkat Alertness Practice Wit 193
Predator and Prey Recognition Wit 194
Rats in the Basement Style Wit 192
Secure Den Prana Wit 191
Serpent’s Tooth Reply Wit 193
Silver-Swift Retort Wit 193
Soldier Bee Emulation ExtractionWitD76
Spider’s Trap Door, TheWit 190
Subtle Chameleon PracticeWitG29
Sunset HibiscusWitD76
Thieving Magpie Prana Wit 191
Time-Sheltered CoveWitG30
Wasp Sting Blur FWit 193
Worlds-Within Cocoon TacticWitG30
White Reaper Style
Bleeding Crescent StrikeMAG32
Enemies Like GrassMAG32
Falling Scythe FlashMAG30
Flickering Corona BarrierMAG32
Greatest Killer AttitudeMAG32
Impenetrable White ShroudMAG32
Revolving Crescent DefenseMAG31
Snow Follows WinterMAG32
White Reaper FormMAG31
SStorytellers Companion
DDreams of the First Age - Lords of Creation
WtCoTD, vol. II - The West
GGotMH - Luna