DMC/DC/F.14/Comp.698/2010/ 7th December, 2010


The Delhi Medical Council examined a complaint of Shri B.S. Gautam r/o. C-13, New Cottage Road Extn., Adarsh Nagar, Delhi-110033, alleging medical negligence on the part of Dr. Anshu Rohtagi, in the treatment administered to complainant’s wife Smt. Raj Bala at SirGangaRamHospital, New Delhi.

The Delhi Medical Council perused the complaint, written statement of Dr. Anshu Rohtagi, Dr. R.K. Ganjoo Director Medical, SirGangaRamHospital, copy of medical records of SirGangaRamHospital and other documents on record.

The Delhi Medical Council observes that Mrs. Raj Bala was a follow up case of severe Mitral Stenosis with artrial fibrillation with a stroke of left MCA territory since 2008 and she had right hemiplegia in 2008 from which she recovered partially. She also had bronchial asthma. On 17.3.2010 she developed left side weakness altered sensorium and seizures. She was admitted at Panipat and her condition was critical. On 18.3.2010 she was shifted to ICU of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital under Unit II Neurology. She required artificial ventilation and was given heparin for prevention of further stroke for seizures. She also developed lung infection for which she was given antibiotics. MRI of the brain showed fresh infarction in the right basal ganglia and right cerebellar. She improved to some extent in the next two days but then she developed atrial fibrillation with fast heart rate and left heart failure. She was seen by the Cardiologist and treatment continued as advised by the cardiologist as she was confined to the bed for a number of days. She developed bedsores for which the desired treatment was given and the experts in that field consulted.


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In light of the observations made hereinabove, it is the decision of the Delhi Medical Councilthat the line of treatment adopted in the management of this case was as per accepted professional practices in such cases, hence, prima facie no case of medical negligence is made out against the doctors of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in the treatment administered to complainant’s wife Smt. Raj Bala.

Complaint stands disposed.

By the Order & in the name of

Delhi Medical Council

(Dr. Girish Tyagi)


Copy to :-

1)Shri B.S. Gautam, r/o. C-13, New Cottage Road, Extn. 100, Adarsh Nagar, Delhi-110033

2)Dr. Anshu Rohtagi, Through Medical Superintendent, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi – 110060

(Dr. Girish Tyagi)
