SECTION 31 23 23
A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section:
1. ASTM International (ASTM):
2. C117, Standard Test Method for Materials Finer Than 75Micrometers (No.200) Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by Washing.
3. C136, Standard Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates.
4. D75, Standard Practice for Sampling Aggregates.
5. D1557, Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000ftlbf/ft3 (2,700kNm/m3)).
6. D4253, Standard Test Methods for Maximum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils Using a Vibratory Table.
7. D4254, Standard Test Method for Minimum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils and Calculation of Relative Density.
8. D6938, Standard Test Methods for In-Place Density and Water Content of Soil and Soil-Aggregate by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth).
9. The Standards for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control in New Jersey; latest ed.
A. Relative Compaction:
1. Ratio, in percent, of as-compacted field dry density to laboratory maximum dry density as determined in accordance with ASTMD1557.
2. Apply corrections for oversize material to either as-compacted field dry density or maximum dry density, as determined by Engineer.
B. Optimum Moisture Content:
1. Determined in accordance with ASTM Standard specified to determine maximum dry density for relative compaction.
2. Determine field moisture content on basis of fraction passing 3/4inch sieve.
C. Relative Density: Calculated in accordance with ASTMD4254 based on maximum index density determined in accordance with ASTMD4253 and minimum index density determined in accordance with ASTMD4254.
D. Prepared Ground Surface: Ground surface after completion of required demolition, clearing and grubbing, scalping of sod, stripping of topsoil, excavation to grade, and subgrade preparation.
E. Completed Course: A course or layer that is ready for next layer or next phase of Work.
F. Lift: Loose (uncompacted) layer of material.
G. Geosynthetics: Geotextiles, geogrids, or geomembranes.
H. Well-Graded:
1. A mixture of particle sizes with no specific concentration or lack thereof of one or more sizes.
2. Does not define numerical value that must be placed on coefficient of uniformity, coefficient of curvature, or other specific grain size distribution parameters.
3. Used to define material type that, when compacted, produces a strong and relatively incompressible soil mass free from detrimental voids.
I. Influence Area: Area within planes sloped downward and outward at 60degree angle from horizontal measured from:
1. 1foot outside outermost edge at base of foundations or slabs.
2. 1foot outside outermost edge at surface of roadways or shoulder.
3. 0.5foot outside exterior at spring line of pipes or culverts.
J. Borrow Material: Material from required excavations or from designated borrow areas on or near Site.
K. Selected Backfill Material: Materials available onsite that Engineer determines to be suitable for specific use.
L. Imported Material: Materials obtained from sources offsite, suitable for specified use.
M. Granular Backfill: Fill materials as required under structures, pavements, and other facilities.
N. Embankment Material: Fill materials required to raise existing grade in areas other than under structures.
O. Standard Specifications: When referenced in this section, shall mean the New Jersey Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, latest edition.
A. Action Submittals:
1. Shop Drawings: All Storm Sewer Structures including, manhole and catch basin recommendation for backfill around each structure.
B. Informational Submittals:
1. Manufacturer’s data sheets for compaction equipment.
2. Certified field and lab test results from independent testing agency.
3. Certified lab test results of imported granular backfill to be used under structures, pavements and other facilities.
4. Fill placement criteria report, including equipment and methodologies, based on results of the certified lab tests of imported granular backfill to be used under structures, pavements and other facilities signed and sealed by a Geotechnical Engineer licensed in the State of New Jersey.
A. Notify Engineer when:
1. Storm Sewer Structure or piping is ready for backfilling, and whenever backfilling operations are resumed after a period of inactivity.
2. Soft or loose subgrade materials are encountered wherever embankment or site fill is to be placed.
3. Fill material appears to be deviating from Specifications.
A. Complete applicable Work specified in Section024100, Demolition; Section311000, Site Clearing; and Section312316, Excavation, prior to placing fill or backfill.
B. Backfill against concrete structures only after concrete has attained compressive strength, specified in Section033000, Cast-in-Place Concrete. Obtain Engineer’s acceptance of concrete work and attained strength prior to placing backfill.
C. Do not place granular base, subbase, or surfacing until after subgrade has been prepared as specified in this section.
A. Gradation Tests shall be performed as necessary to locate acceptable sources of imported material and/or imported granular backfill.
B. Material imported to the site shall be certified clean fill in accordance with applicable local, state and federal regulations pursuant to definition therein. Contractor shall submit a copy of such certification to the Engineer and Owner.
C. Imported granular backfill shall be tested at a minimum of one test per 5,000 CY for compaction characteristics (ASTM D1557) or more frequently as necessary to allow representative in-situ field testing of the material to be performed.
D. The Contractor is responsible for all cuts and fills and trench backfills using either on-site cut material that meets structural requirements (approved by the soils engineer) or off-site structural fill material (approved by the soils engineer) at no additional cost to the owner.
A. Imported granular backfill is to be obtained by the contractor and approved by the Engineer for use on this Project.
B. Imported granular backfill containing rocks larger than 3inches, roots and other organic matter, ashes, cinders, trash, debris, and other deleterious materials will not be accepted for use as fill material.
C. Free from dirt, clay balls, and organic material.
D. Well-graded from coarse to fine and containing sufficient fines to bind material when compacted, but with maximum 20percent by weight passing No.200 sieve and have a plasticity index (PI) not greater than 8 percent.
2.03 SAND
A. Free from clay, organic matter, or other deleterious material.
B. Gradation as determined in accordance with ASTMC117 and ASTMC136:
Sieve Size / Percent Passing by Weight /1/4inch / 100
No. 4 / 95 - 100
No. 200 / 0 - 8
A. As specified in Section31 23 23.15, Trench Backfill.
A. Clean, hard, durable gravel, free from foreign materials and washed.
B. Gradation as determined in accordance with ASTMNo. 57 for Open-Graded Base to be used around all underdrain piping:
Sieve Size / Percent Passing by Weight /1/2inch / 100
inch / 95 to 100
1/2 inch / 25 to 60
No.4 / 0 to 10
No.8 / 0 to 5
A. Free of hazardous or toxic contaminates, or contaminants deleterious to proper compaction.
A. As specified in Section321123, Aggregate Base Courses.
A. Crushed rock or pit run rock.
B. Uniformly graded from coarse to fine.
C. Free from excessive dirt and other organic material.
D. Maximum 21/2inch particle size.
A. Keep placement surfaces free of water, debris, and foreign material during placement and compaction of fill and backfill materials.
B. Contractor shall provide positive drainage in all areas designated as future building pad as noted on plans.
C. Place and spread fill and backfill materials in horizontal lifts of uniform thickness, in a manner that avoids segregation, and compact each lift to specified densities prior to placing succeeding lifts. Slope lifts only where necessary to conform to final grades or as necessary to keep placement surfaces drained of water.
D. Do not place fill or backfill, if fill or backfill material is frozen, or if surface upon which fill or backfill is to be placed is frozen.
E. If pipe, conduit, duct bank, or cable is to be laid within fill or backfill:
1. Fill or backfill to an elevation 2feet above top of item to be laid.
2. Excavate trench for installation of item.
3. Install bedding, if applicable, as specified in Section31 23 23.15, Trench Backfill.
4. Install item.
5. Backfill envelope zone and remaining trench, as specified in Section31 23 23.15, Trench Backfill, before resuming filling or backfilling specified in this section.
F. Tolerances:
1. Final Lines and Grades: Within a tolerance of 0.1foot unless dimensions or grades are shown or specified otherwise.
2. Grade to establish and maintain slopes and drainage as shown. Reverse slopes are not permitted.
G. Settlement: Correct and repair any subsequent damage to structures, pavements, curbs, slabs, piping, and other facilities, caused by settlement of fill or backfill material.
A. Notify Engineer when demolition and/or excavations have reached existing subgrade.
B. If Engineer determines that unsatisfactory soil is present, continue excavation and replace with structural backfill or fill material as directed.
C. Exposed subgrades shall be thoroughly proofrolled/compacted, in the presence of a qualified Geotechnical Engineer licensed in the state of New Jersey, using a fully loaded tandem axle dump truck (or approved equal method), in an attempt to identify unstable (soft, yielding, etc.) surface areas. Truck shall be fully loaded with reclaimed asphalt material removed from project site by milling. Do not proof-roll wet, saturated or frozen subgrades.
D. Completely proof-roll subgrade in one direction, repeating proof-rolling in direction perpendicular to first direction. Limit vehicle speed to 3 mph.
E. Excavate soft spots, unsatisfactory soils, and areas of excessive pumping or rutting, as determined by the Engineer, and replace with structural backfill or fill as directed.
F. Reconstruct subgrades damaged by freezing temperatures, frost, rain, accumulated water, or construction activities, as directed by Architect, without additional compensation.
A. Stockpile imported structural fill material and excavated satisfactory soil materials without intermixing. Place, grade, and shape stockpiles to drain surface water. Place soil stockpile areas in accordance with the approved Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plans or as directed by the Engineer.
1. Stockpile areas must be surrounded by a sediment barrier (silt fence).
A. Place approved fill in lifts of maximum thickness of 8 inches and compact each lift to a minimum of 95percent relative compaction as determined in accordance with ASTMD1557.
B. Dress completed embankment with allowance for topsoil, crest surfacing, and slope protection, where applicable and/or as shown on the approved Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plans.
C. The percentage of maximum dry density attained in the field is not the only criteria to be used for assessing fill compaction. Observations by a qualified Geotechnical Engineer licensed in the state of New Jersey of the behavior of the fill under the loads of construction equipment should also be used. If the test results indicate that the percentage of compaction is being achieved, but the soil mass is moving under load of the equipment being used, placement of additional fill should not be continued until the movement is stabilized at the direction of the Engineer.
A. Gradation:
1. One sample from each 5,000tons of finished product (other than imported or dredge structural backfill) or more often as determined by Engineer, if variation in gradation is occurring, or if material appears to depart from Specifications.
2. If test results indicate material does not meet Specification requirements, terminate material placement until corrective measures are taken.
3. Remove material placed in Work that does not meet Specification requirements.
4. In-Place Density Tests: In accordance with ASTMD6938 after each lift, or as directed by Engineer.
A. Place and Compact as shown on plans, and specified in Section321123B, Aggregate Base Courses.
A. Replace excavation carried below grade lines shown or established by Engineer as follows:
1. Beneath Fill or Backfill: Same material as specified for overlying fill or backfill.
2. Trenches:
a. Unauthorized Overexcavation: Either trench stabilization material or granular pipe base material, as specified in Section31 23 23.15, Trench Backfill.
b. Authorized Overexcavation: Trench stabilization material, as specified in Section31 23 23.15, Trench Backfill.
B. Permanent Cut Slopes (Where Overlying Area is Not to Receive Fill or Backfill):
1. Flat to Moderate Steep Slopes (3:1, Horizontal Run: Vertical Rise or Flatter): Structural backfill.
2. Steep Slopes (Steeper than 3:1):
a. Correct overexcavation by transitioning between overcut areas and designed slope adjoining areas, provided such cutting does not extend offsite or outside easements and right-of-ways, or adversely impacts existing facilities, adjacent property, or completed Work.
3. Backfilling overexcavated areas is prohibited, unless in Engineer’s opinion, backfill will remain stable, and overexcavated material is replaced as compacted structural backfill.
A. General:
1. Place fill over geosynthetics with sufficient care so as not to damage them.
2. Place fill only by back dumping and spreading only.
3. Dump fill only on previously placed fill.
4. While operating equipment, avoid sharp turns, sudden starts or stops that could damage geosynthetics.
B. Hauling: Operate hauling equipment on minimum of 3feet of covering.
C. Spreading:
1. Spreading equipment shall be track mounted, low ground pressure, D6 or lighter.
2. Operate spreading equipment on minimum of 12inches of fill over geosynthetics.
3. Spread fill in same direction as unseamed overlaps to avoid separation of seams and joints.
4. Never push fill downslope. Spread fill over sideslopes by pushing up from slope bottom.
5. Correct wrinkles in geotextiles as specified in New Jersey Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction 2007 (NJDOT 2007). Maintain proper overlap of unseamed geosynthetics.
6. Avoid overstressing geosynthetics and seams.
D. Compaction: Compact fill only after uniformly spread to full lift thickness specified.
Barlow Parking Improvements Project FILL AND BACKFILL
Stockton University 31 23 23 - 1
PAI Project SSCO1501 Issued for Bid September 17, 2015