Keys Marine Lab: Living Laboratory Biodiversity Survey

Living Laboratory Grid Set-up

For each study site to be surveyed:

  1. Drop marker buoys at the four corner blocks using the GPS coordinates.
  2. Have snorkelers look for corner blocks and clip buoys to eye bolt.
  3. Lay out 4 boundary weighted lines between the four corner blocks and clip to block.
  4. Lay out 4 weighted lines perpendicular to “shoreline” (aka US 1, typically across current), clip between each pair of line weights.
  5. Lay out 4 transect tapes parallel to shore (along current), pass tape under weighted lines at each pair of line weights.
  6. Transect tape transects are identified as 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, or 4-5 moving from near shore to off shore.
  7. Line intercept data is taken at every 0.5 meters along the transect tape, using the 10 types of bottom/aquatic vegetation.
  8. Belt transect data is taken as “number present” within 1 meter of either side of the transect tape (2 m X 25 m belt); count all individuals using tick marks.
  9. Quadrat data is taken as “presence” in each row (between the transect tapes) of the grid (5 m X 25 m belt) and is labeled quadrat 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 from near shore to off shore. This can be tricky for new snorkelers to see cryptic crustaceans, mollusks and echinoderms unless they really get close to the bottom. We suggest not taking this data quantitatively but instead, do a snorkel survey for presence/absence information within your quadrat area.
  10. You will need to print your data sheets on underwater paper before you arrive
  11. Data sheet templates available
  12. It is strongly suggested that you plan to do a dry-land walk thru of the grid set-up protocol with your students at KML before attempting to lay it out under water.

Living Laboratory Sites:

  1. KML site - high sponge mortality 2008, hardbottom in front of KML wet Lab, accessible from docks
  2. Outdoor Resorts site (ODR1) - some sponge mortality
  3. Big Sponge site (LONG) – no sponge mortality, oceanside , off Long Key State Park
  4. Fiesta Key site (FIE) – high sponge mortality 2008, bayside, 3 miles from KML
  5. Bamboo Key site (BAM1) - no sponge mortality, bayside, 12 mile boat trip from KML

Cleaning Up Living Lab Field Equipment

1.Rinse all equipment with fresh water and allow to air dry before storing in field box

  1. Weighted corner buoys (4)
  2. Transect tapes (4)
  3. Weighted lines/reels (8)
  4. Clipboards/pencils (6)
  5. Secchi disk (1)
  6. Species ID sheets (Line Intercept, Belt Transect, Quadrat Transect I & II) – (2 sets)
  7. Rubbermaid Field box (1)

2.Data sheets

  1. Rinse with fresh water and air dry
  2. Provide KML Science Staff with a copy of your data sheets before you leave and/or scan data sheets to PDF and email to KML Science Staff
  3. Enter data in LL Biodiversity Data Excel workbook (provided by Science Staff)
  4. Return a copy of your completed LL Biodiversity Data workbook to KML Science Staff

3.Return all laminated Species ID Sheets to KML office before departing

4.Store Field Box under Marina Dorm deck – behind lattice gate