Meeting of the INFORMand INIO networks of EU cohesion policy communicators
30 May - 1June 2017, VILA VITA Pannonia, Storchengasse 1, Pamhagen, Austria
Tuesday,30May 2017
From 16.00 / Marketplace: Present yourself/ your latest promotional material. This is a firstinformal networking opportunity to exchange on communication issues and to catch up with colleagues.More info:
17.00-19.00 / INFORM&INIO core group meeting (restricted, two delegates per country) – Room: Seewinkelhalle
Moderators : Agnès Monfret, Head of Communication Unit, DG REGIO, European Commission, Stefan de Keersmaecker, Deputy Head of Unit, DG EMPL, European Commission
- Communication priorities: Council conclusions of 25 April 2017, Joint Communication Actions, and European Parliament resolutions
- Ongoing EU-wide campaigns: Invest.EU, Europe in My Region 2017 and ESF 60 Years
- Communication budgets 2014-2020
- Reporting obligations: Communication chapter in the final report 2007-2013 programme period and Mid-Term assessment on communication in the AIR 2017
- Call for ERDF project applications – gathering all links on Inforegio
- Accessibility of Websites – how do you comply with this requirement in practice?
- Communication rules post 2020 – the timeline ahead
19.30 / Networking dinner
Wednesday, 31May 2017
Plenary sessions – Room: Seewinkelhalle08.30-09.00 / Registration
09.00-09.30 / Welcome byHarald Horvath, CEORegionalmanagement Burgenlandand Agnès Monfret, Head of Communication Unit, DG REGIO, European Commission
Setting the scene:
Dana Spinant, Director Communication, DG REGIO, European Commission:
- White paper on Europe, GAC Council conclusions, European Parliament activities,
- Joint communication action plan by Commissioners Crețu and Thyssen
09.30-10.40 / Panel debate – Do good, and talk about it - Making the results of cohesion policy more visible to European citizens: the way ahead
Moderator: Stefan de Keersmaecker, Deputy Head of Unit, DG EMPL, European Commission
- Gerhard Maier, ORF, Zeit im Bild,
- Dana Spinant, Director, DG REGIO, European Commission
- Dr. Carlos Mendez, EPRC, University of Strathclyde
10.40-11.00 / Peter Fischer, DG REGIO; Boris Kandziora, DG EMPL:
- Report from the INFORM/INIO core members meeting
- Making EU investments visible: EU in My Region campaign; ESF 60th Anniversary
- INTERREG volunteers (reminder)
11.00-11.15 / Coffee break
11.15-12.45 / From words to action: How can you put these ideas into concrete communication actions about EU Cohesion policy? Room: Seewinkelhalle
Collective brainstorming exercise in small groups facilitated by Peter Fischer& Matteo Salvai, DG REGIO; Boris Kandziora & Christine Zöllner, DG EMPL
12.45-14.00 / Lunch (Buffet)
4 Parallel workshops repeated once
Round 2: (15.45-17.15) / Workshop A1/A2 –Creatingstorytelling material using mobile journalism tools (smartphones and more) Room: Darscho
Speaker: Guillaume Kuster,Samsa
Rapporteur: Matteo Salvai, DG REGIO
Workshop B1/B2– The power of emotions: creating videos with an impact Room: Seewinkelhalle
Speaker: Diarmaid Mac Mathúna, Head of Client Services,Agtel;
Short video example by Paula Vicente, Head of Communication, Cohesion and Development agency, Portugal
Rapporteur: Lina Marcinkute, DG REGIO
Coffee will be served from 15.30-15.45 / Workshop C1/C2 –Data-driven communication: the use of Open Data for data journalism and visualisation Room: Schwarzsee
Facilitator: Szilvia Mészáros, Head of Cabinet, Prime Minister's Office, Hungary
Speakers: Anna Alberts,; Simona De Luca, Department for Cohesion Policy, Italy;
Rapporteur:Christine Zöllner, DG EMPL
Workshop D1/D2 – Post-2020 communication rules Room: Lange Lacke
Facilitators/Rapporteurs: Peter Fischer, DG REGIO and Boris Kandziora, DG EMPL
17.15-17.45 / Closing Plenary session Room: Seewinkelhalle
- Feedback by the four rapporteurs from Workshops A1-D2
- Conclusions and next steps
17.45-18.30 / Pitch your best communication campaign/action and win a prize -
Moderator: Stefan de Keersmaecker, DG EMPL
19.00 / Departure by bus to networking dinner in a regional setting with local culinary specialties,
offered by Burgenland region (first bus back to the hotel at 10 p.m.)
Thursday, 1 June 2017
09.00-13.00 / Project visitsMore information:
ESF Roma project
National Park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel
Aviation Academy
Departure by shuttle bus to the airportdepending on participants' flight schedule