Module Description 2012/13
Module Code: MAT1520 / Module Title: Biology and Chemistry of Living Systems
Module Convenor: Dr A J Devlin / Module Links:
Credits: 10 / Semester: 2
Pre-requisites: None / Co-requisites: MAT1510
Brief Description (including aims of the course):
MAT1520 provides in-depth knowledge of the biological systems that are core to the Cell and Human Biology element of the courses Materials Science and Engineering (Biomaterials) and Bioengineering . The following are included: protein structure and bonding; enzyme action; the biological defences available at the cellular and systems level to injury, infection and disease; hypersensitivity reactions to biomaterials including dermatitis and oral lesions; blood and disorders of the haematopoietic system; hard and soft tissue response to injury and materials; (some) conditions that may lead to need of tissue replacement. A practical class covers light microscopy, and hands-on cell staining techniques.
This unit aims to: Investigate the organisation of cells and tissues at the microscopic level, particularly in relation to disease, injury etcetera in preparation for Level 2; Investigate the structure and function of proteins and enzymes; Explore the biological defences available at the cellular and systems level to injury, infection and materials; Provide a detailed knowledge of blood, disorders of the haematopoietic system, haemostasis and disorders of haemostasis; Provide an overview of the complicated sequence of events involved in hard and soft tissue repair, and to explore how materials are used to aid these processes.
Course Objectives:
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Discuss the microscopic appearance of cells and tissues and relate these to underlying disease processes (QAA 204 12/07);
- Relate the structure and function of nucleic acids, proteins and enzymes to the chemical properties of their building materials (QAA 204 12/07);
- Demonstrate an appreciable knowledge of the immune system including immunoglobulins, autoimmunity and hypersensitivity reactions;
- Have a detailed knowledge of innate and acquired immunity and of the regulation of immune responses, and be able to discuss specific examples (QAA 204 12/07);
- Have a knowledge and understanding of diseases of haematopoiesis and haemostasis, and of the anaemias and leukaemias (QAA 204 12/07);
- Demonstrate an appreciation of both hard and soft tissue responses to injury and their ability for self repair and aided (by biomaterials) repair;
- Demonstrate an appreciable knowledge of materials selection, including material and processing methods (QAA 245 04/08);
- Demonstrate an appreciable knowledge of appropriate biomaterials (QAA 245 04/08).
Exam: 75%
Practicals: 10%
Other: 15% (Poster)
Booklist (A) Core Test; (B) Secondary Text; (C) Peripheral Reading:
(A) E N Marieb. Human Anatomy and Physiology (6th edition), (Addison Wesley Longman). ISBN 0-8053-4989-8
(B) B Alberts, D Bray, A Johnson, J Lewis, M Raff, K Roberts, P Walker. Essential Cell Biology: An Introduction to the Molecular Biology of the Cell, (Garland). ISBN 0-8153-2791-7
(B) B D Ratner, F J Schoen, J E Lemons. Biomaterials Science: An Introduction to Materials in Medicine, (Academic Press). ISBN 0-12-582460-2
UK-SPEC Learning Outcomes
Please insert an 'x' in the table below against all learning outcomes that are delivered in the module. N.B. The suffix 'm' indicates learning outcomes that are characteristic of the enhanced outcomes expected of MENG graduates.
LEARNING OUTCOME / DESCRIPTION / BENG / MENGUnderpinning Science & Mathematics / US1 / Knowledge & understanding of scientific principles & methodology necessary to underpin their education in their engineering discipline, to enable appreciation of its scientific and engineering context, & to support their understanding of the historical, current & future developments and technologies / x / x
US1m / A comprehensive understanding of the scientific principles of own specialisation & related disciplines / x / x
US2 / Knowledge & understanding of mathematical principles necessary to underpin their education in their engineering discipline and to enable them to apply mathematical methods, tools & notations proficiently in the analysis & solution of engineering problems
US2m / An awareness of developing technologies related to own specialisation / x / x
US3 / Ability to apply & integrate knowledge & understanding of other engineering disciplines to support study of their own engineering discipline / x / x
US3m / A comprehensive knowledge & understanding of mathematical & computer models relevant to the engineering discipline, and an appreciation of their limitations
US4m / An understanding of concepts from a range of areas including some outside engineering, and the ability to apply them effectively in engineering projects / x / x
Engineering Analysis / E1 / Understanding of engineering principles and the ability to apply them to analyse key engineering processes
E1m / An ability to use fundamental knowledge to investigate new & emerging technologies
E2 / Ability to identify, classify and describe the performance of systems & components through the use of analytical methods & modelling techniques
E2m / Ability to apply mathematical & computer-based models for solving problems in engineering, & the ability to assess the limitations of particular cases
E3 / Ability to apply quantitative methods & computer software relevant to their engineering discipline, in order to solve engineering problems
E3m / Ability to extract data pertinent to an unfamiliar problem, & apply in its solution using computer-based engineering tools when appropriate
E4 / Understanding of & ability to apply a systems approach to engineering problems
Design / D1 / Investigate & define a problem & identify constraints including environmental & sustainability limitations, health & safety & risk assessment issues
D1m / Wide knowledge & comprehensive understanding of design processes & methodologies & the ability to apply & adapt them in unfamiliar situations
D2 / Understand customer & user needs & the importance of considerations such as aesthetics / x / x
D2m / Ability to generate an innovative design for products, systems, components or processes to fulfil new needs
D3 / Identify & manage cost drivers
D4 / Use creativity to establish innovative solution
D5 / Ensure fitness for purpose for all aspects of the problem including production, operation, maintenance & disposal
D6 / Manage the design process & evaluate outcomes
Economic, Social & Environmental Context / S1 / Knowledge & understanding of commercial & economic context of engineering processes
S1m / Extensive knowledge & understanding of management & business practices, & their limitations, & how these may be applied appropriately
S2 / Knowledge of management techniques, which may be used to achieve engineering objectives within that context
S2m / The ability to make general evaluations of commercial risks through some understanding of the basis of such risks
S3 / Understanding of the requirement for engineering activities to promote sustainable development
S4 / Awareness of the framework of relevant legal requirements governing engineering activities, including personnel, health, safety, & risk (including environmental risk) issues / x / x
S5 / Understanding of the need for a high level of professional & ethical conduct in engineering / x / x
Engineering Practice / P1 / Knowledge of characteristics of particular materials, equipment, processes, or products / x / x
P1m / A thorough understanding of current practice & its limitations, & some appreciation of likely new developments / x / x
P2 / Workshop & laboratory skills / x / x
P2m / Extensive knowledge & understanding of a wide range of engineering materials & components
P3 / Understanding of contexts in which engineering knowledge can be applied (e.g. operations & management, technology development, etc)
P3m / Ability to apply engineering techniques taking account of a range of commercial & industrial constraints
P4 / Understanding use of technical literature & other information sources / x / x
P5 / Awareness of nature of intellectual property & contractual issues
P6 / Understanding of appropriate codes of practice & industry standards / x / x
P7 / Awareness of quality issues
P8 / Ability to work with technical uncertainty