- Who put the Dewey in the Dewey Decimal System? ______
- In what year was he born? ______
- In what year did he die? ______
- In what year did he open the first library school? ______
- At what University did he open the first library school? ______
- To fiction or not to fiction?
- ______Books that are made up by the author or are not true.
- ______Books that are true, are about real things, people, events, and places.
- You can only say no once.
- Fiction= not ______.
- Nonfiction= ______
How fiction and nonfiction are shelved.
- ______Shelved in alphabetical order by the author’s last name.
- ______Shelved by their subject’s category using the Dewey Decimal System.
What is a Call Number?
A call number is a group of ______and/or ______put together to tell you where in the library to find your book.
The call number is located at the bottom of the book on the ______.
Do all call numbers have numbers? Yes ______No ______
Which call numbers have numbers? Fiction ______Nonfiction ______
True______or False ______Call numbers help you know what shelf to look on in the library for a book.
Left to Right- Top to Bottom
- Books are shelved left to ______.
- Top to ______.
- That means you start at the ______on the top shelf and move to the ______until the shelf ends.
- Then you go to the next shelf and do the same. Top to ______.
- Left to ______. It is like a zig- zag. Like the way we read on a page. Left to right, zig back to the left and start reading again left to right.
- When you get to the end of the bottom shelf, ______to the top shelf of the next section.
- Left to ______. Top to ______.
What does a fiction call number look like?
- FIC = ______.
- In the Arrowhead Library FIC is followed by the first three letters of the author’s ______name.
What does a nonfiction call number look like?
- A Dewey Decimal Call number always has ______numbers before the decimal point. It can have one, two, three or more numbers after the decimal point. In the Arrowhead library most call numbers only have up to three numbers after the call number. But there are always ______numbers to the left of the decimal point.
- The 000’s are called the zero ______.
- The more numbers there are to the ______of the decimal point, the more ______the subject.