PRESENT:Tony Batchelor, Malcolm Kirk, Pat Leveridge, Stan Leveridge, Tony Martin, Mike Moss, Colin Porter, Jenny Roe, Carole Summers & Deborah Williams
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING - Confirmed in order.
This item to be treated as Confidential:
The committee discussed a confidential matter regarding a previous member of the Group.
Current balances before the Donkey Derby are £1,471.91. £615 has been collected to date in subs, which is still £800 before capitation. More subs need collecting and a check needs to be made on future spending.
Donkey Derby profits were approximately £2,500 - £2,600 – final amount not yet known, as one of the hire vehicles had been damaged, the repairs for which could cost up to £500. Tony was unaware of the damage, but it was confirmed that the roller shutter has been damaged by hitting the gate. Income from programme sales was £1,000 and £3,039 from advertising within the programme.
£100+ was handed over at the meeting for programme sales. Pat & Stan submitted expenses in the region of £300. This years event made a little more than 2005 (which was £2,276)
Tony M. had distributed the prizes with the exception of the Boots Vouchers and the gift from Oxted Electrical. The person who won the first prize donated £50 back to the group.
£75 donation to be made to St. John for their cover at the event.
The cost of the donkeys is increasing each year - £767 this year, and the takings on the tote were lower - £189 compared to £269 last year. The payouts ranged from £1.10 - £1.80 for a 50p stake, with the betting dropping off for the later races. It was agreed that perhaps the location of the tent needed to be moved to a more prominent location, and be better advertised. It was discussed as to whether higher prizes may encourage more people to bet. Malcolm to look into the laws regarding tote payments.
Pat & Stan explained how difficult it had been to get parent help, as with the half term and inset days many of them were on holiday. They suggested a change of date, and if it remained during ½ term week they felt they would not be prepared to help organise the event again. Mike agreed that they needed more help. A discussion was held on changing the date and it was agreed to try it a week later next year. It was also agreed that the adverts for the programme need to be collected earlier to allow more time to get parent helpers, and Pat to delegate jobs to other committee members. Tony M suggested that perhaps the Firework party in March could be used to try to get help at the Donkey Derby, but Mike felt that request for help needed to be made as early as Jan or Feb.
An increase in subs to cover the shortfall was discussed, with possibly a discount being offered to those parents who help at the Donkey Derby.
More stalls need to be run by the group, so that the full profit can be gained, as only 30% is given by external stall holders, who appear to make large amounts of profit for themselves.
It was felt that the dog display was not very good this year, and ideas are needed for a new central attraction.
Beer tent – various requests had been received for one to be run during the event – if it is done then it needs to be set up properly. Tea tent – it was agreed to refund the cost of the gaz bottles borrowed from the guides for this (Carole to sort this out). Carole also asked if electricity could be supplied for the tea tent next year as electric urns would be quicker and easier to use.
Mike had received a call from the Surrey Mirror about an article on the event – he confirmed it was too early to put in a full report giving the total made, but suggested pictures were put in the next edition noting that “everyone was having fun”. A full report to be sent later.
As a number of the longstanding Donkey Derby helpers were standing down, Pat suggested something be done for them by way of a thank you.
Thanks to Pat & Stan for the catering, and also to Mike for helping clear the hall, as it has been very messy (see HQ below). Carole passed a copy of the AGM minutes to Malcolm.
As per above, the hall is still being left in a mess, Nick Hough to be asked to organise a cleaning rota, and to ensure it is adhered to. Each section are reminded that they are responsible for leaving the hall & kitchen clean and tidy after their weekly meetings.
Railtrack – Tony B said they will not be returning to the site.
Grants – Tony confirmed he has received a grant of £1,500 from Gatwick Community Trust, and was still awaiting news from the grant from SCC.
Mike enquired what was being done about the toilets. Plans have been drawn up, and an application needs to be made for Building Regulation approval. Awaiting money from grants to progress. Tony Soutter is willing to help with this work.
Malcolm would like to see the work completed by the end of the year, so money in future can be used for new equipment for the group.
BIKE SALE:8th July
If this is to go ahead then organisation needs to start a.s.a.p. Letters to be sent to parents requesting help, and a briefing session needs to be organised to explain how the event is run. Tony M not able to attend, Jenny offered to be treasurer for the event. If the event is being run Malcolm can put up posters this weekend. Possibly ask Christine Norris to help out, or offer advice.
Scram – Pat needs a cheque for this event. Tony Soutter is unable to attend so Stan is standing in to take the boys, and it was agreed the group would pay his coach fare.
Pat to organise a book sale at the HQ to get rid of some of the books left over from the DD. Date to be confirmed.
Pat confirmed tea & coffee left over from the DD is available if needed at the Bike Sale. She also requested a lockable cabinet at the HQ to store miscellaneous catering items.
Fireworks – Carole had received a brochure from Pains Fireworks (she was still on the mailing list from Scoutabout), and passed this to Malcolm for future reference.
Music Quiz – Carole handed out invite to a Music Quiz at Warlingham Methodist Church on 1 July. The event is being held to fund raise for the group she is taking to a Jamboree in Norway in the summer. Anyone requiring tickets please let Carole know.
Date of next meeting: Monday 10th July 2006 - 8 p.m. at Oxted British Legion