DII Mgmt Council 7/14

Page No. 1


Division II Military Pilot Project Team



National partnership between NCAA Division II and the United States Military to develop future leaders who serve our communities and our nation.


Establish a pilot program partnering a conference and its schools with neighboring military installations to demonstrate the advantages and benefits of linking schools, student-athletes, military installations, military personnel and local communities together. Establish a mutual commitment to successful engagement in order to grow the partnership nationally.

Pillars of Engagement

The partnership between Division II and the military will be accomplished via four Pillars of Engagement, as listed below. Any activity or initiative shall support one (or more) of the pillars. In addition, success of the activity or initiative will be measured against a pillar(s) of engagement.

  • Education
  • Integration
  • Leadership
  • Service

Benefits of Partnership

Division II Schools and Conferences / Military and Installations
  • Tell the story of the Division II brand of intercollegiate athletics
  • Exposure to military trained leaders, structure and methods
  • Understanding of military life
  • Community partnerships and alliances
  • New audience and fan base
  • Future students and enrollment driver
  • Potential contest(s) opportunities
  • Tell the military story, its purpose and mission
  • Military personnel see the opportunities in higher education
  • Build confidence as an individual
  • Educate the community about military life
  • Integrate the military and the installation into the community
  • Recruitment access
  • Volunteer base
  • Competition opportunities for military personnel
  • New audience and fan base
  • Community partnerships and alliances

Demonstrate Success

  • Georgia Regents University/Peach Belt Conferenceand Ft. Gordon.
  • Peach Belt Conference and its schoolsand neighboring installations.
  • Additional schools/conferences and installations.
  • National partnership.


1.Survey the Division II membership to create an inventory (both athletic and non-athletic) of current partnerships and activities with the military and with whom the school/conference has contact(s). (July through September 2014)

2.Create a list of possible partnership opportunities and activities between the schools/conferences and military installations. (Winter 2014 and Spring 2015)

3.Execute partnership opportunities between Ft. Gordon and Georgia Regents University.

  1. Annual Athletic Retreat (August 6-8).
  2. 2014 Peach Belt Conference Men’s and Women’s Cross Country Championships (November 8).
  3. Georgia Regents University Military Appreciation Week (February 16-21).
  4. Student-Athletes’ Growth and Improvement Leadership Program (TBD).

4.Capture pictures, videos and testimonials on the partnership opportunities between Ft. Gordon, Georgia Regents University and the Peach Belt Conference. (During each event)

5.Measure and assess the success, interaction and benefits of the partnership between Ft. Gordon, Georgia Regents University and the Peach Belt Conference. (Following each event and Spring 2015 in totality)

6.Focus NCAA Division II national championship community engagement efforts with the military. (2014-15––25 Division II championships)

7.Develop NCAA process to provide free admittance to military personnel, veterans and their families to any Division II championship event. (August Creation, September 15-17 Championships Committee Approval)

8.Develop standard processes and procedures for campuses to contact military installations. (Meetings of Military Pilot Project Team––Completion Summer 2015)

9.Determine minimum requirements of a partnership between school/conference and military installation. (Meetings of Military Pilot Project Team––Completion Summer 2015)

10.Review NCAA legislation (e.g., awards and benefits, recruiting, financial aid, playing and practice seasons) to determine changes necessary to permit partnership opportunities between schools/conferences and the military. (Legislation Committee meetings––March 2015, June 2015 and November 2015)

11.Division II commitment to evaluate Ft. Gordon (and other military bases hosting a conference championship event) as a potential national championship site. (Spring 2015)

12.Determine success of pilot and if successful, determine next steps of partnership. (Spring 2015)

13.Create a portfolio and marketing materials of the accomplishments/success. (Spring 2015)

14.If successful, presentation to military senior staff. (Spring/Summer 2015)

15.Evaluate other potential opportunities to host national championships on military installations. (Fall 2015)


July 16 (2 p.m. Eastern)––Teleconference of the military pilot project team.

July 21––Launch of surveys to Division II schools

July 21-22––Division II Management Council meetings

August 6-8––Georgia Regents Annual Athletic Retreat

August 7––Division II Presidents Council meetings

September 12––Deadline for survey completion

September 15-17––Division II Championships Committee meeting

September/October––Teleconference of the military pilot project team.

October 21-22––Division II Management Council

October 30––Division II Presidents Council

November 7-8––In-person meeting of the military pilot project team

November 8––Peach Belt Conference Cross Country Championship at Ft. Gordon.

November 11-12––Division II Legislation Committee

January 14––Division II Management Council

January 15––Division II Presidents Council

February 16-21––Georgia Regents Military Appreciation Week

February 2015––Teleconference of the Military Pilot Project Team

March/April 2015––Creation of portfolio and marketing materials

April 13-14––Division II Management Council

April 30––Division II Presidents Council

Spring 2015––Meeting of the Military Pilot Project Team

Spring/Summer 2015––Presentation to Military Senior Leadership