Wednesday 19th April 2017 Grendon Outdoor Learning Centre
Chair Chris Holmes / Minute Taker: Ana Adams
Present: Chris Holmes, Gary Sheppard, Janet Doran, Adam Rigarlsford, Norman Stronach, Stephen Marks, Janet Goodliffe
Apologies: Cllr Steve North, Cllr Matthew Golby, Stephen North
13. / Welcome
CH Introduced Scott Hartley, the director of Press Red who will be helping with the governance and strategy review.
Minutes of the last Meeting
Minutes agreed from last meeting
Matters Arising
- NS asked if sponsorship was still needed for the 2018 Women’s Tour. MG noted expressions of interest for 2018 from, Corby, Kettering, and Daventry & East Northants.
- Healthy Child Programme - This is the third and final funded year from public health with the programme finishing on the 31stAug. Focusing on physical activity, mental health & diet/nutrition the programme was well received by schools with 125 School signed up. There will be showcase week coming up on the 22nd May for schools to attend and there is a hope that the programme will continue. GS outlined the intent to attract funding direct from schools via “buy in” service. SN asked if there was an evaluation process for this, CH confirmed that Northampton Uni had been conducting this. Also there is an expectation that the “sugar tax” will be given to the school so they could use this to “buy into “the Healthy Child project but there is still no confirmation of this.
It was noted that the Summer school games will be taking place on the 6th July.
CH explained that an expression of interest had been submitted to Sport England to become to Local Delivery Area for the County. There will hopefully be an 8 week turnaround, CH will send a copy of this to Press Red.
CSP Future
CH outlined the position regarding future funding for County Sports Partnerships from Sport England. An outline of ‘contract of services/role’ had been expected during April. This has been delayed and a decision is expected to be taken at the Sport England Board meeting on 21st June.
SM commented that we still don’t know how much funding we will get, or what we will have to use the funding for, therefore, plans will need to be mde for every eventuality. CH outlined his view that NSport is not a million miles away from what Sport England are looking for.
NS asked if the local authority contributions have been confirmed yet, is there a decrease in contributions from FFW? CH - we will receive 100k from NCC for this year and we expect there to be a further decrease next year.
JG - what projects have been removed? CH – Sportivate has now finished, The Satellite Clubs programme will also be have to re-apply for continuation of its funding in June.
Participation Insight Report (Press Red)
Presentation delivered by Press Red (please see attached) looking at data from the Active People & Active Lives survey and the 2011 census. CH reported that this work has been undertaken in order to get NSport into a stronger position in terms of understanding the priorities in our area. It will also be a very useful baseline for the new strategy for Physical Activity and Sport.
SH noted that the report looks at the inactive data and how we can the greatest return and also focus on reducing inequality. Priority themes are emerging already.
CH will be meeting with local authority representatives during May, June and July alongside Press Red to discuss. CH will also be meeting with Planning, Housing and Disability network and will pass details on Press Red.
Governance review
CH introduced the paper circulated with the agenda. This makes note of the requirement for all Sport England funded bodies to meet the criteria of their recently released ‘Code of Sports Governance’.
CH explained that Sport England had granted an additional £20,000 to NSport to secure external support to (1) create the new Strategy and (2) review the Governance arrangements (and ensure we are compliant). An initial audit/assessment against the criteria has been completed.
SM noted the potential to extend the membership of the Board, inputting additional expertise from other fields - possibility to look at have a GP on the board as well as someone from a Disability group? A note was made of the differences that might exist in terms of governance for a hosted CSP. CH indicated that all CSPs must meet the requirements, or have in place a robust action plan to do so, by end-September 2017.
Core Team Structure
CH highlighted the points made in the paper circulated with the agenda. That the revised role plus potential changes in funding result in the need to re-assess the structure of the NSport core team.
A decision will have to be made with our staff restructure over the summer as we broadly know what funding we have.
There are 2-3 posts that will be impacted, possibly more. With the next Board meeting not until July, and time deadlines pressing before then to consultation periods, dismissal meetings and notice periods, it was decided the matter should be delegated to the Chair and Director.
Standing Items
Paper with info, Safeguarding impact plan, board happy
Updates risk register after last meeting, nothing really has changed, funding from local authority can be removed off there for now.
Copy of the quartly performance dashboard – Partner Satisificaation went up.
The interim data in June, the full report in December.
Staff Satisfaction survey - this went down from previous yrs. CH noted the challenges of (1) no home office from Feb to June (2) uncertainty over job future and (3) a specific issue between two members of staff, that could be leading to the overall position.
End of year finance report - CH confirmed that PHW money has gone into the account. Office supplier, venue hire and event organisation is covered by tis money.
Brackley pool contract has now changed ½ way through the year.
JG is unable to attend the next meeting on the 26th July, we will look to schedule another date in July if possible. / CH