Presidents Team Reading and Supply Letter

Dear Parents/ Guardians:

Welcome to CentralMiddle School. In a few short months, your children will be experiencing one of their biggest transitions to this point. In order to help with this stressful time, we believe that organization is one of the most important ways to make the students feel prepared and successful. With that in mind, we have provided a list of supplies needed for each class. Also, there are a few helpful suggestions provided that we have found to help the students over the years. Please try to have these materials by the first week of school so we can help the students get organized.

Material Needed:

Language Arts: One subject notebook(Largest size possible), blue or black pens, two-pocket folder

Science: Marble composition notebook

Reading: A book for silent reading during every term,a two-pocket folder, blue or black pen

Math: Three subject notebook,pencils, two-pocket folder

Social Studies: One inch binder, loose leaf paper, dividers, two-pocket folder

One box of tissues per child for his/her homeroom teacher

Bleach wipes(Clorox, Lysol etc.) to keep desks clean and limit spread of germs are helpful too

Locks will not be needed in the new school.

Highlighter, colored markers or pencils, small calculator, extra pens or pencils, erasers, pencil sharpener, White-out pens(No bottles please!)


  • Practice opening a combination lock at home. This will avoid any anxiety, and limit the number of students who are late for lunch
  • Folders and notebooks for each class could be color coded (red folder and red notebook for math, blue notebook and blue folder for Language Arts, black folder to match composition notebook for science.) Different colors for each subject make it easier for the children to find folders quickly.
  • Extra materials may be kept in lockers for when the pen dries out, or the eraser needs a new top.
  • Backpacks with wheels may not fit in the lockers!

Summer Reading:

In addition to the suggested summer reading posted at your required reading for the summer is The Bridge to Terabithia, by Katherine Paterson. We have reserved 50 copies of it for you at the Thomas Crane Library. Be sure to check on-line for some fun games related to the book.

Thank you,

ThePresidents’ Team

Mr. Lenane, Science & Social Studies

Ms. Monaco, Social Studies & Reading Skills

Ms. Brooks, English/Language Arts & Reading Skills

Ms. Ioanilli, Math

Ms. Matthews, English/Language Arts & Reading Skills