"Do not be conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind." Romans 12:2
All students will be responsible for their conduct toward each other, their language, dress, and manners. Proper conduct is expected at all times and should be especially emphasized at field trips, academic meets and other assemblies of the student body. Students, both individually and in groups, shall comply with student regulations, and shall recognize the authority of the teachers and administration. A C.P.C.A. student should set an example for others. The student should be a credit to his parents and his school and pleasing to the Lord. Student conduct or discipline is training that corrects a student and leads him from outside control to a spirit-controlled life. The word discipline comes from the word disciple. It is our goal to assist parents in the discipline of their children that they may become more Christ-like.
Honor Pledge
1. I commit to do my best to apply myself wholeheartedly to my academic classes.
2. I will not use or be associated with the use of tobacco, drugs, or alcohol.
3. I will honor God by maintaining a lifestyle of sexual purity.
4. I will refrain from the use of profanity, vulgarity or other type of writing or conversation, which is inappropriate for a Christian.
5. My relationships with other students will be based upon the principles of Christ’s love. I will show care and concern for others in my speech and actions.
6. I will not lie, cheat or steal, and I will not tolerate such activities by my classmates.
7. I will submit myself to the authority of the teachers and administration of CPCA, realizing that attendance at CPCA is a privilege, not a right.
8. My dress and my appearance will not only comply with the dress code of CPCA, but also reflect Christian modesty and values.
9. I have read and will abide by all principles and rules set forth in the Central Park Christian Academy Parent-Student Handbook.
10. I understand that I will answer to school authority for my conduct on and off campus, as I represent Central Park Christian Academy at all times. Therefore, my conduct on and off campus will affect my privilege to attend Central Park Christian Academy
Student signature date