IV. EU RTN FU Workshop

11 -17 September 2008, Varna, Bulgaria

Titles of Talks

Name / Title
Airault, Helene / Siegel disks in finite and infinite dimension
Alvarez-Gaume, Luis / Scaling phenomena in gravity and YM theory
Amariti, Antonio / Stringy instanton and strong dynamics
Andriot, David / New supersymmetric flux vacua of type II string theory with $SU(3)\times SU(3)$ structure
Anguelova, Lilia / Flux Vacua Attractors and Generalized Compactifications
Beisert, Niklas / Integrability in the AdS/CFT correspondence
Bengtsson, Anders / Space-time mechanical models for higher spin fields
Bergshoeff, Eric / The Superconformal Gaugings in Three Dimensions
Berman, David / Aspects of multiple membranes
Bianchi, Massimo / Bound states of D-branes in L-R asymmetric string vacua
Bietenholz, Wolfgang / The Photon Dispersion Relation in a Non-Commutative World
Bigazzi, Francesco / Adding massive dynamical flavors to the gauge/string correspondence
Bykov, Dmitri / Semiclassical Quantization of Spinning Strings in $AdS_4 \times CP^3$
Chatzistavrakidis, Athanasios / Coset Space Dimensional Reduction of the Heterotic Supergravity
De Leeuw, Marius / Bound state S-matrices, Yangian symmetry and the Bethe Ansatz
Denef, Frederik / Black holes
De Roo, Frederik / Free string evolution across pp-wave singularities
Diaconu, Eugen / On the consistent interactions in $D=11$ among a graviton, a massless gravitino and a three-form
Djordjevic, Goran / Quantum Cosmology and Tachyons
Dragovich, Branko / Towards Effective Lagrangians for Adelic Strings
Elmetti, Federico / Vector supersymmetry from $Osp(3,2|2)$: Casimir operators and representations
Feher, Laszlo / On the Hamiltonian reduction approach to duality in Ruijsenaars-Schneider models
Fiamberti, Francesco / Wrapping interactions in standard and beta-deformed N=4 Super Yang-Mills
Garcia Del Moral, Maria Pilar / The M2 minimally immersed on a G2 manifold
Haupt, Alexander / M-theory on Calabi-Yau Five-Folds
Hohenegger, Stefan / Heterotic AdS$_3$/CFT$_2 $ duality with $(0,4)$ spacetime supersymmetry
Hohm, Olaf / Global Limits of Gauged Supergravity [changed!]
Jamsin, Ella / E10 and the fermionic sector of massive type IIA supergravity
Kallosh, Renata / UV properties of $N=8$ supergravity
Kehagias, Alexandros / Gravitino induced supergravity "vacua"
Kiritsis, Elias / Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Holographic QCD
Klimcik, Ctirad / On integrability of the Yang-Baxter sigma model
Koerber, Paul / D-branes on AdS flux compactifications
Koers, Simon / Effective theory of type IIA $AdS_4$ compactifications on nilmanifolds and cosets
Korchemsky, Gregory / Dual superconformal symmetry of scattering amplitudes in $N=4$ super-Yang-Mills theory. I.
Koshelev, Alexey / Cosmological Signature of Tachyon Condensation
Kreuzer, Maximilian / The making of Calabi-Yau spaces: Beyond toric hypersurfaces
Krishnan, Chethan / Membranes, Strings and (a Little) Integrability
Lin, Shu / Thermalization of $\{cal N}=4$ SYM and Gravitational Collapse
Linde, Andrei / String cosmology
Liu, Hong / Some applications of string theory to heavy ion collisions
Lozano, Yolanda / Confinement and non-perturbative tachyons in brane-antibrane systems
Luest, Dieter / Seeing through the string landscape -- a string hunter's companion
Niarchos, Vasilis / Multi-String Theories, Massive Gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence
Nissimov, Emil / Lightlike Braneworlds and "Mass Inflation" with Lightlike Branes
Ortin, Tomas / Supersymmetric non-Abelian monopoles and black holes in $N=2,d=4$ Super-Einstein-Yang-Mills Theories
Perz, Jan / First-order flow equations, black holes, and geodesics on symmetric spaces
Pezzella, Franco / Kaehler metrics and Yukawa couplings in magnetized brane world
Popov, Todor / Cremmer-Gervais Quantum Lie Algebras
Rubens, William / Black Holes and Qubits
Safaai, Houman / Aspects of the topological sector of the pure spinor superstring
Schmidt-Colinet, Cornelius / Higher order conformal perturbation theory
Shcherbakov, Andrea / $N=4$ Superconformal Mechanics and Black Holes
Shima, Kazunari / Nonlinear Supersymmetric General Relativity and Unity of Nature
Sitenko, Yurii / Vacuum polarization effects in the cosmic string background
Sokatchev, Emery / Dual superconformal symmetry of scattering amplitudes in $N=4$ super-Yang-Mills theory. II.
Staessens, Wieland / An $N=2$ worldsheet approach to D-branes in Generalized K\"ahler Geometries: II. Dualities
Stelle, Kellogg / Is $N=8$ Supergravity Finite?
Stoimenov, Stoimen / Dimensionful coupling constant in semi-linear Schroedinger equation. Generalization of Schroedinger invariance.
Strassler, Matthew / Preparing for the Early Years of the Large Hadron Collider
Tseytlin, Arkady / Aspects of superstring theory in AdS5 x S5
West, Peter / E theory
Wijns, Alexander / An $N=2$ worldsheet approach to D-branes in Generalized K\"ahler Geometries: I. General formalism
Yeranyan, Armen / The STU Black Holes and Beyond