(version 1, 1/4/2017)
Context of environmental integration
Environmental Integration Tool at beneficiary level
Application of the beneficiary EIT
Guidelines of the beneficiary EIT
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In an international context that reinforces each year its positions towards sustainable development and environmental protection, the DGD[1] has decided to adopt the environment as a transversal theme within the Projects and Programs of Belgian Development Cooperation. Unfortunately, in practice, environmental integration continues to be intuitive and uneven among NGO’s, programs and projects, besides the unequal importance given to the distinct environmental themes.
Facing these issues, LD has decided to set up a methodology and specific tools to facilitate, structure and systematize environmental considerations in the elaboration, implementation and evaluation of its “Food and Economic Security” Projects and Programs.
Environmental Integration Tool at beneficiary level
The Environmental Integration Tool (EIT) at beneficiary level is to be applied in four phases: environmentaldiagnosis, diagnosis analysis, commitment and implementation of the commitments.
The tool is based on the institutional EIT, with five equivalent themes:
- Environmental context of the area of activity;
- Effects of the environment on the activity;
- Effects of the activity on the environment;
- Management capacity and adaptation to environmental issues;
- Environmental consideration within the activity.
Through these five themes, the beneficiary EIT builds up a guiding thread which structuresreflections and guidesthe beneficiary’s decision-making at an environmental level. Specifically, this can:
- Improve the reflection through a structured and progressive questioning;
- Make visible the main environmental risks for the activity;
- Make visible the beneficiary’s activities having a positive or negative impact on the environment;
- Guide the beneficiary’s decision-makingby highlighting key issues;
- Make visible the decisions taken as a result of the analysis;
- Monitor the progress of the actions for environmental consideration.
The aim of this tool is thus to pay close attention to environmental issues but above all to adapt the beneficiary’s activity: on the one hand, to reduce its vulnerability to environmental risks, andtherefore increase the profitability and/or sustainability of his/heractivity. And on the other hand, to maximize its positive impacts on the environment and minimize its negative impacts.
It is essential for thecommitments to be personally determined by the beneficiary, whose motivation must be sufficient to ensure the sustainability of the commitments.
Application of the beneficiary EIT
The beneficiary EIT is to be applied in four phases:
- His/her knowledge of the environmental context of the area of activity;
- His/her perception of the effects of the environment on the activity;
- His/her perception of the effects of the activity on the environment;
- His/her ability to manage and adapt to environmental issues;
- The importance he/she grants to environmental consideration.
The 2nd phase is an analysis and summary of the information collected during the diagnosis. Using indicators, a score is assigned to the beneficiary for each theme. Low scores highlight an important need for awareness raising activities or support from the Project.
The environmental risks to the activity, as well asthe positive or negative impacts of the activity on the environment, are also identified.
The 3rdphase is the beneficiary’scommitment. A second interview is scheduled to present him/her the results of the analysis, and to determine the commitments that he/she wishes to take for the environment.
These commitments are personally determinedby the beneficiary and are not binding.
The 4th phase is the implementation of these commitments by the beneficiary. Depending on his/her needs, the Project provides him/her withongoing awareness raising, support and monitoring.
The progress of the commitments is evaluated according to the deadlines determined by the beneficiary and the deadlines of the project cycle.
Guidelines of the beneficiary EIT
PHASE 1: ENVIRONMENTAL DIAGNOSIS / Date:The Project performs an environmental diagnosis of the beneficiary's activity by applying the survey below. We do not have to follow the established order of the questions, nor do we have to ask them all.
The most important thing is to evaluate each theme with the indicators and to highlight the effects of the environment on the activity, the effects of the activity on the environment and the beneficiary’sflaws and needs for environmental consideration.
- Which activity are you implementing? Since when? How many peopledo you work with?
- How does your activity work? What is your activity cycle? What are the different steps?
- What are the main environmental characteristics in your area of activity: relief, vegetation, temperature, seasons, rains, etc.?
- What are the environmental issuesin your area of activity? Do you feel the effects of climate change?
- How long have you been feeling these effects? From your point of view, since when do they exist?
- Do you know the causes of these problems?
- Does the situation seem serious to you? Why? If nothing is done, how do you think it might evolve?
Level / Justification / Score
High / Identifies the problems of the area and explains their causes / 4
Average / Identifies the problems of the area but cannot explain their causes / 3
Weak / Is aware of the existence of problems in the area but does not identify them / 2
Nil / Is not aware of the existence of problems in the area / 1
None / Does not answer the question / 0
- How is the quality of water in your area of activity? Is it safe to drink? Does it contain chemical agents? Is it easily available? How does this affect your activity?
- How is the quality of soils in your area of activity? Are they contaminated? How does this affect your activity?
- How is the air quality in your area of activity? Can you breathewell? Is the air contaminated? How does this affect your activity?
- Are there some endangered plant/animal species in your area of activity? How does this affect your activity?
Level / Justification / Score
High / Identifies the factors that affect the activity and explains their effects / 4
Average / Identifiesthe factors that affect the activity but cannot explain their effects / 3
Weak / Is aware that some factors affect the activity but does not identify them / 2
Nil / Is not aware that the environment affects the activity / 1
None / Does not answer the question / 0
- Which inputs, raw materials and equipment do you use? In what quantities? What are their effects on the environment?
- Does your activity generate waste? At which stage of the process and in what quantities? How do you treat them? Do you know any alternatives to reuse this waste?
- Do you think that your activity has an overall positive or negative impact on the environment?
Level / Justification / Score
High / Identifies the impacts on the environment and explains their effects / 4
Average / Identifiesthe impacts on the environment but cannot explain their effects / 3
Weak / Is aware that the activity has an impact on the environment but does not identify it / 2
Nil / Is not aware that the activity has an impact on the environment / 1
None / Does not answer the question / 0
- Do you comply withany environmental regulations within your activity? Do you have any environmental certification? If so, which one? If not, why?
- Are you taking concrete actions to reduce the environmental risks on your activity? If so, which ones? If not, why?
- Are you takingconcrete actions to reinforce the positive impacts or reduce the negative impacts of your activity on the environment? If so, which ones? If not, why?
- Is your company staff aware of all these actions? Are they trained, internally or externally? If so, how and since when? If not, why?
- Do you know any organizations, local authorities, NGOs, associations, groups, committees, etc. working on environmental issues? Have you ever worked with any of them? What kind of support[2] did you receive? On what themes? How did that help you?
- What (other) environmental support(s) would you (still) need?
Level / Justification / Score
High / Possesses the necessary management capacities[3] and implements some actions / 4
Average / Possessesthe necessary management capacities but has never implemented any action / 3
Weak / Does not possess the necessary capacities to manage the environment but identifies his/her needs / 2
Nil / Does not possess the necessary capacities and do not identify his/her needs / 1
None / Does not answer the question / 0
- Following this interview, do you think that considering the environmentwithin your activity is important? Why?
- Following this interview, do you think that environmental issues are sufficiently taken into account within your activity? Why?
- Further to this interview, what actions would you be willing to take for a better environmental consideration in your company? Why?
Level / Justification / Score
High / Identifies the advantages of environmental considerations and wants to commit / 4
Average / Does not identify the advantages of environmental considerations but could make a commitment with a gain of profitability for his/her activity / 3
Weak / Points outsome advantages of environmental considerations but is not convinced enough to commit(need for a certain gain of profitability in his/her activity) / 2
Nil / Does not identify the advantages of environmental considerations and would not want to commit, even with a certain gain of profitability in his/her activity / 1
None / Does not answer the question / 0
In a post-diagnosis analysis, the Project evaluates the scores by theme and justifies them. It suggests actions to improve the beneficiary's perceptions, knowledge, capacities and interests: raising awareness, training, capacity building, technical and/or financial support, etc.
It then highlights the effects of the environment on the beneficiary’s activity, the effects of the activity on the environment and recommends some actions.
Theme / Score / JustificationEnvironmental context
Effects of the environment on the activity
Effects of the activity on the environment
Management capacity and adaptation to environmental issues
Environmental consideration
Actions required by the Project
Degree of impact of the environment on the activityUnknown / Inexistent / Low / Average / Important
Environmental factors / Soil
Fertility, pollution, erosion, desertification, land use, logging
Quality, pollution, availability, consumption, management
Quality, unpleasant smell
Fauna, flora, vegetation cover
Climate change and extreme events
Drought, flood, frost, hail, hurricane, etc.
Waste and waste water Production and management
Consumption and management
Environmental awareness
Others (specify):
Effects of the environment on the activity / Recommended actions
Degree of impact of the activity on the environmentUnknown / Inexistent / Low / Average / Important
Specify if positive (P) or negative (N) impact
Environmental factors / Soil
Fertility, pollution, erosion, desertification, land use, logging
Quality, pollution, availability, consumption, management
Quality, unpleasant smell
Fauna, flora, vegetation cover
Climate change and extreme events
Drought, flood, frost, hail, hurricane, etc.
Waste and waste water Production and management
Consumption and management
Environmental awareness
Others (specify):
Effects of the activity on the environment / Recommended actions
The Project arranges a new interview with the beneficiary to present him/her the results of the analysis. As the analysis includes several levels of information, the Project evaluates the information considered relevant to share with the beneficiary, among the scoring evaluation, the effects of the environment on the activity, the effects of the activity on the environment and the recommended actions.
The beneficiary may then possibly committo some actions for environmental consideration, which are recorded in the commitment form below. It is essential for thecommitments to be personally determined by the beneficiary and not to be binding.
/ Space to introduce the logo of the partner(s)
Form: beneficiary’s self-determined commitments for the environment
Following the environmental diagnosis interview carried out on ………………………… between the partner ………………………………………………and the beneficiary ………………………………………………, the main effects of the environment on the activity and the main effects of the activity on the environment have been highlighted:
Effects of the environment on the activity / Effects of the activity on the environment1
Acknowledging these effects, I, the undersigned, ………………………………………………, undertake the following commitments to reduce the vulnerability of my activity to the environmental risks mentioned, and to reinforce the positive effects and/or reduce the negative effects of my activity on the environment:
Commitments and expected results / Expected deadlines1
By signing, the beneficiary implicitly approves the diffusion and disclosure of the information included in this report. If the beneficiary expresses some reservations, these must be specified and justified.
Done at…………………………, on…………………………
The beneficiary,
Visa of the accompanying person
PHASE 4: IMPLEMENTATION OF COMMITMENTS / Date:Finally, the beneficiary implements his/her commitments. Depending on his/her needs, the Project provides him/herwith ongoing awareness raising, support and monitoring.
The progress of the commitments is evaluated according to the deadlines determined by the beneficiary and the deadlines of the project cycle. The Project is therefore in charge of determining the modalities of follow-up with the beneficiary.
After some time, a new environmental diagnosis could be carried out to re-evaluate the beneficiary's knowledge, perceptions, needs and new commitments. This will be determined according to the application in the field.
By signing the commitment form, the beneficiary undertook the following:
Commitments and expected results / Expected deadlines1
Progress evaluation:
Commitments / Results / Recommendations1
Adaptation:strategies, initiatives and individual or collective measures to reduce the vulnerability of natural resources, of natural and human systems against real or expected effects of climate change [GIEC].
Climate change: change of climate attributed directly or indirectly to the human activity, which distorts the composition of the world atmosphere and adds to the natural variability of the climate observed during comparable periods of times [UN].
Environmental management: management of the productive use of natural resources without reducing its productivity nor its quality [UNEP].
Mitigation: structural and non-structural measures undertaken to limit the negative impact of natural hazards, degradation of the environment and technological risks [UNEP].
Sustainable development: development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs [REPORT BRUNDTLAND]. It has three gap pillars: environmental, economic and social aspects.
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[1] General Direction «Development cooperation and Humanitarian aid».
[2]Information, training, awareness raising, technical, financial support, etc.
[3] Technical, organizational and financial knowledge and skills.
[4] Evaluation based on the real effects and not on the beneficiary’s perceptions.
[5] Evaluation based on the real effects and not on the beneficiary’s perceptions.