District 5370 Youth Exchange Trips and Travel Philosophy
- As stewards of the Youth Exchange Program for District 5370 we believe the greatest impact for a positive experience is for each student to focus on how to give back to their local community and make a lasting impression on the people of that community - Host parents, school, friends, Rotarians and the broader community who have adopted them.
- The trips provided by our District have been chosen for their Canadian cultural experiences and overall benefits to the student and our 5370 program.
- Tip Toe With The Caribou – Hosted by the Rotary Club of Lloydminster
- ElwynGrattidge Rocky Mountain Canoe Adventure–Hosted by the Rotary Club of Camrose
- Jasper Ski Weekend - Host by the Rotary Club of Downtown Edmonton
- Youth Exchange is not a travel experience to other countries – students choose Canada because they want to experience Canada.
- Travel with host families over spring break or at Christmas or to attend a Rotary Convention is one thing.
- Multipleout of Canada trips is inconsiderate to ask for and too much for clubs to even consider providing our students.
- Exchange students who are spending time in their communities giving back are jealous because of the opportunities some clubs afford one or two of their Inbound exchange friends.
- Counsellors from other communities are placed in the unenviable position of not being able to provide their students with similar opportunities and having to say NO.
- Exchange students need to have a TEENAGE experience connecting with local friends in their host community and hanging out on weekends going to movies and sports events.
- Too much time spent travelling and Rotarians will not remember who their student was and why they agreed to host a student in the first place.
- Host parents will be reluctant to take students in the future if they think student expectations are too high and unreasonable.
Apply the Rotary Four Way Test:
- Is it the truth
- Is it fair to all concerned
- Will it build goodwill and better friendships
- Will it be beneficial to all concerned
Not if the objective is to satisfy every wish an exchange student might have or every opportunity we as Rotarians believe they deserve:
- Youth exchange is not about indulging our student’s every wish – It is NOT Make a Wish Program.
- It is about service above self – Being Truthful about your commitment to the objectives of Rotary.
- It is about teaching our youth to think of others and not to be self centered just because they were selected as a youth exchange student.
- What has your student done for the club?
- How are they Building Goodwill in the community?
- Will your club and host families burn out trying to keep up – Fair to All Concerned?
- Can your club live up to the precedent and expectations in future years – Not Beneficial to All Concerned.
- What message are the other exchange students in 5370 receiving – Building Better Friendships.
- Be First as an exchange student - Be on purpose in your community – Be grateful – Be of Service – connect – leave a legacy – Be Curious about Canada – Be Here Now.
Youth Exchange Tree: This is what being an Exchange Student is about
Phase I: Living Within – the foundation (the roots) of your exchange.
- Learn language basics
- Establish rapport with counsellor & host family
- Respect, understand and observe local customs & laws
Phase II: Ambassador – growing, sharing and developing – branching out.
- Regular speaking roles (Rotary, school, and/or community)
- Extensive contact network (Rotarians, adults, & school friends)
- High level of functioning in local language
- Deepening understanding of Canadian culture
- Sharing homeland culture
Phase III: Leaving a Legacy – “Fruits” of your exchange year are born – giving back.
- Freely sharing your passion, gifts and talents for a greater purpose
- Initiating an endeavour, action, or project that contributes to others
Wayne S. McCutcheon
RYE Chair
District 5370 Alberta, Canada
The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands
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