ZG / Zoe Garshong / President (Chair)YA / VP International / Yasmin Abdullah
SM / VP Activities / Sam Miles
MA / VP Welfare and Community / Masud Abdulkadir
JG / VP Education / Josh Gulrajani
EN / VP Southend / Ernest Nyarko
TB / LGBQ+ Officer / Taran Baragwanath
EG / Disabled Students Officer / Ellie Grace
JV / Part Time Students Officer / Juliana Vorono
MY / East 15 President / Maryhee Yoon
CS / Craig Stephens / CEONBS / Natalie Bell-Surette / Student Communities Coordinator
TL / Theo Lambrou / Post Graduate Taught OfficerKK / Kalina Katsarska / Open Portfolio Officer
IQ / Ifra Qureshi / Women’s OfficerIfra Qureshi
VM / Vimbai Mufunde / BAME Officer
CS / Matthew Craven / Union ChairTC / Tanki Chartier / VP services and Comms
BA / Bahare Afrahi / Post Graduate Research Officer
1. / Welcome / Chair2. / Student Ideas update
Idea / Officer / Status
Improvements to common room – Speak to Uni about changing seating / EN / Open
Book Fair – Now have a bookshelf in S/E / EN / Close
Reducing Laundry Costs / JG,EN / Open
Keep our Essex email after graduation / JG / Open
Nap Room – SU Pods / JG,ZG / Close
Create and student accessible plagiarism checker / JG / Open
Student DJ Saturday Nights at Sub Zero / TC, SM, ZG / Open
Improvements to first buses – There is not anything we can do, ZGto type up. / ZG / Close
Wheelchair access to the Multi-Faith Chaplaincy / MA, EG / Open
Time Banking – No student push behind this / SM / Close
Put the Union Jack on the library flagpole / ZG / Close
Reduce rents at University of Essex – Have lobbied the University and they will not change it / EN / Close
Introduce dog therapy – We now always have this at Exam campaign / JR / Close
Get rid of exam resit fees / ZG, JG / Open
Electronic watch affiliation – MA to updated / MA / Open
Improve our Silberrad Centre / JG / Open
Liberation Budgets – Liberations now have £500 / JG / Close
Trans Officer – Has been passed, to be elected in October ‘17 / JG / Close
Deck Chairs / TC / Open
Southend –SU support with housing – EN meeting with SU Lets / EN / Open
/ JG
3. / Black History Month Update
Colchester campus
-All events orgainsed, just waiting on Uni for room bookings
-Invites to be sent out to all events
Southend and Loughton
-ZG, MYand ENmeeting 01/08/17 to discuss what they will be doing there. / Chair
4. / Communication policy and the welfare of the exec team online
-Tankiabsent , postpone to next meeting. / Chair
5. / The Ground Rules Review
-You must be on time. If you are late its £1 in the jar
-Give at least 24 hrs notice if you cannot attend, apologies will not be accepted after this
-You can add items to the agenda, speak to chair beforehand
-3 missed exec meetings will result in an automatic centure. This will reset at the academic year. 3 centures is automatic no-con. / Chair
6. / Team Work
-Would like the exec to work as a team as well as focusing on their own agendas. ‘Together we are stronger’.
-Remember the PTOs: They are a voice of the community and a way to access the communities views and opinions. PTOs often rely on Sabbs to action things. / MA
Facebook page
-Can’t expect Sabbs to monitor the Facebook page so why and how can we expect PTOs?
PTOs are to express their needs and for Sabbs to support.
-Suggestion of a generic account for all Sabbs.
It is practical for staff to look after the Facebook page, but inappropriate for political reasons.
-Facebook should not be manned 24hrs and responses should be made in working hours. Bring the issues to the SU the next day and we can process it through the proper channels
-ZGto speak to TCto build this into the Communication policy
The SU has expanded the pool of people PTOs can be mentored by. They will be able to choose from the senior managers (list will be sent out) and they will be there to help and support the PTOs.
ZG suggested some kind of mixer so the PTOs and senior managers can meet each other, as some may not have before.
One to Ones: PTOs
Next week on Monday or Thursday PTOs can book a one to one with ZG.
As of October and Monthly PTO session will be set up for PTOs to have time to speak to ZG together with NBS for support, problems and advice.
Loughton update
Hoping that the SU/Café bar could be open in August but there would be a massive loss. This is unable to happen.
There can be flexibility though if it was for a special event and support was needed.
Freshers – Directors have final show that week and everything closes at 10.30pm. Lee is in conversation with senior team at East15 about this.
Waiting on a date for Freshers fair – would be great to have Liberation groups attend.
Upcoming events
-Dates you want other exec at need to go in their diaries asap
-Mixers are going to be done all together (with the expection of ISA that is too large). We are waiting on the Welcome Week Committee to confirm dates and rooms.
-First Trans Awareness Week w/d 13th November
Weeks events are confirmed.
New Committee
Executive management board: Meeting every 6 weeks for whole exec and directors. It is not compulsory. It will not be democratic but discussing what is going on in the SU. Chaired my CS or ZG. / JG
Next meeting: TBC