Scipio Town Board Meeting
This regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, April 13, 2016 by Supervisor Gary Mutchler with the following people present:
Supervisor: Gary Mutchler Town Clerk: Tom Olenych
Council Members: Howard Nelson Highway: Mark Chamberlain
Leslie Baxter
Mark Ferrari
Gary Whitten
Visitors: John Zepko of Cayuga County Planning, Chris Carrick of CNY RPDB.
Motion: to approve supervisor Mutchler’s agenda.
(Baxter / Nelson) All in favor.
Issues to come before the board from town residents:
There were no issues.
Motions to approve the March 9, 2016 minutes.
(Nelson / Whitten) All in favor.
John Zepko of Cayuga County Planning spoke to the board about storm water management and its effect on both Owasco Lake and Cayuga Lake. He stressed that
CC Planning was available and ready to offer its assistance to the town highway superintendent.
Chris Carrick of CNY RPDB spoke to the board about New York State’s commitment to renewable energy with a goal of increasing all forms of renewable energy 10 fold by the year 2030.
Chris also passed around paperwork, the “Memorandum of Understanding for the Solarize CNY Initiative” and the “Intermunicipal Cooperation for the Solarize CNY Initiative”, for the board to review and for the supervisor to sign.
Motion to approve the supervisor signing this paperwork.
(Ferrari / Nelson) All in favor.
Leslie Baxter: Tyson Benson will be the town’s new vet for holding rabies clinics in the spring and fall but he will not have a clinic until the fall of 2016.
Leslie feels the situation with the VanNostrand’s and Gould Cemetery needs to be resolved as it seems to drag on and on.
Supervisor Mutchler handed out copies of a notice of a special meeting and public hearing prepared by the town’s attorney David Thurston for the purpose of getting town residents opinions on how the town should handle the Gould Cemetery situation.
Motion to approve a notice of a special meeting and public hearing.
(Mutchler / Baxter) All in favor.
Leslie suggested the board approve the transfer of $56,000.00 from the highway reserve fund to the highway fund to be put toward the cost of repairs to Sherwood Road.
Mark Chamberlain told the board with the lower costs of oil and materials this money would go further than in years past.
Leslie also thought the town board should become more pro-active in planning how to deal with future agriculture related road wear and road problems.
Motion to approve the highway superintendent’s repair plan.
(Mutchler / Baxter) All in favor.
Mark Ferrari: The grant check from Solarize New York for $2,500.00 the town received for being part of SNY permitting process should be used to help offset the cost of the new computers and the switch over to Clarity Connect.
Before going ahead with the repairs / remodel of the town offices Mark suggested the town ask for feedback from anyone else who uses the offices to see what they might want to have done to the offices.
Tom Olenych will contact and ask for thoughts and ideas from other boards / groups that use the building.
Howard Nelson: WeCare all set up for Clean Up Day and Weitsman for the scrap metal has been notified as well.
Howard has contacted WeCare again regarding the lapsed contract between the town and WeCare but he has not gotten a response yet.
Gary Whitten: The new tractor and mower have been ordered but to date only the mower has been delivered.
Supervisor: The NYMIR Sexual Harassment Policy for 2016 needs to be approved.
Motion to approve the 2016 NYMIR Sexual Harassment Policy.
(Mutchler / Whitten) All in favor.
WPV reporting should not be done by the town supervisor but should be done be Tom Olenych, Howard Nelson or Mark Chamberlain.
Motion to approve the amended budget for greater internet connections.
(Whitten / Baxter) All in favor.
It was decided that Mark Chamberlain should go ahead and sign the Intermunicipality
Work Agreement.
Assessor: Heather Garner had a prepared report outlining what she has been doing in March and April.
Town Clerk: Tom Olenych told the board the Spring Newsletter was close to being complete and it will be mailed out on Thursday April 28th. or Friday April 29th.
Tom also told the board that the election machines for the April 19th. primary will be delivered and set up on Monday April
Highway: All OSHA training for 2016 had been successfully completed. Mark is looking for places to unload the dirt created by the ditching the town highway crews have been doing. There will be a mention of this in the Spring Newsletter.
Code Enforcement Officer: Mick had a prepared report of March’s permits, inspections and visits.
Mick also told the board he is still familiarizing himself with the new town zoning laws. He is also going to prepare an index for the new zoning which will make using it more efficient. Once he has this completed he will approach the town planning board to have it added to the new zoning.
Other business: there was no other business.
Vouchers: General (A): 49 to 73 totaling $30,893.23 (Nelson / Whitten)
Highway (DA): 24 to 29 totaling $29,666.33 (Nelson / Baxter)
(Nelson / Baxter) All in favor.
Motion to adjourn: 10:13 PM (Nelson) All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Thomas J. Olenych
Town Clerk