Please send your completed form to:
Mahruk Bailey, Membership Secretary, at the address below

(block letters please)

Faculty or Unit:


(Home address if non-OU staff)

Extension no. or Telephone no:

E-mail address:

I wish to apply for annual membership of the OUGC (March 2017 – February 2018) and enclose my cheque for £ ………………

I accept that the Open University Gardening Club does not accept any responsibility for injuries/damage or loss that may occur at any of the Club's activities. (If you have a medical condition that may affect your participation in OU Gardening Club activities and you wish to disclose details about this, please do so overleaf.)

I understand that your personal data will be used for club administration and club related activities only and is only seen by club committee officials. Data given on this form is used for contact purposes and Club records only.

Signed: Date:

Membership fees: Please tick box below for the category you are applying for:

OU current staff / £10.00
OU retired staff / £6.00
OU full time student / £6.00
Associate Member (non-OU) / £11.00

Please make cheques payable to 'Open University Gardening Club'.

Send your completed form and cheque to this address, marked Personal:

Mahruk Bailey, STEM Deanery, Chambers Building, Ground Floor, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA.

Membership Cards will be available at the next meeting. If you would prefer your membership card to be sent to your home address please enclose an SAE.

Please complete the section overleaf indicating your special interests. Visit our Facebook page at:

What area of gardening are you interested in?
(please tick as many boxes as you like)

Garden plants, trees and shrubs
Bedding plants
Climbing plants
Fruit growing
Vegetable gardening
Container gardening
Water gardening
House plants
Flower arranging/decoration
Garden design
Visits to gardens
Organic gardening
Other (please specify)

Give us your ideas for places or gardening events to visit on future occasions
(excluding Chelsea Show)

Please add any other information that you would like to share with us here: