Ilsington Parish Council Meeting at Liverton Village Hall
Tuesday the 23rd May 2017
Present :-Cllr R WinsorCllr L Dunkley
Cllr K BainbridgeCllr R Bainbridge
Cllr M Retallick Cllr S Hember
Cllr R DaleCllr J Prior
Cllr A Patch
Also in attendance was DCC Cllr G Gribble, 2 members of the public and Mrs C Retallick Clerk.
Councillors are reminded that they must declare any prejudicial interests they may have in any item to be considered at this meeting, prior to the commencement of the meeting.
Cllr R Winsor welcomed everyone to the annual meeting of the council. He also informed the meeting that he would be resigning from the council with immediate effect.
17/57 Election of Chairman and declaration of acceptance of office of Chairman
Cllr Steemson nominated Cllr Wills and this was seconded by Cllr Patch the meeting supported the nomination, Cllr Wills had confirmed he would accept this office should he nominated in his absence.
17/58 Election of Vice Chairman
Cllr Patch nominated Cllr KBainbridge who declined but nominated Cllr Steemson this was seconded by Cllr R Bainbridge and the meeting supported the nomination. Cllr Steemson accepted the post and in Cllrs Wills absence took the chair. He thanked Cllr Winsor for his guidance as chair for the last 12 months, but also for is service with this council for the last 10 years and wished him well.
17/59 To accept apologies for absence.
Received from Cllr MWills away with work.
17/60 Declaration of interest in items on the agenda.
None declared
17/61 Appointment of Committees: -
Planning Committee - Cllrs Wills, Steemson, R Bainbridge, Dale, Dunkley, Hember, Patch, Prior, Retallick,
Finance and Standards Committee:- Cllrs Wills, Steemson, K Bainbridge, Patch and Retallick
Allotment Committee:- Cllrs Wills, Steemson, Hember, Patch and Steemson
(a)Review the term of reference for committees – the allotment committee terms of reference need to be drafted and Cllr Steemson will create those based on the other committees. The terms were then accepted by the meeting.
17/62.Appointment of Parish council representatives on outside bodies.
Liverton Village Hall– Cllr Dunkley
Ilsington Village Hall including Village Shop Committee - Cllr Prior
IPFARA–Cllr Dunkley
Rural Aid Fund/ DCSF –Currently vacant
Teignbridge Association of Local Councils–Cllr Wills
Dartmoor Forum – Cllrs RBainbridge and Wills
School Liaison Officer – Ilsington Primary School Cllr Dale/ Blackpool Primary School – Cllr Hember
Snow Warden/s - Mr Peter Prior & Mr M Beasley
Tree Officer/s–Cllr Patch
17/63.Appointment of Trustees to:- Ilsington United Charity
Mrs Anne Parkinson. Was nominated and this was supported by the meeting.
17/64.Adoption of standing orders and financial Regulations including internal control policyCllr Patched noted that item 25 in current SO is outdated it was agreed to remove it and review then, the Financial Regulation also need some clarification and it was agreed to look at both these documents at the next finance and Standard meeting. The internal control policy was agreed, signed and dated.
17/65.Emails – to agree to receive all paperwork by email relating to the meetings and business of the council as per the Localism Act 2011
This was agreed and signed
17/66.PUBLIC FORUM & MEMBERS COMMENTS – (limited to 10 minutes)
(Applicants with planning applications for consideration may also speak for up to 3minutes on behalf of their own application)
Ms Georgie Hart of Silver woodFarm cottage spoke in favour of their planning application and gave the reason for their application.
Cllr Retallick reported the uneven road surface from the old Methodist chapel to Birchanger Cross; he also noted it is a cycle route and should be repaired asap.
Cllr Patch reported that Liverton village hall committee will be applying for a grant under the parish scape scheme for a heritage boards and an outdoor bread/pizza oven for future festivals. He invited comments from the council, who agreed it sounded a very good idea.
Cllr Dunkley enquired if Cllr Winsor had identified the land owners of the area near Drumbridges? The clerk will follow that up.
Cllr R Bainbridge reported the large commercial bin outside the Carpenters Arms are causing some obstruction on the road and restricting access.
A silver Mazdavanhas been parked in the council car park for some time and a resident has reported that it is leaking fluid. Cllr Steemson offered to investigate.
Cllr Hember is still concerned about the litter from Drumbridges into Liverton and also noted the van is still parked in the woods
17/67.To confirm the minutes of the last meeting on April 25th 2017
These were signed as a true record of that meeting.
17/68. Clerks report
- Chairman- Cllr R Winsor resigned and casual vacancy to be advertised.
- A request has been sent to M Beasley for the litter pick and he said he would be able to help and will be in touch.
- All the allotments are full and we now have a waiting list .
- I attended a SLCC meeting and training with regard to VAT and accounts end of year
- The internal audit is booked for tomorrow therefore I request that items be moved to the next meeting.
- There has been vandalism at the Ilsington play park, new signs have been damaged and the police have been notified.
- There is still some work to be completed before the web site can go live.
- The storage cupboards and archive boxed have arrived and I have started to organising and filing away
- The twinning charter has been reframed ready to be hung.
- DAAT could not attend this evening but will come to the June meeting
- New housing enabler office at TDC and she has requested a meeting of the clerks and chairs of Bickington and Ilsington initially that will take place over the next couple of weeks she still intend to come to Liverton Country fair and Ilsington flower show.
17/69. To receive reports from District, County Councillors, DNPA Ranger and Police.
Cllr Gribble reported his pleasure in representing Ilsington. He reported that the traveller are sadly still at Drumbridges and is working hard to get them removed, he too was shocked at the lack of security on the site. He noted the comment from Cllr Hember with regard to the van in the wood he will still pursue that.
With regard to item 17/77on this agenda he is also concerned and has spoken tothe Highways engineer with little response but will pursue it further He offered to fund the making of signs.
Cllr Patch thanked him and then gave him information about a publication to help with the problem of travellers on land and possession orders that cover 12mths. Ilsington PC would like Cllr Gribble to obtain a possession order to avoid this continuing problem.
Cllr Retallick congratulated Cllr Gribble on his election success then noted that whatever order is severed the travellers will drag their feet until the last, and a more secure barrier would be better.
Cllr Steemson also congratulated Cllr Gribble on his appointment.
17/70.Council insurance renewal – for information only.
The policy is on a 3 year fixed term.
17/71. Review Fixed assets register
Reviewed and signed as accurate.
17/72.Review the publication scheme relating to request made under the freedom of information act 2000.
The meeting agree that all policy’s and document should be available on the website and if hard copies are required they would be produced for £1 per sheet.
17/73.Review the dates and venues of meeting for the forthcoming year
The clerk will circulate the meeting dates.
17/74.Review the End of year accounts and approve for publication–
Moved to next month’s meeting.
17/75.Approve the Annual Governance Statement
Moved to next month’s meeting.
17/76.Approve the Accounting statements
Moved to next month’s meeting.
17/77.Dangerous road in Liverton on Election Day
Cllr Patch asked for this to be included on the agenda in light of the forth coming elections and the highlighted area of risk identified within our risk assessment for pedestrians using the road between Cumming Cross and old Liverton.
Cllr Gribble agreed to cover the cost of the signage and asked for quotes to be forwarded to him.
The signs will be stored at Liverton village hall and would cost approx. £75 each.
Cllr Patch would like to seek a permanent solution and to this problem and suggest an adversary committee to be set up with a view to expire options to review speed and permanent signage or having a foot path made.Cllr Retallick suggested that an informal meeting of landowners should be made before announcing it into the public domain and Cllr Steemson agreed and to start off the process with the signs and the speed order, and then revisit the prospect of approaching the land owners, Cllr Retallick will visit the landowners informally. Cllr Patch also wanted to note that the report in the newspaper was not an accurate account of the interview given.
17/78.To consider the planning applications received from Teignbridge District Council and Dartmoor National Park Authority.
Cllr Dunkley requested item E) should be moved for the benefit of the applicants present and this was agreed.
e) DNPA 0223/17 - Proposal: Erection of balcony to first floor at Silver Wood Barn, Simms Hill, Ilsington. Support – for H&S and in keeping within the area.
a) DNPA 0196/17 - Proposal: Use of building as a separate dwelling house and gardens at The Bungalow, Sycamore House, Ilsington.No objection.
b) TDC 17/00978/TPO –Reduce lowest limb of one oak by 2.5m; crown lift one ash; crown reduce one oak by up to 2.5m laterally and fell one oak, all within area A1. Crown reduce one oak by up to 2.5 m laterally; remove lowest limb on one oak and crown reduce one oak by up to 2.5 laterally, all within group The Acorns, Chapel Lane. Already granted
c) DNPA 0210/17 - Proposal: Replacement dwelling at Windy Croft, Green Lane, Ilsington. Cllr Patch proposed support as it is a striking addition to the landscape Cllr Hember seconded, and a vote was taken resulting in Cllr Retallick abstained, 2 votes in favour with 5 against.Cllr Dale proposed objection as completely out of character for the DNPA and its landscape/environment. Cllr K Bainbridge seconded and the vote resulted in 5 in favour.
d) DNPA 0009/17 – proposed demolitions of existing living area and kitchen and construction of two storey extension at Little cottage, Higher Brimley (Amended Plans). Support.
f) TDC 17/01015/VAR - Variation of condition 2 on planning permission 08/02100/FUL for improved system of foul sewage disposal at Ingsdon Quarry. No objection subject to no foulodour to nearby residents.
g) TDC 17/00938/TPO - Fell one oak (T1 on the submitted plan) and crown reduce one oak (T2 on the submitted plan) by 2 metres in height and width, removing epicormic growth at 10 Oaklea Park Liverton. Would like to see more photos and evidence of the effect it is having on the homeowner – Objection to a felling a healthy mature tree without sufficient photo evidence
h) DNPA 0234/17 – Proposed construction of forest track at Land at Pool Down Wood, Liverton Brook. Support because is necessary to crop the woodland.
Grant of Conditional Planning permission
- TDC 17/00401/ Star Inn, Liverton New extract out-take to the roof with mushroom cowl and new louver to front of building
17/79.To receive reports from Parish Councillors on outside bodies.
Cllr KBainbridge has not attended an IPFARA meeting as it was cancelled – however she reported the vandalism of the tennis court, smashed glass, signs ripped off, chairs broken, tins thrown onto the court all within daylight hours.Mr Smith has been notified, Cllr Retallick asked for apolice presence there, Cllr KBainbridge also noted there have been small fires. Cllr Dunkley enquired about the issue with the tarmac on the tennis court – Cllr K Bainbridge replied that the faulty tarmac will be repaired in June so the courts will out of action for a week possibly more depending on weather conditions.
Cllr Prior reported that at Ilsington village hall loft ladders have been installed, the defibrillator was taken out but not used, there are new information signs fitted and the storage unit have arrived. The preschool has gone to school and a new table tennis has started with good support and hoping to get a badminton group started. The exterior lights will be improved as too the website, the coin meter has been adapted to take the new coin, and hall improvements continue with new chairs and painting the interior, however the committee does need new members.
17/80.To authorise payments of cheques presented.
1 .C Retallick Salary x 1mths £ 581.83
2.FAB – twinning s charter reframing£ 123.50
4.Office Furniture£ 166.80
5.Viking Direct stationery £ 161.37
6.Mrs K Bainbridge£ 30.00
7. Mr R Bainbridge£ 30.00
8. Mr M Wills£ 30.00
9.Mr R Dale£ 30.00
10.Mr L Dunkley£ 30.00
11.Mr A Patch£ 30.00
12.Mrs J Prior£ 30.00
13.Mr M Retallick £ 30.00
14.Mr R Steemson£ 30.00
15.Mrs S Hember£ 30.00
16.Viking £ 265.94
Cheques total for this month £ 1599.44
DDBT May £ 65.39
Fleur Broadband £ 25.00£ 90.39
Total expenditure for this month£ 1,689.83
IncomeInterest £2.03
Allotment rentals£100.00
Balance as from bank statements at the end of April 2017 £ 60,406.51
All payments authorised.
17/81. Correspondence.
To confirm the next meeting of Ilsington Parish Council on Tuesday June 27th 2017 in Ilsington Village Hall at 7.30 pm.
Signed …………………………………………… Date ……………………………………...
Ilsington Parish Council (Full Council meeting)