Student Employment Website – Employer User GuideUpdated December 7, 2015
Employer User Guide
1.Get Started2
2.Employer Log in2
3. Job Control Panel3
Employee Filter3
Job Status 3
Manage Job4
Edit Job4
Manage Job Applications5
4. Review Student Applications6
5. Contact Applicants6
6. Hire or Rehire Students7
1. Getting Started
The Student Financial Services Office uses a web interface, called JobX,for the Student Employment functions of job posting, application, and hiring processes. The instructions in this document explain these procedures.
Please do not hesitate to email any questions to:
Note: Current JobX website updates are in process, so there may be variations between the wording in this guide and screens.
Features for Employers
●Post jobs: Maintain online job descriptions and applications; and submit job postings for students to review and apply for.
●Review applications: Receive notification of applications by email and review on-line; keep all applications in a central location and manage with preview and notes functions.
●Hire students online: Check a student’s I-9, Direct Deposit/work-study status and submit
on-line job hiring requests to Student Employment.
●Manage old jobs: Store lists of students interested in job postings; save job postings for re-use.
Features for Students
●Search for jobs: use any number of different criteria to find jobs; receive automated email when preferred jobs become available;
●Apply online: Complete and submit job applications on-line to prospective employers, including resumes when requested.
2. Employer Log-In
To access functions of the website, employers need to establish accounts and log in with passwords. All student supervisors who have been set up as timesheet approvers are set up with accounts. Upon initial log in, you must establish an individual password to access the system.
1.Go to from the SFS web page at
2.Click On-Campus Employers to go to the On-Campus Employer page.
On-Campus Employer page
Under Employer Tools, click Job Management Log in. If you are an on-campus employer who has never logged in, you will need to click on Request a Log in.
●The first time you log in you will need to set your password.
●If you forget your password, click on “Help! I forgot mypassword” and follow directions. Be sure to use your full email address (i.e. ).
3. Job Control Panel
Once you have logged in, you will be in the Job Control Panel, whereyou can perform nearly all tasks related to your jobs.
Employer Filter
Select the department you want to view.
If you are a supervisor for more than one department, you can select the department for which you would like to see jobs from the Employer Filter drop-down menu at the top of the screen. If you are assigned to only one department, you will simply see the name of this department.
Select the job you want to view.
Under the Employer Filter drop-down, you can select “Only show ‘My’ jobs” or “Show all jobs within selected employers.”
●“Show all jobs within selected employers.” Users who manage a lot of jobs may also see the Choose Jobs to View options on their screen.
Job Status :
View Listed Jobs: The job is currently posted on the list of available jobs. Student may search and apply for this job.
View Jobs Pending Approval (not in use)
View Jobs in Review Mode: Jobs start out in this mode and are not available for students to see on the available listings and cannot be applied for. Move a job into Review once you do not want to receive any more applications but still want time to review them and hire. This is the safest place to leave a job.
View Jobs in Storage Mode:The job is not listed on the website and all the details of the job posting are saved but any associated applications are deleted. Before sending a job to storage, a list of applicants can be printed. A job is typically moved into Storage after hiring is completed and a job is closed. A job in Storage may be moved into Review and List.
To perform any functions with a specific job, click on the job title, to bring you to the “Manage Job” page.On the Manage Job page, you will see the following four options in boxes:
Update Status: Indicates current status of job: “Listed,” “in Review Mode,” or Storage.
View Applicants: View applications submitted online.
Manage Application: Edit and review online application.
Hire Student: You may need to edit the joband increase the number of job openings to proceed with hiring.
If you need an additional job, click on Add a new job for (department). This will take you to a new page where you will complete information: (Edit this Job brings you to the same place.)
Job Category - From the pull-down menu, choose the category that best describes the type of job, such as office/administrative, library, lab, etc.
Job Title: Important: Job titles must include the Banner Position Code at the end (S1234). This code links the position to the FOAPAL being charged and the time sheet approver.
Job Description: Briefly describe job.
Job Requirements: List any specific skills/qualifications/schedule requirements students must have.
Number of Available Openings: For jobs being listed, the number of openings lets students know how many students may be hired. For supervisors, the number of hires allows for all student hiring and revision functions.
Hours per Week: Indicate the range of work hours expected.
Start/End Dates: These dates will automatically fill in after selecting the Time Frame.
Time Frame: Select from pull-down menu.
Base Pay Rate: Select the range from pull-down menu
Contact Person*: List the primary person to be contacted and do the hiring for this job.
Secondary Contact People*: Indicate other people who may also hire for the job.
Phone & Fax Numbers/Email Address: Enter this information only if you want it available to students applying for the job.
Location: Optional; enter if you think it will be important/helpful for students to see.
Note that there is currently a problem with deleting people from these lists.*
Manage Job Application
The standard job application includes basic information about a student.
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Email Address
Student ID
Graduation Year
Briefly describe any work experience, paid or volunteer.
You can add, change, or delete questions by clicking the Edit, Delete or Insert buttons and following instructions. Before listing the job each time, check for dates that need changing.
You may want to add questions to the job application. To do so, select a type of question from the drop-down menu (located below the last question); then click Insert. The page will reload and you can then enter the question itself, along with a number of other options.
For multiple-choice questions, please note that Options should be a comma-separated list.
When complete, click to return to the Manage Job page
Note: The default application may be changing, which will delete any customized questions added. You will be notified in advance when this will take place.
Once you have made your changes, click Submit.
In Update Status box:
Click Listed and select the date the job should be posted and the length of time the job should be listed on the website orSometime later if you want to check the information first or you are unsure when you want the job listed.
Click Save Changes and you will be brought back to the Manage Job screen.
Review Student Applications
Once the job is listed, you will receive an email every time a student submits an application. To view applications, click the link in the email or log onto the website and go to the JobControl Panel.
1. From the JobControl Panel, go to Currently Listed Jobs.
2. Each row of the table provides functionality for one particular job. Click View Applications
3. Applications are initially displayed in descending order by date/time. New applications are designated by “New!” in the first column. Click one of the column headings, such as Last Name, to change the display and organize the applications by that field. To flag applications for follow-up, click the clear flag in the last column to change it to yellow. Flagged applications will automatically move to the top of the list.
4.Click either Preview or View next to the application you wish to see. Both links will display the application in the same way except that Preview will not eliminate the “New!” designation. After clicking Preview/View, the student’s application will appear.
5. You can also see and review a Resume, if attached
6. To print, click the printer icon
Contact Applicants
After reviewing applications for a job, you can email a response to students by selecting Greeting or Rejection, located just above the table of applications. Click Greeting and you will see a “Greeting” email template.
Details of “Greeting” email:
●To: If there is more than one applicant, check off the names of the students you would like to email. By default, all students who have not already received email about this job are selected. You can add other students who did not submit an online application to the list of recipients by typing a comma-separated list into the empty text box. If a student has previously been contacted this way, there will be a note next to her name.
●From: The system automatically fills in your email address that cannot be changed.
●Subject/Body: The system lists a standard subject line and standard message that can be edited by typing over the message.
Sending the email: Click Send when you have completed the form. You will receive a confirmation email saying that an email has been sent to the applicant(s).
Details of “Rejection” email:
Note: You may customize the “Greeting” email instead of using this version.
The Rejection email is handled the same way as the Greeting except that the automatic messages that appear in “Subject” and “Body” are different, but can still be edited the same way.
●To: If there is more than one applicant, check off the names of the students you would like to email. By default, all students who have not already received email about this job are selected. You can add other students who did not submit an online application to the list of recipients by typing a comma-separated list into the empty text box. If a student has previously been contacted this way, there will be a note next to her name. Laura, OK?
●From: The system automatically fills in your email address that cannot be changed.
●Subject/Body: The system lists a standard subject line and standard message that can be edited. For example, “You recently submitted an online application for the Shredding Manager Job opening. I regret to inform you that the position has been filled. Thank you very much for your interest in the position.
Note: Do NOT use this email to inform applicants that the job has been filled, as you will be automatically prompted to inform the other applicants once the job has been filled
Hire or Re-Hire Students
To hire or re-hire students:
1. Click Hire from the Job Control Panel,Manage Job, orView Job Applications.
With online application: To hire a student who submitted an online application, click the box next to her name, and it will bring you to the next step.
Without an online application: Enter the student’s name and Banner ID# (must include the “B”). Click “go to step 2”.
Check Validation: Based on the ID#, you will see if a student has work-study, and has I-9 and Direct Deposit Forms in Banner. You may continue the hiring process unless she has an X next to I-9 or Direct Deposit. Be sure to check for the correct ID# and include the “B” at the beginning for correct results.
Click Continue for the Hire Request:
Before you Submit Request, check that the wage is the correct rate for that student (not the default rate) and that the dates are correct. Use the Additional Notes to alert Student Employment about anything different in setting up the time sheet.
ClickSubmit Request and the Hire Request will appear in your Hire Archive and be sent to the master Hire Archive managed by Student Employment.
Time sheets are manually set up in Banner within two to five business days.
Hire Archive
This screen keeps track of the Hire Requests you submitted. The Hire Date defaults to one week back from current date but can be changed using the pull-down menu. This is a good reference when searching for previous hires and pay rates.
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